CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 366: : It’s exactly like fate

What is your brother’s instincts about his brother?

"What did you find?" Xiao Nian asked, talking about her brother talking about his brother's death, a bad feeling in her heart.

"I made people secretly turn over the brother's room and find the housekeeper and the next person who followed the brother. It turns out that my intuition is right."

In this kind of thing, he can't even arrange for him to be a deaf or a person who usually follows him, because he can't let this secret singer be known by the palace.

Can only be checked.

"You want to say that your brother's death is related to my brother."

He said this, when Xiao Nian can only think of this possibility.

"Our palace family includes me. I always thought that my brother was a car accident when I went to my office." Gong Ou said that it was paused here. The face under the white gauze looked stunned. After a while, he continued. "But that road has A pass, a place leading to our appointment, one to the other. My brother is ready to meet him first, and come see me again."


When Xiao Nian reached out and grabbed his lips, he was shocked by this thing and could not speak.

How could this be.

It is completely like a fate.

The palace is dead, and Xi Xi is dead.

"I don't know if they touched it on the day, but my brother would be in a car accident to drive the express train on both sides." When it came to a car accident, Miyako's hand on her leg trembled.

When Xiao Nian could feel the shudder of his fingertips, she did not push him away.

She was shocked by the truth.

She has been wondering why Miyako has to break up with her, why she doesn't even want to see her face, and now all the answers are explained.

Such an answer made her unacceptable, and she felt uncomfortable.

"Mona didn't know that much, but I made a mistake and was overheard by her." Gong Ou said.

"So, she took this to threaten you with her," asked Xiaowen dumbly.

"She didn't have that courage, she knew too. It was really anxious for me. She died the worst." Miyao said dismissively, silent for a moment and again. "But now I want to come. In fact, at that time, she always tried to give me Brainwashing, let me know that I can't accept you, can't be with you."



It is really a professional approach for psychologists.

Too smart tricks.

But in fact, he also had to contradict his heart. At that time, he actually couldn’t accept her existence from the bottom of his heart. She couldn’t accept that she and her brother were almost exactly the same.

When Xiaonian smiled, he reached out and touched his arm. His fingers were so cold. "I didn't expect that so many things happened at that time. I thought you and Mona."

"I thought I really fell in love with the woman." Gong Ou snorted. "She is so ugly, no one of you is beautiful, how can I see her?"

Mona is not ugly, blonde blue eyes, is the standard beauty.

Only in the eyes of paranoia, Mona became ugly.


When Xiao Nian sat there and did not move, she did not know what to say, she only felt cold.

She looked at the phone in his hand and thought about what he had just said, it was very shocking and could not be said.

How could it be like this.

How can you hide such a sad truth?

"I finished," Miyao said, and the black man stared at her. "You know everything now."

"Why don't let me know at the beginning" When Xiao Nian looked at him, his voice was bitter. "Why should I tell me if I want to tell you that it is for your brother?"

It has been half a year.

She concealed him for half a year, and tried to humiliate her. It was to cover up the truth. It’s afraid that more than one person knows his brother’s past, is it?

His most respected is his older brother.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou gave her a deep look. "I don't want you to know what you want."

What is called for his brother.

"Just don't want to let me know" when Xiaoyan's eyelashes trembled, "Why, it is better for two people to bear this truth than one person."

At that time, he must be uncomfortable.

Why bother to marry her, why bother to bear it by myself.

"When I know what these benefits are for you, I haven't found out at home. I don't know why the family abandoned you at that time and let you know about it. It will only make you more shocked." Said, a pair of eyes staring at her deeply.

He is a man, and some things must be carried by him.

"Fear of fear"

When Xiao Nian did not understand, it is hard to believe that such a truth is unacceptable and sad, but how can it be scared.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou's face sank, and the hand on her leg shook inside, some force.

His fingertips were hot and he tightened her slender legs more and more.

