CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 418: : The surprise given by Miyagi

It was obvious that her face was still so bad in her room, but she prepared these for her.

Soon, the holographic image of her and Miyau appeared on the top of the white ladder, on the covered ground, under the arch of green vines, and in the center of the banquet table.

"They" wore the clothes they changed today.

It can be seen that Miyao has planned for this engagement ceremony, but she only knows that she is getting engaged today.

The whole luxurious and romantic banquet hall is filled with the shadow of her and Miyao. They dance with the music and leave their shadows in every corner. The holographic images are even meticulous to the facial expressions. The two are deeply gazing and dancing. Gorgeous dance.

"My mother, my goose bumps are coming out, do you want to be so romantic."

Xia Yu stood there looking at this shocking scene, excited to shake Li's shoulder. "Husband, look at you, you are a man, Mr. Gong is also a man, you look at how people play romantic, you gave me the last time. The birthday surprise is to buy a microwave oven and a red microwave oven."


Li Ge sat there and was shaken by Xia Yu. He couldn’t be in love with his face, and he wanted to cry without tears.

Why did he come to participate in the engagement ceremony of this high-tech local tyrant? He regretted it.

When Xiao Nian sat there, looking at every holographic image that appeared, she remembered a lot with the pleasant music.

She remembered that when she was in the porcelain gallery, he pulled her out of the debris of the land; she remembered that she was holding her when she was holding the palace; she remembered that he had revealed their love to the world; she thought of him. Egg fried rice for her, Jiaoxiang Jiaoxiang fried rice

Thinking about it, the tears of Xiao Nian thought could not be suppressed.

They actually went to the engagement step, and they actually got engaged.

One song stopped, the palace put down the violin in the hand, step by step to the time of the small thoughts.

A bunch of lights hit the body of Xiao Nian.

When Xiao Nian was already bursting into tears, Xia Yu was busy taking paper towels to wipe her tears.

"Master, I wish you a happy engagement."

The palace slowly leaned down in front of Xiao Nian, made an invitation, and extended his hand.

When Xiao Nian stood up from the position, he handed his hand to the hand of the palace, and the heart-shaped ring on the ring finger gleamed.

Palace held her hand to lead her to the palace, step by step up the stairs, when the little thoughts stepped on the stairs, looked up to the palace Europe, Miyao stood up from the piano, stood there, a pair of black and deep Looking to her, I waited quietly.

Waiting for her to step closer to him.

When Xiao Nian went to the palace in the company of the palace, the two stood in front of the piano, her eyes were completely red, not quite like a bride.

Miyao stood there, and Momo stared at her and raised the microphone in his hand. The voice was **** and fatal. "I have heard a word, and I will remember it. There will be a resounding. Xi Xiaonian, from today, we have a new beginning; From today, I am only a man who lives for you; from today, I hope that you will only be a woman who lives for me. If you want, give me a voice and give me a little echo."

The staff of Gewei Manga are mostly young girls. When they hear this, they can't help but scream out excitedly.

Xia Yu is also excited, excited eyes are red, and more force to shake his husband.

Li Ge’s face is more loveless.


When Xiao Nian stood in front of Gong Ou, he looked at Gong Ou, and every word of his voice echoed in her body, so loud.

Miyao stood in front of her and handed the microphone to her.

When Xiao Nian took the microphone and wanted to talk, he found that his throat was swallowing, and his mouth was open but he could not speak.

Miyao stared at her, her eyes were getting deeper and deeper, and she was somewhat unhappy.

Upon seeing it, when he was small, he simply dropped the microphone on the piano next to him and directly into the arms of Miyau, reaching out and holding him firmly.

She has no reason to tweak again.

Let's be together, no matter how many difficulties are going to go in the future, it will not be worse anyway, just be together.

Miyako was slightly slammed back by her, and she passed a touch of dissatisfaction, half a sigh, and then reached out and wrapped her hand around her slender body, smelling the faint fragrance of her body.

"Wow remembers not forgetting to forget"

Xia Yu and her female colleagues shouted excitedly, and other guests were infected and applauded.

It seems that such an engagement ceremony is not bad, not so bad.

In the Huatian Hotel, Mona sat on the bed in the room, still wearing a wisteria-colored tube top wedding dress, and the diamond necklace worn on her neck was extremely eye-catching.

She sat quietly, and there were several angry voices from her elders.

"This is a contempt for our Lancaster for hundreds of years, when our family lost such a big face"

"Several of you have appeared more in front of the media. Later, when you mention Gongao, you will express dissatisfaction and hear no."

