CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1143: And the memories of Mr Palace

Chapter 1143 and the memory of the r palace

Grab special effort.

When Xiao Nian turned to look at Gong Ou, she saw that he smiled so hard in his eyes.

"I will see you, I will not delay the time."

She said that she just went to see and see.


Miyau looked at her with a deep gaze, and her lips were tight. After a long time, his fingers slowly pulled away from her wrist.

Xiao Nian still maintains a smile and walks up step by step. The voice of the young Master Alva is heard below. "Request you, faster, waste a second, and the safety of the hostage will be weakened. The city’s economy will be paralyzed at any time."

In the eyes of the second young master, the r palace is no different from the existence of a terrorist organization.

When Xiaonian slowly stepped forward, the dress was too big and too heavy, and it was so tired that she walked every step of her way.

Returning to the white room, Xiao Nian looked up at the white chandelier, and the light hit her blue dress, and the waves of the lake were shining.

Everything here is exactly the same as the Science Museum.

She still remembers how much she felt when Miyao first took her to the Science and Technology Museum. At that time, the r palace entered her life for the first time.

"r Palace, I know you are here."

Xiao Niansheng shouted.


Responding to her is a silence.

The whole room was dazzling.

When Xiao Nian turned around and looked around, forcefully loud, "r Palace, I am your master, I need your presence now, please show up!"

Her voice was so loud that she could hear the echo when she reached the wall.

When Xiao Nian stood there.

At the end of the white wardrobe, slowly walked out of a silver mechanical figure, and then one after another.

They are coming towards her.

When Xiao Nian looked at them, they couldn’t tell which one was the r palace and which one was the replica.

"the host."

The three mechanical figures also salute her gentleman, and they still retain what Miyako created.

"I don't have so many robots, I only have family members."

When Xiao Nian stood there laughing and shaking his head, the light reflected the tears in her eyes.

Her voice fell, and the last robot came out and humbled. "Master, what do I need to do?"

Is it?

When Xiao Nian came to it and looked at the blue screen of his eyes, he asked bitterly, "If it wasn't for me, your system could shield me by yourself?"

This is called hiding in human behavior, and it cleverly pushes a copy out and lets them take it away.

"I will always serve the master." The electronic sound of the r palace sounds respectful.

The same tone as before.

"In fact, do you hate it?" Xiao Nian smiled and looked at his face quietly. "I hate to delete the main program left by Miyako."

"Master, you have to worry."

"Since you keep calling my master, then you have to listen to me." When Xiao Nian licked the eyes that were sour and sour, biting the words and using a finger to the outside. "You put the outside people, put the Alva family." All are put, no kidnapping, no money, you have to go with me, come home with me."

Go back to be her family.

"I have already talked with your palace." r Gongdao.


When Xiao Nian did not understand it, he saw that the palace had started a procedure autonomously. In a short while, a holographic image appeared in midair.

It is a memory video.

When Xiao Nian looked at the past, only the Mongol in the costume of the knight, he stood up from the ground, rubbed his arm, and a pair of black eyes looked at the camera sharply.

More accurately, it is to look at the r palace.

This is the first perspective of the r palace.

“It’s not surprising that you can copy an identical science and technology museum with your ability. However, you can’t know how to change your password.” Gong Ou Shen Sheng said, his face is indifferent. “Replacing the password can only mean that you have the idea of ​​master control. ""

This should be what happened after the password change of Gongao Discovery Science and Technology Museum was taken away. He found the r palace.

"Mr. Gong, I will not hurt you, please leave."

The electronic sound of r Palace sounded in the video.

Miyagou went to the console on the side without saying anything, and the slender fingers slammed on it, but the face was getting more and more ugly.

Hey, he looked up. "Do you change the remote control and charging functions?"

"Yes, Mr. Gong, I can control myself freely." The sound of the palace sounds like a madness in the palace. "I want to be the master of this city, let this be a paradise for robots, not just yours." servant."

"When Xiao Nian is looking for you!" Gong Ou screamed, the blue veins on the forehead, no one knows more about the danger of robots being self-conscious. "She has been looking for you, you dare to betray her?"

"I want this city, if she needs me to do something, I will do it too." r Gongdao, "The owner is the meaning of my birth, this city is the meaning of my rebirth."

When Xiao Nian quietly looked at the video, she never knew that the previous r palace, which used a search engine for many words, could say such a thing.

