Su Tian only felt a flower in front of him

The surrounding scene goes from black in the black hole

It’s a place that is obviously a suburb!

There are basically no houses around

Only some low peaks can be seen around

“Not to mention, it’s a little similar to the back mountains in Kamen Rider.”

Looking at the surrounding scene, Su Tian silently complained in his heart.

The map of [Competitive Ranking] is random

I didn’t expect my first [competitive ranking],

Just gave such a place.

Look around,

Su Tian quickly discovered his opponent

At a distance of about 200 meters from yourself,

A predominantly white Kamen Rider is sitting on a large rock

Kamen Rider Big Tooth!

After seeing each other, Su Tian shook his head slightly


As Kamen Rider Big Tooth,

You should hide in the shadows when you appear

Then take the opportunity to use the final advent!

“This person doesn’t fit Kamen Rider Big Tooth at first glance!”

Su Tian said silently in his heart.

“It’s really Kamen Rider Kiva!”

“It seems that my opponent this time should be very interesting!”

Kamen Rider Big Tooth slowly stood up

A somewhat sharp-sounding male voice came from among the armor.

Gao Chungui actually obtained Kamen Rider Great Tooth for a short time

And his compatibility with Kamen Rider Ohya is not very high,

But compared to Kamen Rider Black Shadow,

Gao Chungui prefers to use Kamen Rider Big Tooth even more!

For Kamen Rider Kiva,

Gao Chungui once heard that

But this is the first time to fight it head-on

“Come on, let me see how Kamen Rider Kiva is really strong!”

Gao Chungui said,

While walking unhurriedly towards Su Tian,

At the same time,

Gao Chungui also took out a giant axe

This is an axe-like armed summoner used by Kamen Rider Daiya Kamen Rider Ōya.

Death Call Machine!

Slide the head of the White Tiger attached to the side of the axe blade to load the Advent Card.

Of course,

Can also be used as a weapon

I saw Gao Chungui pull out a card from the card box of his belt

Slide the white tiger head attached to the axe blade of the ‘Death Summoner’

Place the drawn card in it and close it.

“Strike! Vent! (Assault is coming!) )”

The sound effect sounded,

The ‘Death Summoning Machine’ in Gao Chungui’s hand disappeared

In its place is Kamen Rider Ohya’s exclusive armament, the “Death Claw”.

‘Death Claws’ are a pair of giant tiger claw-type weapons

Equipment with high purity and noble two wrists,

“That’s how it feels!”

“Full of wild feeling! This feeling is what I want! ”

Gao Chungui shouted excitedly

The pace towards Su Tian accelerated abruptly

Get faster and faster until you run!


Seeing this, Su Tian took out from his waist the ‘Garuru Flute Whistle’ that was rewarded when he cleared the dungeon!

Smiled slightly:

“If you deal with beasts, use beasts!”

Place the whistle in the mouth of the Kivat Bat III

One blow!

“Garulu! Saber! (Garuru Saber!) )”

Sound effects sound Kivat Bat III came out of the mouth,


Along with the sound effects, there was a wolf roar.

The next second,

Su Tian’s left hand,

A scimitar with a wolf’s head appeared at the hilt

Garuru Saber!

Kamen Rider Kiva’s exclusive weapon in Garuru form.

At the moment when Su Tian held the ‘Garuru Saber’,

Chains began to appear on Su Tian’s left hand and breastplate.

These chains wrapped Su Tian’s left arm and breastplate

After the chain disappeared, Su Tian’s left arm was covered with a layer of blue armor

The armor on the chest also turned blue.

Not only that,

Eye armor, and the eyes of the Kivat Bat III

It’s all turned blue!

Blue in the form of Garuru!

Kamen Rider Kiva, Garuru form!


After changing into Garuru form, Su Tian only felt that the power gushed all over his body

I couldn’t help but look up to the sky and roar,

The roar formed bursts of blue light waves

Spread out in all directions

Gao Chungui, who was originally charging, was hit by this oscillating blue light wave

Subconsciously stopped.

Looking at Su Tian, who was roaring in the sky,

Gao Chungui’s heart uncontrollably rose a strong sense of fear.

This fear is like a black dot

Slowly expand, slowly expand,

Until he is completely wrapped.

“Ju… Can you even change shape? ”

With a cold shiver, Gao Chungui came to his senses

Duo Duo said.

Although his heart was filled with fear, Gao Chungui knew that

At this time, the situation is already like an arrow on the string has to be fired

Only fight!

Thinking of this, Gao Chungui gritted his teeth

Continue to rush towards Su Tian.

When there was still less than three meters away from Su Tian,

Leap sharply,

Jumped into the air,

“Give me death!”

The ‘death claw’ on your wrist swings straight downwards!

With the help of the power bonus from the height down,

Gao Chungui wanted to use his powerful strength to catch Su Tian off guard.

At this time,

Su Tian had already stopped roaring

The roar just now made Su Tian release the powerful energy in his body

It was as if a full place had been released

Let Su Tian relax wholeheartedly


Even so, Su Tian could still feel it in his body

A steady stream of manic power!

That is the power of Kiva’s Garuru form.

Glanced at Gao Chungui who jumped into the air

Su Tian chuckled

Compared to the outbreak, Kiva’s Garuru form is not worthy!

I saw Su Tian swing the ‘Garuru Saber’ in his hand forward



The ‘Garuru Saber’ and the noble ‘Death Claw’ collided,

First, there was a crisp sound of collision

Immediately after,

Gao Chungui was directly cut off by the huge force contained in the ‘Garuru Saber’!

The body flew directly upside down,

After gliding through the air for several meters,

Just fell heavily to the ground!

“How is that possible? Why is his strength so strong? ”

“I remember my ranking was low,”

he said

“Why did I match this existence!”

Gao Chungui, who was knocked to the ground, felt the severe pain on his body

The feelings in my heart are extremely complicated

He couldn’t understand why Su Tian’s strength was so strong

Being able to match himself shows that Su Tian’s ranking is also very low

The strength should be not much different from yourself.


“Perhaps, he is just strong?”

Gao Chungui comforted himself in his heart.

Thinking of this, Gao Chungui supported the ground with both hands

Endured the severe pain in his body and tried hard to get up.

He! There is still a chance!

And Su Tian took back the ‘Garuru Saber’

Then carry it on your shoulders

Looking down at Gao Chungui, who was getting up from the ground

The mouth opened slightly, and he spat out words without a trace of emotion:

“You… It seems to be very weak! ”

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