CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 741: : Robot self-identification

Chapter 741: Robot self-identification

The meaning is obvious. If you want to see a doctor, this registration is absolutely impossible today.

When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, Gong Ou stood up, and the black sly stared at the time, "We went to see a doctor."

He made a decision.

"See a doctor, now"

When she was stunned, she didn’t need to be so nervous. She didn’t think she would have a heart attack during this pregnancy.

"Yes, now"

Miyazaki, who is on the side of Miyagami, said, "Hurry up and prepare for us."

"" Gong Gong stood up silently, and co-authored him as a younger servant.

"That registration?"

When Xiao Nian also stood up, he looked at Gong Ou in doubt, and Miao Ou gave her a look. "Come back and register, you sit down and eat breakfast first."

Can't let her go hungry.

When I came back to register, when Xiao Nian picked up Liu Mei, how did it become that she was eager to register, and every time she changed her registered clothes, and then she was interrupted.

"Then you have breakfast, I am going to prepare the car."

Miyazaki turned and left to go outside. Suddenly, he turned and looked at them and smiled. "Yes, the little Chinatown on the other side is a beautiful place with lots of entertainment facilities. You can treat it as a honeymoon. of."


Now when Xiaonian heard these three words, the corner of his eye could not help but jump. The last time he went to Burgh Island Palace, he said that he was going to honeymoon. The result was so sad.

This time, I went to the center where the Chinese lived, and once again honeymoon, sure that nothing will happen.

How did she hear it so flustered?

When Xiao Nian licked his lips, he sat back in front of the dining table, took a spoon and drank a soup, and his ears were filled with elegant and romantic music.

When Xiaonian refused to look up at the direction of the palace, he watched it quietly standing there guarding them and asked, "How can you still leave the palace here, don't send it back to fix it?"

The scar on her body saw her distress, and she hoped it would be as bright as new.

"It's still useful."

Miyao said.

"What use"

"play music."

"" When Xiaonian is silent, her intelligent robot is omnipotent as a player for playing music. If the robot has a feeling, it will collapse if I hear this, she said to the direction of the palace, "This is also thanks to the palace on the island of Berg. It is so smart to save us. It is you who changed the procedure and brought my palace back."

"What program to change?"

Miyao looked at her indifferently.

"The righteous father said that he changed the palace procedure, and the palace did not recognize me." Shi Xiaonian said, if it was not the procedure of the palace, the palace could recognize her.

"I didn't think anyone dared to move my internal procedures, and then we didn't even bring the computer. How can I modify the program of the palace?" Gong Ou said indifferently, and snorted, "There are only two possibilities."

"What is possible"

When Xiao Nian stayed.

"Either the robot will recognize the Lord. Oh." Gong Ou sneered, scornful of this possibility, cold and authentic, "Either, the process of reforming Germany."

Anyway, he has not changed.


When the spoon in the hands of Xiaoyan fell on the table, Gong Ou looked up at her and saw her face white. "What happened, how can it look so ugly, you are not comfortable"

He suddenly got nervous.

"No." When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, his lips moved, but he couldn’t say anything to his mouth.

Feng De did not change the procedure, because this question was asked when Feng De was on the road.

Miyau’s big palm moved towards her and slammed her forehead, and Xiao Nian stared at his dark eyes. “Is there a third possibility?”


Miyao smiled disdainfully and turned to look in the direction of the palace. "That is a bunch of procedures, what can be changed?"

When the words fell, a maid ran over and bent down to them. "Two young masters, the car is ready, and the housekeeper is packing up."

"I used to see, you continue to eat."

Miyao said that she stood up and suddenly looked at her again. "When you read, you really don't feel uncomfortable."

"No, I am fine." When Xiao Nian said, a pair of eyes kept looking at the direction of the palace.

"Well, I am going."

"it is good."

When Gong Ou got up and left, Xiao Nian suddenly lost his appetite. Nothing could be eaten for breakfast. The palace station still played music for her.

Half a sigh, when Xiao Nian stood up from the table, walked toward the palace and stood in front of it.

In a melodious musical voice, Shi Xiao Nian asked, "Game, do you recognize yourself?"

After asking, the music in the palace body suddenly stopped.

When Xiao Nian looked at it deeply, she regarded the picture of her hand kissing her hand that morning as a dream, but the dream was very real, and she could not ignore it.

