CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 661: : A happy family time

Chapter 661: A happy family time

"" Xiaoshen was shocked, she really did not see that Yorkina had this addiction.

"I originally decided to expose her, this marriage can not be booked, but your woman said that both parties are like a sad trade, so I can't make this ugly woman too ugly." "This woman actually licked my daughter, I knew it was still exposed."

He is simply too tolerant

"So that Andy is what you are looking for." Xiao Nian wants to understand.

"These men are all white faces, and ugly women will be able to support them for a long time. It may be easily smashed by a one-time transaction." Miyao said, "so I sent someone to kill him."


When Xiao Nian was shocked.

"I let people tell him that Yorkina is now married, paying attention to fame, and can't keep them with these little white faces." Gong Ou yelled at him. "This little white face is fierce. I sent someone to pretend to pass by and saved him. It’s York’s competitor. To stop the marriage between the palace and York, it’s not going to happen.”

The whole game is perfect and impeccable.

Yorkina knows that Andy has those things in her hand. If she really can't make a marriage, she will not be able to make a reservation. She will also be honored and cleaned up. It is better to leave and save a little reputation.

The practice of Gong Ou not only ruined the engagement ceremony, but also did not cause the palace to cause trouble. On the contrary, the York family still had to pay for the palace.

It’s just three things.

"It should be exposed to her, and I dare to marry my daughter."

Miyamoto is very worried about this matter.

"" Xiao Nian screwed down on his arm and said, "Then you will tell me not early, and I am worried."

It turned out that Miyako had prepared for both hands. Even if Luo Qi would not change his mind today, this wedding could not be done, giving them a certain time.

"I told you early how you can let you play a super-level performance." Miyau circling her, reaching out and picking her chin, screaming magnetic, "Do you know that today is the deadline, desperate, your acting has broken out"

If it doesn't break out, the mother won't believe it so real, so I will change my mind so quickly.

"Yes, yes, the president of Gongda is wise and undoubted, and everything has been guessed."

When Xiao Nian said.

"Is it more adoring me?"

Gong Ou smugly hooked his lips.

"Yeah yeah." When Xiaonian nodded and nodded, the front Luo Qi was standing there and discussing with the parents of York. Roche turned his head and looked at the little thought, his face showing a smile.

Finally everything is solved.

A farce at the engagement ceremony caused the York family to sweep the floor, frequently apologizing to Luo Qi and Gong Gong, and said that they would always make good friends with the palace, and would also apologize for the gift.

Until the evening, their team of people was able to leave.

At night, the quiet palace castle is brightly lit and the lights are brighter than usual.

The housekeeper and the servant were told to go down.

When Xiaonian took a few plates of nuts into the hall, Luo Qi and Gong Yi, Gong Ou sat on the sofa talking about something, no quarrel.

A rare and harmonious life.

When Xiao Nian put the plate over, Luo Qi, who had changed her home clothes, immediately stretched her hand and let her sit next to her, gentle and authentic. "I thought you were doing something, this little thing about the plate. What are you doing?"

Luo Qi’s closeness to Shi Xiaonian gave Gong Gong more glances. He turned to look at Gong Ou, and there was no accident on Gong Ou’s face. He sat there with one leg and stared at the black man. Xiao Nian, the eyes are dyed with a smile, like that is to eat the little thoughts.

"I thought that when I was in the Chinese New Year, I would have some nuts out and eat and talk. It was very atmospheric."

Xiao Nian smiled and said, sitting next to Luo Qi.

"New Year" Luo Qi smiled. "Also, it is really like the New Year when a family gathers together."

"Mother's mood seems to be exceptionally good today." Miyagi sat there picking up a macadamia fruit and his voice was ripe. "I thought my mother would have a headache."

"What is a headache? This situation is no better." Luo Qi said, looking at Xiao Nian, when Xiao Nian gave her a positive look, Luo Qi smiled and looked at the palace, then opened, "Today we The family is here, the palace, some words I want to tell you clearly."

Wen Yan, Gong Yi also knows what Luo Qi wants to say, then he smacked his lips and smiled. "Mother, it is too late today, we will talk again tomorrow. There is no marriage of the York family, there are many other families, I will find another one as soon as possible."

"keep the change."

Luo Qi said.

Miyazaki looked at her and looked at her. "Mother, I don't understand what you mean."

Luo Qi sat there, hand over the hands of Xiao Nian, looked apologetic to the eyes of Miyazaki, slowly said, "In fact, the mother wants to say sorry to you, knowing that you do not like to inherit the family, do not want to marry, But I still didn't object to it when you said it."

"Mother, I really want to inherit the palace, you don't think so."

Miyazaki said solemnly.

