People get copies,

Then half sold and half cooperated to Tianlu University.

“Evil capitalism!”

Su Tian could only sigh silently.


Right at this time,

A voice suddenly sounded

Look ahead,

On the wall of the podium, a screen full of technology appeared

And on the screen, there are two Kamen Riders standing!

Kamen Rider Ixa and Kamen Rider Joker!

White Kamen Rider and black Kamen Rider!

“This is… Battles in the arena? ”

Su Tian knew that the picture in front of him was brought up by Ye Yao

In [Knight’s Century],

The second plate that creates rooms can have spectators

And the spectators, after obtaining permission from both sides of the battle

You can connect the battle screen with specialized equipment outside

Let people outside also see the battle.

“Kamen Rider Joker and Kamen Rider Ixa…”

“Su Tian, which of them do you think will win?”

Ye Xin’er came over again and asked in a low voice.

Su Tian once again felt the slight heat coming from his left ear

You can also smell the aroma between breaths

I know that Ye Xin’er must have come over again like just now

The heart is shy to shy, but the courage is not small

However, this time Su Tian did not turn his head to meet face-to-face

Instead, he said silently:

“I think it should be that Joker!”


Kamen Rider Joker and Kamen Rider Ixa have gone to war

For these two Kamen Riders, Su Tian is no stranger

Ixa and Kiva come from the same worldview

Speaking of,

Ixa also causes a lot of physical pressure on the wearer at the very beginning

Later, Ixa is optimized, and the pressure is much less.

Anyway, all the suffering made Hongyin also suffer.

And Kamen Rider Joker,

This Heisei knight known as the Showa style of play,

Su Tian also knew.

“Really fake?”

“I feel that the strength of the two of them is not much different!”

“Maybe it’s the opposite of what you said?”

Ye Xin’er frowned.

“The opposite is the opposite!”

Su Tian spread his hands, not caring at all.

Ye Xin’er: “…”

“Don’t you care which of the three of them wins?”

“After entering the dungeon, it’s your teammates!”

Glancing at Su Tian angrily, Ye Xin’er reminded.

“Not necessarily teammates!”

“And maybe the enemy!”

Su Tian replied.

“The enemy should know more about it!”

“Only by knowing oneself and knowing each other can we fight a hundred battles.”

“Don’t you want to get a reward from the quest?”

Seeing Su Tian’s flat attitude, a trace of anxiety appeared on Ye Xin’er’s little face.

“So I’m not seriously watching their fight?”

Su Tian shrugged his eyelids and looked at the screen in front of him

screen within the screen,

The battle is almost over

Kamen Rider Joker has a big advantage.

“You’re going to fall asleep!”

Ye Xin’er complained angrily.

Somehow, it was obviously the first time we met,

Ye Xin’er felt as if she and Su Tian had known each other for a long time

Talking is not unfamiliar at all.

The green shirt smoker seems to have come.

Ye Xin’er looked at Su Tian’s side face, and this sentence suddenly came to mind.

“The end is out!”

“Huh? Oh! Oh! Oh! ”

Ye Xin’er, who was watching into the gods, was drawn by Su Tian’s words

Quickly withdraw your body, sit upright, and then look towards the screen in front of you


Kamen Rider Joker has already triumphed

The opposite IXA throws in the towel!

In [Knight’s Century],

The [Create Room] battle in the second tile

The only battle where you can throw in the towel.

Other places,

Like arenas, dungeons, etc

Only death, can you exit!

The first battle is over

After a brief break,

The one who draws the empty round,

Also fought with Kamen Rider Joker.

About ten minutes later,

Joker won again!

The four quit [Knight Century].

“Okay, now the last person has been chosen!”

“Yi Hongchang, you can get acquainted with everyone first!”

After coming out of [Knight’s Century],

Ye Yao said to one of the three with darker skin.

This boy is Kamen Rider Joker just now.

Yi Hongchang looked excited

Chao Ye Yao nodded and reached the seat in the back.

“Well, the main thing today is to decide the last person.”

“Then let the few of you get acquainted with each other!”

“Now I can move freely and communicate more!”

Ye Yao looked at Su Tian and several people below with satisfaction

When the last sentence is said,

Ye Yao deliberately looked in the direction of Su Tian and Liu Xin

Can hit the top 100,000 in the month before the new student admission

This future is immeasurable!

As the dean of the practical combat academy of Tianlu University,

Ye Yao didn’t want to see these two rising stars

Because when you are too proud, you are struck by something, and you waste your talent.

“Don’t you go straight into the copy today?”

Su Tian heard that they were allowed to move freely and asked.

“Uh…” Ye Yao was stunned

Then he smiled a little embarrassedly and said:

“That copy is at the classmate who hasn’t come yet.”

“She’s a little busy.”

“She should come over tomorrow when school officially starts.”

The classmate in Ye Yao’s mouth,

Naturally, he is the last candidate to enter the quest who has not yet come

That is, the freshman who sold the copy half to Tianlu University.

When Su Tian heard this, he didn’t make a sound.

It’s just that the curiosity of the new student in my heart is a little more.

“Su Tian, do you want me to familiarize you with Tianlu University?”

Ye Xin’er in the rear came over again, and proposed with a slightly red face.

Saying that, there is a sentence added later:

“As your future internship counselor, I have the obligation to take new students to familiarize themselves with Tianlu University.”

Su Tian hesitated slightly, nodded in agreement

The previous month has been soaked in [Knight’s Century].

Just take a break today.

Seeing this, Ye Xin’er was overjoyed

When even if you have to wait for Su Tian to walk outside,

Other students prepared to leave.

But at this very moment,

A voice sounded:

“Ye Yuan, I’m not convinced!”

“I feel that I am stronger than the two of them and more qualified to enter the dungeon!”

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