“That Dean Ye was actually your father just now?”

Out of the school building,

Su Tian looked at Ye Xin’er in surprise


“Don’t look at my father like this now, he was the school grass of Tianlu University when he was young!”

Ye Xin’er shrugged her shoulders, seemingly unable to figure it out

Why does my father change greatly after reaching this age?

“I didn’t expect it!”

“You’re actually a second-generation schooler?”

The word Su Tian of the second generation of the school was not wrong

Compared to a previous life,

This world has an additional word called ‘school second generation’

Because he can be a university leader,

Generally, there is a lot of energy in the [Knight Century].

“How? Are you going to hold my thighs? ”

“How to hold?” Su Tian asked rhetorically.

“Open hands, of course…”

Ye Xin’er said and saw Su Tian’s serious expression

Knowing that Su Tian was thinking differently from himself

Immediately blushed


“Let’s go, I’ll take you to Tianlu University for a walk.”

Seeing this, Su Tian didn’t react at first

When I saw Ye Xin’er’s face,

Only then did I know that Ye Xin’er was talking about really hugging her thighs.

And Su Tian thought it was the meaning of holding the rich woman’s thighs.

“Sure enough, girls are more erotic than boys.”

Secretly sighed,

Su Tian glanced at Ye Xin’er’s leg walking in front

I couldn’t help but smack my lips:

“It doesn’t seem impossible.”

“It’s a little shorter, but you can hold it…”

Time flies very fast,

Wait for Ye Xin’er to wait for Su Tian to finish visiting Tianlu University

When Su Tian returned to the school to prepare the house for the new students

Already came to the evening.

It is similar to the university in Su Tian’s previous life

Tianlu University also has teaching buildings, gymnasiums, football fields, canteens, etc….

Other than that,

In the university of Blue Star,

There is also a dedicated nutrition room.

Nutrition room,

As the name suggests, it is a place that provides nutrition to people.

In [Knight’s Century],

Sometimes it takes a long time

For example, a copy with a very long time limit

Even if there is a difference between the copy time and the actual time

But it is very common to go to a copy in real time for a few days.

This brings us to the existence of a nutrient room!

In the trophic room,

There is a nutrition cabin that can sustain people.

Su Tian listened to Ye Xin’er

When they enter the new copy,

It seems that you need to use a nutrition chamber.

“Although it’s about the same as a university in a previous life,”

“But the better part is that it’s not mandatory to attend a class.”

Su Tian is one of the most satisfied places for Tianlu University

That is, Tianlu University is not mandatory for students to attend classes

As long as you can meet the requirements at the time of the final exam

It’s okay not to go to class.

And the content of the university study is mainly some information about Kamen Rider and weirdos

And then there is a battle or something,

For Su Tian,

These things, it is possible that some teachers are inferior to themselves

So there is not much need to waste time there.

“This house is good.”

Su Tian observed the residence arranged for him by Tianlu University

The house is more than 100 square meters, and everything that should be there,

It will be taken back after graduation

“Wait to get a little money and buy a house outside.”

Su Tian thought about it

Blue Star has not been flipped, so the price is not very outrageous.

Even a big city like the City of Clouds

With the reward money obtained during the martial arts examination,

It is also enough for Su Tian to buy an ordinary house here

But what Su Tian wanted was to be quiet

The kind of inappropriate in the community,

The best thing is the separate house.

The night passed,

Early the next morning,

Su Tian received a call from Ye Xin’er

That freshman arrived at school!

It’s still the same conference room from yesterday

After waiting for Su Tian to arrive,

It was found that someone had already arrived early,

Huo Yao six, Yi Hongchang one,

As well as Liu Xin!

When he saw Liu Xin, Su Tian’s eyebrows raised slightly

It seems that yesterday’s battle was won by this weak-looking girl!

There were two more people in the conference room

Naturally, it is Ye Yao and Ye Xin’er’s father and daughter.

“Su Tian, this way!”

Seeing Su Tian appear at the door, Ye Xin’er, who was sitting in the second row, hurriedly beckoned!

Su Tian saw this scene

First, like Ye Yao at the podium, he nodded, which was regarded as a hello

Then at Ye Xin’er’s call,

did it next to Ye Xin’er.

Ye Yao at the beginning,

Seeing Su Tian nodding to himself, he nodded in response with a smile

But when Ye Yao saw Su Tian beside his daughter,

The gaze froze, and it was no longer that squint,

A pair of eyes stared closely at Su Tian, who was chatting happily with Ye Xin’er

“What’s going on with this kid?”

“Why did you have such a good relationship with Xin’er the next day?”

Ye Yao couldn’t help but feel a little strange in his heart.

When he sighed secretly in his heart, Ye Yao suddenly thought of his private money being discovered yesterday

His private money is very hidden

Only Ye Xin’er betrayed this one possibility

And why did Ye Xin’er choose to betray ,

Think of what happened yesterday,

Ye Yao secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

“Hey, is Lao Tzu’s little cotton jacket really going to be gone?”

When I think of this,

Ye Yao’s eyes looking at Su Tian were faintly like breathing fire.

And Su Tian noticed the look in Ye Yao’s eyes

Ignore it without care

Then leaned into Ye Xin’er’s ear and asked softly:

“What about the freshman? Haven’t come yet? ”

A voice full of magnetism and boyish thickness echoed in my ears

Coupled with the fluctuations in the airflow caused by that slight breath when speaking

Ye Xin’er’s heartbeat instantly began to accelerate

A blush also quickly crept up on his face, and said softly:


“She doesn’t live in school and should still be on the way.”

Ye Yao, who was at the podium, was not far from the second row where Su Tian was

But I want to hear Su Tian and Ye Xin’er talking in a whisper

It’s still very difficult.

Seeing that Su Tian and Ye Xin’er were chatting more and more happily, Ye Yao couldn’t help but be a little anxious

Suddenly, Ye Yao glanced at the mobile phone on the podium

A message was received,

After reading the content of the information, Ye Yao was overjoyed

Immediately put his hand to his mouth,


“All right, students.”

“Your last companion is almost there.”

“Let’s not talk to each other yet.”

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