CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 693: : End of the theme four

Chapter 693: The End of the Theme 4


The waiters shouted in unison.

When Xiao Nian looked at everyone in front of him, he was pushed to the side by Tang Yi, and Tang Yi made a snoring action.

"Now the girls put on the hairpins, put the headphones on them, and stood by in your respective fields. I heard no," the foreman said seriously.

"heard it."

Everyone shouted in unison.


When Xiao Nian stood there, a waiter came over with a tray and handed a red velvet hair clip to her. "C group 8 is you. I heard someone shouting c8 is you, do you know?"

When Xiao Nian looked at the waiter, the familiar environment, the familiar image, even the waiter who handed her a clip to her eyes seemed to know each other.

"I heard no," the waiter shook his hair in front of her. "Get the hairpins over and you're going to start."


When the little sorcerer took the hairpin, the Tang Yi suddenly came over and smiled and took the hairpin. "Come, Xiao Nian, I will help you wear it."

Tang Yi will pinch her hair to her hair.

When I looked at Tang Yi in front of me, I remembered that it was Tang Yi who gave her a hair clip at the time. She had forgotten this little detail.

I did not expect Tang Yi to remember that it was not a special day for Xiao Nian, but it was a very special day for Tang Yi. She was appointed by Shidi, and she was in a situation where every guest was spending a lot of money. Lost, this day is too special for Tang Yi.

When Xiaonian let Tang Yi give her a hairpin, Tang Yi smiled. "Okay, little thought, let's go."

In such a smile, Shi Xiao Nian can still see the shadow of Tang Yi in the past, the literary fan and the goddess fan from the bones.

At that time, she did not know that Tang Yi’s smile was actually hiding a poison.


Tang Yi took her to go outside. When she was so inexplicably, she made another waiter. When she wanted to make a phone call, someone came running to ask her if she wanted a drink, or she wanted her to go. Where is the service, making her a little bit of surgery.

As in the same year, the service area of ​​Xiao Nian is a relatively unpopular place. There are not many people coming and going, but everyone is familiar with it before she walks past her eyes.

Those dressed in dresses look familiar, all the fashion styles of the past.

Those who said it were familiar, and the guests were still talking about the political situation and shopping malls more than seven years ago, talking about the financial turmoil more than seven years ago.

Even the songs from far away are the songs of the year.

A majestic piece of music, very classical, brought her back to her former memories.

When Xiao Nian stood there, staring at everyone, as if he were not in this area.

For a moment, when Xiao Nian really felt that he had passed through, he passed back to the day of the cruise party seven years ago.

It seems that everything is a dream.

She even suspected that she had not lived this seven years, but had a long and long dream. She had never met Miyao, had never met Feng De, had never met her biological parents, and had not even given birth to twins. .

Everything is a phantom.

She is still on this cruise ship, doing her own waiter, feeling the world of rich people is really different, feeling that these people are talking about things she doesn't understand, I feel that the famous paintings on this cruise ship are much better. Art really is something that rich people can play.

When Xiaonian walked up and down the tray, he served every guest, could not walk, and could not escape.

"Please give me a glass of champagne, thank you."


When Xiaonian nodded, she handed the champagne to her. The man who wanted the champagne saw her eyes more, and then smiled at her and it was meaningful.

Such a smile makes time and understand that this is not a crossing, nor a dream.

This is arranged by Miyagi.

But she doesn't understand what Miyamoto wants to do, why she brought her to such a former environment, and those guests are exactly the same as they did seven years ago.

Forget it, if you come here, then you can see what Miyao does.

When I was young, I really started to be a waiter, busy walking around and serving the guests.

Looking out from the window, the sky outside is gradually darkening, the cruise is driving at sea, and the seabirds are free to fly.

When Xiao Nian suddenly thought, if Miyao deliberately put her on the "seven years ago", then she can not see the palace in the room now.

Go find him.

She put on the waiter uniform seven years ago, then he

When Xiao Nian thought about it, he sneaked away from his service area and walked aside, putting the tray aside and consciously touching the hairpin on his head.

Did not touch.


When Xiao Nian stood there in a wrong way, the slender fingers touched the head a little hard, and nothing was touched.

The hairpin was lost.

This situation is exactly the same as it was seven years ago.

What happened, when did it fall, she didn’t have any impression at all, it was just someone who accidentally hit her.