"Why don't you answer"

When Xiao Nian asked, his eyes stared at it seriously, could it upgrade itself by itself, and even self-recognize the Lord?

"I am looking for, please wait for the host."

The palace station said there, the sound is a complete electronic sound, there is not much mood ups and downs.


When Xiao Nian squatted, he heard the palace saying, "Master, sorry, I have not developed this function yet, please change the service."




When Xiao Nian stood there, looking at its tall silver body and raising her eyebrows, did she think too much?

Self-recognition, this is really a bit exaggerated.

"Master, what kind of service do you need to tell me?" Gong asked intimately.

"Are you in my room that day?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"What day is the owner asking?" asked the palace.


The questions and answers are normal. They are all the way the robot answers. There is no difference between them. When Xiaonian laughed at herself, she thought she was really watching too many movies.

Self-recognition, maybe just a small bug in the program.

When I was young, "Nothing, let's go, go to Little Chinatown to find a doctor."

"Yes, master."

The palace bowed respectfully and left behind her.

When Xiao Nian looked at it and the sights fell on the scars on it, he suddenly said, "Do you need to mend your body?"

She said that this is still some temptation, she is not willing to find out the flaws of the palace.

"Everything is left to the master," said the palace.


Very loyal robot, without any eccentricities.

"Then let us go to Xiaotangren Street first. After the incident on the island, let the righteous father rest and rest." Shi Xiaonian said.

"Okay, master, I am willing to serve the master."

The robot handles across the front of the body.

When Xiao Nian smiled and walked forward, the palace stopped in place for a few seconds, and when he looked at the back of Xiao Nian, his eyes were particularly noticeable in the sun.

It’s only a few seconds, and the robot keeps up with the pace of the moment.

Gongou did not bring any bodyguards, and did not bring a driver. For him, now he is not at ease with anyone who drives himself. Whoever protects him is not at ease.

In his eyes, Shimi Nian is now something that is more likely to break than a glass.

He personally drove her and the palace to Little Chinatown.

When Xiaonian sat in the passenger seat, silently watching the palace driving, and pressing the eyebrows, Gongao’s driving level today is truly unparalleled.

She never knew that Gong Ou drove so slowly, so obeying the rules, and also fully followed the driving tutorial to see the six roads, listening to all directions, not overtaking, not accelerating, blocking the car in the back will slow down and let go.


He can go to be a coach like this.

When Xiao Nian sat there, turned his head and looked out the window. Looking at the scenery along the road, Gong Ou Kai was really slow enough, so slow she could appreciate the scenery along the way.

Rows of trees, pedestrians walking on the street, a faint mist outlines a picture.

"Miyao, in fact, you can drive a little faster, I am fine."

When Xiao Nian couldn't help it, he really drove too slowly. It took less than an hour to drive out. She couldn't figure out how many times he slowed down.

Some violent drivers pressed the middle of the window and pressed the **** toward them. The palace Europe actually ignored it. The person sat straight and stared at the front without shifting.


Miyao is cold and cold, he does not go to the registration to save a little time is to be able to open a little.

"You don't feel bad when you drive so slow," asked Xiao Nian.

"Uncomfortable." When did he drive such a slow car?

"Then you can be a little faster."

"Do not"

Gong Ou refused, no one can make a joke about her life, she can't, she is now in pregnancy, an injury is a big deal.


Xiao Nian silently closed his mouth.

Gong Ou used the old-fashioned driving method to drive the car all the time. When she opened it, she was a little sleepy. She yawned and leaned back and leaned back.

I listened to Miyau’s 50th time and asked her, "You are sure that your seat belt is fastened."

"I have it, or you personally."

"You check it again."


When the little thoughts are big, it turns out that this is the feeling that my husband spends his pregnancy together with him. Is it true that all men will be so scared and fussed?

She looked down at her seat belt and heard a ringing of the cell phone ring. Then she listened to the low voice in the palace and the sound of a nervous voice. "Sit steady, I have to stop by."

"You don't have a Bluetooth headset?"

When the small thoughts are stunned, it is really impossible to put a phone outside the Bluetooth. How to pick up a phone and stop by.

"You must park, or I will be distracted."

Miyau's eyes stared sharply at the front, observing the rearview mirror, and then slowly leaning the car to the side. It seemed that it was not safe enough. He simply parked the car in a farther parking lot.

Well, there is no danger in this way.


When Xiao Nian can only watch him silently, some are crying and laughing, moving, helpless, and five flavors.

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