What happened to my mother?

"I still know some of your anger." Luo Qi said, when I took a photo of Xiao Nian, "I talked a lot with Xiao Nian today. I know that I was too stubborn before, always thinking of you." What did the father leave, but never thought about what you want."


Miyazaki looked a little surprised at the side of Miyao, seeing that he was not surprised even more strange, and felt something in his heart.

"Small thoughts are right. If you really force your son away, there is still a sense of existence in the palace's fame." Roche said with a strong heart. "I really figured it out this time."


Miyazaki looked at her unbelievably and put down the macadamia in her hand, "Mother, you"

"You don't have to look at me like this. I really figured it out. It will be enough for the rest of my life to support my life. When you have more grandchildren around me, it is my best life."

Luo Qi said sincerely, there is no trace of reluctance.

This way, Luo Qi made the palace unbelievable. "Mother, what did you talk to in the end?"

"This is a secret." Xiao Nian said with a smile.

Luo Qi was teased. "Yes, this is the secret between our women. You should not ask, you just need to know that I don't want to force you any more."

Miyazaki is still somewhat unbelievable. When he looks up, he looks at the time and thinks little. When Xiao Nian rushes to him, he nods and the palace smiles.

In the next second, Miyau grabbed two pecans and went to the face of the palace.

The palace stunned his eyes and looked at Gong Ou in a sullen manner. Gong Ou looked at his eyes with coziness.

Sour can be poured out of this hall.

Gong Yi did not care about him, only asked Luo Qi, "Mother, you are really ok"

"Of course, I won't tell you this." Luo Qi said, after a few seconds of silence, "Miyazaki, I think so, you and Gong Ou advocate the burial of your father as soon as possible, I agree, then this The palace is still you to inherit, this is your responsibility as the eldest son, and then the palace is definitely not willing."

Miyao only wants to stay with the time, just want to ne.


Miyao put the peeled macadam fruit next to the side, and only looked at the eyebrows of Luo Qi, and did not decide whether or not.

Gong Yu listened.

"But as for how you want to manage the palace, even if you don't manage to hand them over to Charles, I will follow you." Luo Qi continued, and asked, "What do you think, Gong Mi."

Gong Yi heard this is not a sigh of relief. Inheriting the palace and desperately playing the haircut Yang Palace is a concept of two natures. Luo Qi said that it really hurts him.

He looked at Luo Qi, his long eyelashes were moving, and he was grateful in his eyes. "Mother, thank you."

"It was we who forced you before." Luo Qi said, extending his hand over the sofa.

When Miyazaki saw her hand and held her, the two men's hands were tightly held together, and the four eyes were opposite, and everything was in the air.

When Xiao Nian smiled and looked at them, he turned to look at Gong Ou.

Miyao's face is light, handing it to her with the peeled nuts, "eat it"


When Xiao Nian took the plate and picked up one in the mouth, the two mothers and sons were separated and the hands were separated. When Xiao Nian handed the plate to Luo Qi, Luo Qi saw her smile very happy and reached out to her. .

"Mother is now like a daughter to a small thought." Gong Yu could not help but say.

"You don't know anything."

Luo Qidao, for her, Shi Xiao Nian untied her heart that has been entangled in her for decades. This feeling is difficult for others to understand.

"Yes, we don't know anything."

Gong Yi smiled, this time he smiled sincerely.

"Right." Luo Qi suddenly remembered something. "You don't think that today's things are a bit ridiculous. The York family is not a small family. How did the Yorkina go to the engagement ceremony to regret the marriage contract and run away with people?"

This is not in line with common sense.

There must be some problems.

Hearing the words, when Xiao Nian’s action of biting the macadamia fruit stopped, the palace looked at the little thoughts and looked at the palace of the quiet, and I already understood more than half of it.

It is estimated that people who can't see people for the first two days are busy with this matter.

"It's not surprising that it may be that the marriage contract with the man is not blessed by the family, so it is the drama of the escape marriage in this ceremony." Gong Yu said, mixed the topic.

"That's also true." Luo Qi nodded. "Forget it, don't mention them. Fortunately, they regret the marriage contract first. We said that we don't care, they will be grateful to our house, and it is not a bad thing."

"Mother said," Miyazaki said. "Since the dust has settled now, the account should be calculated clearly, right, Miyau"

Gong Ou was named, and looked at it with disdain.

When Xiao Nian also looked at the past, I saw Gong Gong staring at Gong Ou, and there was annoyance in his eyes. His fingers touched his lips. "Good brother, you are playing with me during the day."

Miyako opened a Hawaiian fruit and smiled with a sigh of relief. "It is seen, brother, your IQ has not deteriorated too much."

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