CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 760: : What you like is him.

Chapter 760: What you like is him


Yes, you are the best.

When Xiao Nian continued to help pack up the luggage, while Miao Ou was learning to fold the clothes, Xiao Nian thought about going out and asked the person to walk towards Lorry’s study.

She reached for the door.

The door was not closed, it was pushed straight away, and the white gauze passed over her face.

When Xiaoyan reached out and opened it, when he entered, he saw Luo Li sitting at the desk and giving himself medicine. The clothes faded, and some of them tried to wipe the medicine. The heart was red, his face was red and his brow was wrinkled. Tight.

When I saw Xiao Nian, Luo Lie endured the pain and said coldly. "You don't have to say goodbye to me. I don't welcome the people of the palace."

When Xiao Nian walked over, he pushed a box of medicine that Luo Lie could not reach, and said it to him. "Is it even my brother doesn't welcome it?"

When the words fell, I only heard the sound of "砰". The scorpion held in the hands of Luo Lie fell on the table, his face was gray and dead, and a pair of eyes glared at her.

Seeing his expression, when Xiao Nian knew that he was right, he couldn’t help but say, "It turned out to be true."

"How do you know?"

Loreley's breathing suddenly became a bit heavy, looking at her with a look of defense.

When Xiao Nian leaned over the body and stretched his finger to the black box on the shelf, there was also a pattern printed on it, she said, "I know that pattern."

"It’s just a brand name for a watch. What's unusual?" Loyre said with a sullen face. "You see what's inside."

"No, I didn't read it, but I remember that brother just likes to wear this brand of watches." Shi Xiaonian said, "I guess he is still wearing this brand on his hands."

"With these"

Lorry snorted.

"I guessed it. I thought about it. Some details are not so far-fetched." When Xiaonian stood in front of the desk, he whispered softly. "When I meet on the first day, I will I feel that you are not like a person who wants to travel right away. The family is well organized, there is no suitcase, and even the ingredients at noon are all fresh, and the servants are not temporarily purchased. Even the front of the house is not parked. Obviously you have no plans to leave."


Luo Lie was completely said, some embarrassed, turned his face.

"You and your brother said that you are going to travel, you are going to leave soon. In fact, you are waiting for him to come over. Right, so you didn't even push the dance party at night, and took us to participate." Said.


The embarrassing color on Luolie’s face is heavier.

When Xiao Nian stood in front of him, he continued, "In fact, you have always wanted to cure me. It is not because of me, it is because of brother, so you usually observe my way of life and study me every night. The condition needs to rely on tea to refresh, and to open the window to blow the cool breeze, but also to make myself feel spiritual, is it?"

Luo Lie lowered his eyes, and for a long time, he continued to raise his face and look at the time, saying, "Continue."

"You were nervous when I accidentally came in that day. You didn't hate me for being misunderstood, but worried that I looked at the things in the box." Shi Xiaonian said.


"Today, you find that we have all lied to you, and you are not too angry. But when you call him Dr. Luo, your emotions become extraordinarily excited, even if you try to cover up."

But she still can see it.


Lorry's face became more and more gray.

"Doctor Luo, many years ago, my brother had been to this place." Shi Xiaonian said, "The person who refused your confession that year was really there, not made up by you, and that person is me and Gongou. brother."

Is it right?

Lorry sat there looking at her in amazement, a bitter smile on her lips, and reached out and pulled the clothes up and said, "Is it true that women are born to be more delicate than men? You are really smart."

That is what he has never seen in his heart, and he was seen by a woman with a faint look.

No wonder that women are born detectives.

"My brother doesn't know what it is," Xiao Nian asked. "I don't know your feelings when I look at him."

Didn't he say that the confession had passed?

How to see the palace, I don’t feel embarrassed when facing him.

Wen Yan, Luo Lie’s eyes suddenly became cold, stood up from the table, and screamed at her with some anger. “How do you want to use this to threaten me to cure you? It’s impossible for Mrs. Palace, I am deeply influenced by Lancais. Specially, you are killing me today, and I will not cure you."

"If I want to threaten you, it is Miyako who is standing here now."

When Xiao Nian said.

Listening to this, Lore’s eyes were stagnation, and some people stood there rigidly, watching her fixedly.

"In fact, it doesn't make much sense. I just want to confirm it if I guessed it." Shi Xiaonian said, his lips screamed and said, "Dr. Luo doesn't want to pursue it."

"There are people who have been rejected have something to say." Lorry said coldly, "I don't want to say more, let's go."

