CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 433: : Taking care of the kitten's palace Europe

Miyao did not come back to sleep last night.

He shut himself up in the studio and did not come out.

When Xiao Nian looked at him with a stunned look, he took a deep breath.

Already at this point, it is no longer possible to continue to consume the feelings between her and Miyako.

Even if tomorrow is her last day, today, she will have a happy time with Miyako.

Some things must be made up for her.

"Come on, Xi Xiao Nian"

When Xiao Nian and himself said, they opened the quilt out of bed, opened heavy curtains, and bathed in the bright sunshine.

Another new day.

Everything will start again.

Thinking this way, when Xiao Nian’s face was hard to squeeze a smile into the bathroom to start washing.

After washing, Xiao Nian was plunged into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast.

When Xiao Nian went into the kitchen to make breakfast, there was no girl servant who came out from the outside and congratulated her on her engagement.

"Miss Xi, the sealer said that I will call you Miss Xi in the future. It’s good that you came back. You are not there. The castle is empty like a master."

"We will give you a hand."

"Miss Xi is back, the younger temper will be better, this is really good."

"Listening to the butler said that it is not a small master who is going to pick up a small master today. I really want to see you."

"Miss Xi, I will bring my baby very much. After that, the little master will bring me a good one."

The maids said around her, and when they were doing breakfast, they chilled with everyone.

Everyone said with a slap in the face, when the little thoughts were heard, "Miyao, is he still working?"

"Yeah, the young master never came out after entering the workplace."

The maids said.

Still angry

When Xiao Nian sighed, he put the prepared breakfast on the table, then went upstairs, went outside the closed studio door, and reached out and knocked on the door. "Miyao, have breakfast."

Responding to her is a silence.

Nothing sounds.

"Come out for breakfast, work has a degree. I open the door."

When Xiao Nian said, he grabbed the door handle, opened the door, looked inside, but saw that it was empty, and the computer screen was full of programs she could not understand.

no one.

Where have you been?

When Xiao Nian was a bit stunned, he left the studio and met Feng De on the face. After the engagement ceremony, Feng De was obviously good.

"Cut the steward, have you seen Gongao?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"The young master is not in the studio?" Feng De asked, suddenly thinking of something, took a pocket watch and looked at the time and said, "I almost forgot, as long as the young master is at home, it must be in that place at this time."

This time

When she was young, she didn’t know what was special about this time.

Under the leadership of Feng De, Shi Xiao Nian walked out of the castle and walked to the empty space on the right.

Far away, when I was young, I saw the figure of Miyako.

There is a miniature version of the small castle, short, white painted, but the lines above are very delicate, although the house is small but designed to be all-inclusive, it is very luxurious.

Miyag Ou was in front of the castle, holding a milk bottle in his hand and pouring milk on the plate.

Two white-grey little milk cats came out from the small castle, bowed their heads and drank milk, licking two pairs of beautiful eyes, and their posture was particularly cute.

The sun swept over the body of Miyau, and his face was handsome and handsome. The short hair showed a little messy, deep outline, distinct facial features, deep eyebrows, and a thick nose with a thin lips and a smile. radian.

A small milk cat arched at his feet after drinking, as if thanks.

The picture looks particularly warm and beautiful.


When Xiao Nian was staring far away.

Miyag Ou was there, and began to pour the cat food into another dish. The two kittens immediately crawled and eaten. His slender fingers crossed the kitten's head and the kitten snorted.

When Xiao Nian’s face smiled, he suddenly felt that this second was so beautiful.


that's nice.

She walked over to him, and Miyau heard the footsteps turning her head. As soon as she saw her, the smile of her lips was closed, and she looked like a proud man.

"I am seeing the New World? The president of Gongda will actually raise a cat." When Xiaonian walked over to him, he smiled and said, his fingers touched the little cat.

So cute cat.

"Not yet you have to raise"

Gong Ouyi snorted there, throwing the milk bottle and the cat food bag far away, a pair of these things that have nothing to do with him.

"I want to raise"

When Xiao Nian squatted, she suddenly remembered the two stray cats in Tianzhigang. Some of them were shocked. "This is the two stray cats. The two cats are so clean and so beautiful."

On the rainy day of feeding, the two stray little milk cats were all dirty, but now they are very clean, white and gray, a small one, looking smart and playful, completely without the tragic situation at that time.


Miyao said with a deep voice, her eyes swept her face intentionally or unconsciously, observing her look, seeing her face full of joy, and his smack smacked away.

"It’s so beautiful."

When Xiao Nian was amazed at the cuteness of the kitten, he reached for a moment and then licked it. He felt soft and comfortable. He said, "How is this white so small? It’s not so close to the gray one. What is it?"

"It is the kind of breed that grows little."

Miyao said.

"Yes?" Xiao Nian understood. "Since it is a stray cat near the port of heaven, it should be a pet cat that is discarded by people who are not rich and expensive. It looks like an ordinary domestic cat."

Both cats are too cute and cute.

When Xiao Nian sees it, he can't put it down.


Miyao has quietly responded with a sigh of relief.

When Xiao Nian looked at the deep eyes of Gong Ou, "You really brought them back. I thought you wouldn't want them, and take care of them so well."

"Following up, it is no difficulty for me to raise a zoo." Gong Ou Dao.

“Yes, yes.” Xiao Nian said with a smile. “In order to thank you for taking care of them so well, I will take care of you and feed you.”


Miyako’s face is dark.

He is a cat and feeds.

"I mean breakfast, I have done breakfast." Shi Xiaonian said.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou's eyes instantly lit up a few degrees, realizing his own gaffe, he coughed, cold face stood up from the ground and walked back, elegant posture, but the steps are particularly fast.

It’s great to eat.

A meal can be solved.

When Xiao Nian smiled, he quickly caught up with him. "Miyao, what is the name of two kittens?"

"No name."

Palace Europe cold channel.

"You didn't take a name?"

"Two small animals, I will give them a name."

Miyao said with disdain, the pace is getting faster.

"That is called Xiaobai Xiaoshi is not good."

When Xiao Nian went to follow his footsteps.

"You are not a cartoonist, take the name to get so vulgar." Gong Ou gave her a look at the disappointment, "for two names"

"Do you care about two kittens?"

"" Miyau has a thin lip and does not speak.

Xiao Nian said with a smile, "Miyao, in fact, you like small animals."


“The man who likes small animals is the most attractive.” Shi Xiaonian said.

Gong Ou Heng gave her a look, she is so happy today, because he let go of Mu Qianchu

In the dining room, the table is filled with steaming delicacies.

Miyao sat down at the table, gracefully picked up the chopsticks, and then took the wind and the clouds.

"In the future, I will do it on time for your three meals." When Xiaonian sat on the side, he took the chopsticks and had breakfast with him. "If you go to the company, I will send it to the company, so you can't storm." Drinking gluttony, you can eat eight or nine minutes."


Gong Ou chewed the action.

For the next three meals, he can eat her dishes every day.

"Are you not happy"

When Xiao Nian asked tentatively, he was looking forward to his reaction.

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