Xiao Nian sat next to him waiting for his answer.

Miyao looked at her, and for a long while, he seemed to make the next difficult decision. He said, "I said it, don't be afraid."


What are you afraid of?

When I was young, I couldn’t understand.

"I have been eliminating this secret. I don't know if I can get enough of it at the end." Gong Ou stared at her, word by word. "If these are known by my father, you will probably not have one at home." Left."

Nothing is left.

When Xiao Nian looked at his face, he asked slyly, "There is no meaning left."

Miyao sat next to her, her tall body was close to her, and she pressed her hand on the sofa beside her head. One hand was still pressed on her lap, and the black scorpion stared at her deeply. "You know how I am." Did you find your former steward and your subordinates?"

"How to find it"

When Xiao Nian forgot to push him away, he was almost sucked in by his deep eyes.

"I found their relics and confirmed the side of the year." Gong Ou said, reaching out and touching her little face. "I said so, don't be afraid."

Found a relic.


When Xiao Nian sat there, her body became colder and colder. She felt like she fell into an ice hole. All the ice was falling on her body, cold and painful.

This is implicated, and everyone involved in the death of the palace is

The fault that the nobility did not take people as a person was really passed down from ancient times to the present.

too terrifying.

Her face slowly became pale.

"Don't be afraid, when I miss it. All that I should eliminate is eliminated. In addition to this photo, Mona still has it, but only one photo can't explain anything, and she won't take it out to expose me."


"And as long as you are by my side, I will use my life to protect you, I figured it out now." Miyao sat next to her and said, her fingertips caressed her face like a piece of ice." How is your face so cold?"

Wen Yan, when Xiao Nian suddenly realized that the two were too close, she thought of the photo in his mobile phone.

She quickly reached out and pushed the palace.

Miyao looked at her with dissatisfaction and blacked her. "What do you push me to say? I said so much, isn't it?"

Also push him.

He didn’t explain it before, but he still pushed him.

When Xiao Nian stood up from the sofa, reached out and tightened his cold body and whispered, "Why are you willing to tell me now?"

Why are you willing to explain this to her now?

"Because I want you to come back to me"

Only by saying these things, she will not continue to slap him.

He hates her face.

Gong Ou said so arrogantly, as if this was just a question of his open mouth, he has always been strong.

This has never changed.

When Xiao Nian stood there, he fixed his face to his handsome face and murmured his words, "Go back to you."


Miyao stood up from the sofa and walked up to her, grabbed her hand again. "Well, go to the hospital with me, cook for me, I am starving and bring my daughter, I haven't seen it yet." Pass her"

In his conception, he explained all misunderstandings, and she should go back with him and return to the previous mode of getting along.

When Xiao Nian was dragged forward by him, he took two steps. He didn't seem to have happened anything.

Obviously, so many things have happened.

When Xiao Nian couldn't help but retract his hand, he took a step back.


Gong Ou's body is stiff, and a pair of dark eyes are holding her, and the look is a distinct question. "When you read, what do you mean?"

When I was "I", I was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. She stood there and paused for a moment. "I missed you. I always thought that you just didn't want me."

Finally the truth is clear.

"I have long regretted it," Miyao said, and went to pull her hand again. "Go, go back with me, I will check in the afternoon."

In the face of such a strong movement, when Xiao Nian once again pulled back his hand, the meaning of resistance is obvious.

"When you miss, what do you mean?"

Miyako finally found out that she was not right. "I explained it clearly enough, and I have to explain what my patience is limited."

His head is in a dull pain, and he can no longer accompany her to continue to consume.

"You always have to give me time to digest it."

How can she digest so much truth at a time, and then continue to be with him when nothing happened.

"Digestion" Gong Ou raised eyebrows, suddenly holding her shoulders, pressing her on the sofa, sitting on the glass coffee table opposite her, picking up her legs, black eyes staring at her, "walk, digest Let's go."


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