"The palace and the palace must give us a confession"

"This person has been thrown into China."

"It’s all Mona. When she met for the first time, that Miyagami didn’t impress her very much. She also ran to China, saying that she was free to fall in love and dragged our entire family into the water.”

They are angry and roaring, Mona is sitting in the room.

A man sat quietly, listening to the sound coming from outside.

Her beautiful face has unbroken tears on her face, and her hand firmly grips her wedding dress.

"What about these wedding dresses?" The voice of the maid came from outside and was angered. "What should I do? I lost it and said that I have to give it to me." This person is too arrogant."

"What color can you give? When he decided to hold an engagement ceremony in the city, I felt weird. It is not a problem. Here is the city of S, how many years have you been here, how much do you have?"

"Whether you want to do any assassination, we have to be criticized by Lancaster."

"It’s really a good idea to regret the marriage in public."

Mona slowly walked to the door and looked up at the maids outside. They each pushed a dummy model wearing a wedding dress. Mona whispered, "put in the wedding dress."

"Yes, miss."

The maid pushed the dummy model into the room.

When I heard the sound, the people gathered in the living room turned around and looked at Mona. There were sympathy, disdain, and disgust in those eyes.

Most of them are relatives who feel that she is tired.

When the maids went out, Mona forced her to close the door, locked it, and shut those eyes away. She leaned back against the door and looked up at the room.

Although it is a hotel room, but because the Beibu Gulf does not need her more layout, so she has arranged a bit of trouble here, I want to be able to make a small vacation with Gongao, give him a surprise.

The wedding photos of her and Miyao are hanging on the wall, back to back.

The bed was covered with a new bedding that she designed, with the letters on.

She thought that this n is her Na, which was not the original.

Mona stepped forward, dragging her long wedding dress to the dressing table and looking at herself in the mirror. She didn't see herself, but a joke that was regretted by her public.

She reached out and slowly took off the crown on her head as if she had taken pride in her.

A long blond hair loosened, Mona took off the gemstone pendant earrings, took off the diamond necklace, and removed all the jewelry from her body.

She opened the drawer, picked up a long repaired scissors, and slowly walked to a beautiful and beautiful wedding dress, and cut it off as usual.

The feathers on the wedding dress are flying in the air.

A few wedding dresses were slowly cut into countless pieces under her hand, paving the ground, like her dignity, her love was cut off a place, and then patched together the original look.

The wedding dress was cut off by her.

Nothing can be cut.

Mona whispered and looked at her wedding dress. She took off her high heels and was about to take off her wedding dress. Her feet stepped on the wedding dress, and the whole person fell heavily.


A heavy bang.

Mona fell to the ground and the white feathers flew up. She fell into the shards of a wedding dress, and she was embarrassed. The long blond hair was scattered in the wolf, and there was a kind of beautiful beauty.

It turns out that wearing high heels is really easy to fall.

She fell to the ground, but she couldn't stand up when she wanted to stand up. She turned her head, and a pair of blue eyes looked in the direction of the bed. The letters o and n frantically burned her eyes.

Burning her pain.

Tears slipped down from her eyes.

Her hand slammed her wedding dress.

Gong Ou, Shi Xiao Nian.

How can you do this to me?

She screamed in pain, her voice was hoarse and squeaky, and she screamed in the quiet night.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the engagement ceremony was over, and the guests went back and went back to the room without going back, or they went to play.

"Please go slowly. If you go to the beach at night, please pay attention to the arrangement. You can ask the staff to take you there."

When Xiao Nian stood at the door and sent the last guest, he was too tired to step on the high heels. Today, she really became one of the protagonists without knowing it, and she was so busy.


Watching the last guest leave, Xiao Nian could not help but breathe a sigh of relief and reached for his neck.

It is finally over.

Really tired.

"It’s so hard for you to get engaged with me." The cold and unpleasant voice rang in her ear.

When Xiaonian turned his head, he saw that the palace was in the side of the door, holding his arms in his hands, stinking a face and glaring at her face, and he owed him a huge debt.

Just gave her a surprise and romance, and made the look of the deep feelings. The time of this meeting, the face smelled back.

Who said that women are fickle.

"I didn't feel embarrassed."

When Xiao Nian patted the neck and said, he took off his high heels and put it in his hand.

She really can't stand walking in high heels, feeling the same as a pair of heels.

"Why, this shoe you don't like this is what I personally picked." Gong Ou took the shoes on her hand and his face was even more ugly.

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