When Xiao Nian looked at the environment around him, there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Not only the appearance of the cruise ship, but also the interior inside it became similar to that of seven years ago.

What is this, situation reappears?

The situation reappears, think of these four words, when Xiao Nian quickly underground, go to the bar counter, suddenly heard a voice coming from the headphones, "c8c8, please come to the lost and found, your hairpin Lost."

When Xiao Nian pressed the ear, yes, that year, she was prompted in this way.

She remembered it.

When Xiao Nian came to the bar, a waiter standing in front of the bar looked at her. "When you read it, I remember you, take the hairpin back, don't throw it away."

"Thank you."

When Xiao Nian will pick up the hairpin and put it on.

The man is also the former person, but he has matured a lot, and his mouth has a little bit of awkwardness.

"It’s a sad blonde woman." The man smiled and raised her eyebrows.

When Xiao Nian stood in front of the bar, he blurted out, "Why do you say that people are sad?"

"Because she kept her head down, she was not happy at first glance." The man glanced at the wine while he glanced in a certain direction. "Hey."

At that moment, when the whole person was shocked, she turned her head stiffly and saw a beautiful back, wearing a moonlight classical evening dress, a large skirt dragged to the ground, a golden curl falling down, the cruise The tens of thousands of colors can't resist this brilliance.

It's him.

She never thought she would meet him.


When Xiao Nian stood there, looking at the back with a dull look, like what was attached to her, she immediately walked forward, and reached out and held the man's shoulder, "Shu."

Xi Xi, I am my sister.

How are you

The person stood in front of her and didn't look back. At this moment, Xiao Nian became extraordinarily stubborn. She even hoped that she was seven years ago.

The person in front pushed her hand and went on.

"Xi, don't leave, I am my sister."

When Xiao Nian rushed to him, he was a tall woman, a very beautiful woman, wearing a gorgeous dress and wearing a golden wig.

Not a seat.

It can't be Xi Xi.

Because time will not go backwards, the lost will not be resurrected.

When Xiao Nian looked at her, her eyes were red.

Seven years ago, she didn't go up and take a look at Xi's shoulder; seven years later, she patted her shoulder, but that person is no longer her brother.

The woman in front of me did not see her and continued to walk forward, carrying a skirt.


When Xiao Nian turned to look at her back, tears poured out of her eyes, tears slipped across her cheeks, blurring her gaze.

No brother.

Not a younger brother.

She and Xi Xi have the most unique intimacy in the world. They are twins, but maybe they have never seen each other in addition to seeing each other at birth.

Perhaps, even that one did not look at it, after all, she was taken away at birth, maybe they have not blinked at that time.

She turned her head and suddenly saw a person who shouldn't have appeared on this "seven years ago" cruise ship. Not far away, I saw the palace plaque wearing a gray dress suit standing there, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and both lost. Looking at the back like the moon.

When Xiao Nian walked over to him, Gong Yi realized that she would avoid it immediately. She quickly stopped him, "Brother"

Miyazaki had to turn her head and smile at her. "Small thoughts, according to the timeline, we should not know this time."

"According to the timeline, you shouldn't be on board at this time."

When Xiao Nian went over and said.

Miyazaki smiled a little.

"You know what's going on here. Gong Ou let the righteous father get me on the boat, and people will disappear." Shi Xiaonian said, she does not understand what Miyager is thinking.

Miyazaki’s gray-faced sly looked at her uniform and said, “This dress is good, youthful and beautiful, like a college student.”

"Don't transfer the topic well." Shi Xiaonian said, "You must know what is going on here."

Miyazaki shrugged and then looked at the back of Yuehua, who was farther and farther away. "She is cecilia rossi, Xi Xiao's little friend, it is Gong Ou let me invite her to play the role of Xi Xi."

Because some people on the ship seven years ago have passed away, they can only find someone to replace.

"It turned out to be her." When Xiaonian nodded, and then said, "But I still don't understand, what is the meaning of this scene in this day?"

"This, you wait for Gongao to answer you." Gong Yu said.


Can you give a different answer to the righteous father?

"Okay, let's go, I am a person who should not appear on the ship. In order not to damage the timeline and not destroy history, you still haven't seen me." Gong Yu did a gentleman's action, rushing her. go away.

Also destroying history, are they collectively crossing now?

When Xiao Nian looked at him silently, he reached out and wiped his tears. "Then you can always tell me why you are on the cruise."

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