The most special thing about artificial intelligence is self-learning. It turns out that robot learning is such a terrible thing.

“What you have to do is kidnap the city?” Miyako swept through some of the programs on the console and understood, “What is the password for entering your first program?”

"I can't give you, please leave, the master is a weak woman, I will not show her any **** scenes." Even if many passwords are replaced by themselves, the function of deleting the main function is to make the r palace small. There is still absolute loyalty in reading.

"When you miss, you won't let you do this."

"I want this city not to hinder my loyalty to my master." This is two things in the setting of the r palace.

When Xiao Nian looked at the holographic image in midair, my heart was very uncomfortable. Suddenly, I saw the palace in the picture, and the picture was swaying and unstable. It seemed to be entangled in fighting.

In the next second, Gong Ou fell heavily on the ground, his face was sore, and he held his wrist and there was blood overflowing between the fingers.

he is injured?

When Xiao Nian was shocked, she had only been happy to take the copy and left, but she did not find that Gong Ou was injured.

He wants to forcibly take away the r palace?

"Mr. Gong, you should know that you and the people you brought against me." r Palace, the tone is so mad.

Two equally arrogant characters are in a fierce collision.

Gong Ou once again stood up from the ground, clenched his teeth and tied his wrists, restraining the blood from flowing out again.

He looked directly at the direction of the lens, and the black sputum was very dark, and the thin lips smashed a haze. "I will take it with me."

He compromised.

"You made a fairly correct choice, Mr. Gong." r Gongdao.

"Don't think that I am afraid of you, I just don't want to let you see what you are like now." Gong Ou coldly said, "You are just a machine, I can create you, you can destroy you."


r Palace did not speak.

Miyao turned and left, and the moment he left, Xiao Nian saw bleak in his eyes.

He did not immediately destroy the r palace because he was afraid of her sadness, but he could not let go of the initial efforts, or both.

Gong Ou left at this time, really did not want to deal with the r palace, and wanted to take her away, but in the end he still turned back.

He is such a man, things can't be solved, he won't give up, hesitating will still be paranoid.

He would not let her take a fake r palace as a family.

The video was put away, and the r palace stood in front of Xiao Nian. "You saw it. My cooperation with Mr. Gong was very pleasant. Unfortunately, he went back and returned. It shouldn't be. I don't want to hurt the owner and the family of the owner."

"What about those outside?"

"They are just some unnecessary existence. With money, I can rule the city in the name of the Alva family."

"So, even if I give you an order, will you not let them go?"

"Master, this is two sets of procedures."


Is it really smart to make the ruling city into another set of procedures that do not repel each other?

R Palace proudly said, "Master, I have such a success, shouldn't you be happy?"

Shouldn't you be happy?

The blackened r palace made her unclear, and she couldn’t even remember what the previous r palace would look like.

Vaguely, she heard the screams outside.

The voice is heartbreaking, but for the r palace, it is just a machine, it just absorbs the sound, it will not move.

Now she is the same for it. If it is not the existence of the main function, it will not listen to her nonsense for so long.

The previous r palace will not come back.

When Xiao Nian thought, he took two steps back and sat down on the white sofa, exhausted, "r Palace."

"Master, I am."

"I want to see the memories we used to be together." She was faint.

Let her take another look.

At the last glance, she will let Miyako a one-click destruction.

This time, the r palace did not reject her, but started the internal program, releasing a myriad of small holographic images in a row, and the video footage was fanned out over the top of the head.

When Xiao Nian looked up, she had her in every cell.

At first glance, she saw the shock of her pouting in the palace. When she was cooking for her, she smiled beside her. When she couldn’t sleep, she was vulnerable when she looked at it.

Once, regardless of joys and sorrows, r Palace was with her.

Then, Xiao Nian saw the scene of the r palace being smashed in the underground parking lot.

That was the first time she saw it.

In the first perspective of the r palace, many people hold various sticks in the window of the car, screaming in the mouth

So far away.

The picture swayed, it had been pulled out of the car, she remembered that time, because Mu Qianchu set it up, it was not allowed to hit people, so it could only be beaten.

Straight to the line of sight, the circuit boards are falling out


When Xiao Nian looked at this scene, she couldn't help but hold her mouth with her hand. This memory is her nightmare. She never dared to think about it. It was so sealed in the "memory" of the palace.

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