When Xiao Nian nodded, the man stepped back and forth. "Duo Luo is a person who is cold and arrogant. If he is rejected, he will probably not be able to pull it down. But the emotional thing is not like this, not to guard one's own world. There is a small box for the future."

"You don't feel sick?"

Luo Lie asked, a little surprised when the thoughts of Xiao Nian.

"do not think so."

When Xiao Nian was faint, Lou Lei stared at her.

She said that she had already said, and there was nothing to say. When Xiao Nian turned and walked toward the door, suddenly there was some hesitant voice from Luo Lie, "Hey."

When Xiao Nian turned his head, he saw that Lore stood there, looked at her awkwardly, and hesitated.

"That one"

When Xiao Nian first saw Luo Lie like this, the color on his face became deeper and deeper, and Luo Lie hesitated for a while, "Do you want to listen?"


What to listen to

When Xiao Nian was stunned, Luo Li did not wait for her answer to go straight toward the bookshelf, took the black box off the shelf, opened the cover and handed it to Xiao Nian.

When I was looking at the past, there were some messy things inside, there were stacked scarves, there were several watches, there were half bottles of small bottles left, and some photos were taken at first sight. There was only one photo owner. Palace.

The background in the photo is also very well recognized. It is the turret with the bell ringing. The palace gongs in the photo are almost all on the table, wearing sunglasses, the mask is half covered, and the face is red, like drunk.

"I have known the palace for many years. I didn't have a deep relationship at the beginning. Later, when he came over, he was in a bad mood and his mood was very low. He always wanted me to accompany him. During that time, I stayed with him every day. On the corner of the building," said Luo Lie.


Xiao Nian is quietly in front of a listener.

"I don't know when I liked him. He was wearing sunglasses or wearing a mask in front of me, or wearing both. I have never seen his true face." Some are weak, laughing at me with a mockery. "I like it as well."

It was at that time. After Xi’s death, Gong Yi came here for his sorrow. When the palace was a sad and alcoholic person, Luo Li accompanied him.

"He was drunk when you confessed."

When I combined these contents, I thought it was a matter of course.

"Yeah." Loeley said, his lips twitched with a bitter smile. "I just confessed when he was drunk. At that time, I realized that he always had someone else in his heart."

"Why don't you confess when he is awake"

When Xiao Nian asked.

Since I can’t help but confess, why not be awake when others are awake?

"He is a man, I am also a man. I am very proud of my lore. I know that I will be rejected. I don't want to be rejected. Naturally, when he is drunk," Lore said. "So, I get The answer I want, he will forget all when he wakes up. Not very good."

I was afraid to refuse, even my friends didn’t have to do it.

When Xiao Nian faintly understood how Luo Lie thought, this kind of inner suffering must not be easy, and he could not ask, and he could not retreat.

Lorry closed the box and hugged it in his arms. The corner of his mouth was still stained with blood. "I think he must have a good relationship with his girlfriend now, so why should I still dismantle others."

It turns out that his three views are still positive. She thought that he really did not take the responsibility of destroying others.

And girlfriend.

It seems that the drunken palace does not talk too much with Lori.

"You didn't ask him?" asked Xiao Nian.

"Ask what, ask if you and your girlfriend are very loving." Loree mocked the tunnel.

"I really don't know if you are proud or inferior."

He couldn't pull his face to ask, but he still didn't dare to hear the affirmative answer. He would rather be alone.

"Just when I am proud of my bones, I don't like to hear the answers I don't want," said Lolie. "There is still something to tell you, I really used the palace as a substitute for the palace, because I never I have seen the real appearance of Miyazaki completely. When I saw Miyako, I was still thinking, since it is a brother, it will not be very similar."

"It turned out to be the case."

No wonder that Lore’s expression was stunned at that time. He never saw the appearance of the palace’s face without covering anything.

She used to think that the gentle and masculine look of Miyao was like the predecessor of Lori.

They all guessed wrong.

"In these six days, I looked for the shadow of the palace in the body of Miyau, and found that the two of them really did not look like." Like what I thought of, Lorry laughed and laughed and pulled the wound, his face paled. "Of course, the real Miyako and Miyagi are even worse."

The two brothers in character are indeed in the south.

Xiao Nian smiled and nodded. "Yeah, they are not like."

Luo Li put the box back on the bookshelf, his fingers crossed the pattern above, and smiled ironically. "Miyazaki, it turned out that he was Gong Gong, he is the young master of the palace, it is really fate."

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