CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 900: I am afraid that you are not fooling around.

Chapter 900 is afraid that you are not fooling around.


The bodyguard responded.

With the help of Xiao Nian, Mu Qianchu’s tips like dumb puzzles were found one after another. She found one and watched the palace burned.

She did nothing, did not stop without exhortation, only connivance.

When I found the gift of the eleventh house under the glazed tile roof of the old house, the mood of Xiao Nian had reached a peak. It was not a jealousy, nor was it sad, reminiscing or indifferent. It was a complicated emotion that could not be said. Filled with her whole person.

She has been silently watching the gift of Gong Ou, and she constantly remembers the past with Mu Qianchu, and remembers the simplest happiness at that time.

The eleventh gift that Mu Qianchu gave her was a medical report, a report of his own preparation for craniotomy, and a thick piece of stationery next to it.

This letter, Mu Qianchu wrote a lot of content, she can almost imagine how a blind man is difficult to press the paper with one hand, holding the pen in one hand and carefully writing the words he will write.

Medical record report.

At that time, I knew that Mu Qianchu’s vision could be restored. The two of them were the most happy. Why did they get better, but they changed everything after an operation.

Mu Qianchu and Shi Xiaonian eventually became strangers, and then she was six years old, and then her family broke.

When Xiao Nian sat at the door, outside the door, Gong Ou was burning the medical report, watching the burning flame, when the little thoughts covered his lips, his eyes gradually moistened.

Gong Ou looked up at her, and the gaze was particularly sullen across the fire, and it made people look chilling.

When Xiao Nian could not help but bow down and buried his emotions, Gong Ou stepped forward to her step by step. "What did you write on the letter?"

When Xiao Nian handed a thick stack of letter paper to Miyao, he looked at his sullen face and whispered, "Miyao, can we go back now?"

"The last gift has not been found yet."

Palace Europe is cold and authentic.

"It is impossible to have the last gift." When Xiaoxuan said, the voice was a bit stunned. "The gift was sent to the hospital after the first time. After the operation, he lost his memory. Therefore, there is no twelfth gift. ”

The gift ends here, only eleven.

Gong Ou looked at her, her eyes were deep, and people couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. He turned the letter in his hand and turned it over, his face was faint.

"Really, he didn't even have a clue, didn't he?"

Otherwise, this serial gift will begin to leave a dumb puzzle for her to guess, but the medical record is a medical record, without any dumb mystery.

"The clue is not in the medical record, but in the letter." Gong Ou looked down at her and asked in a word, "Look at the snow, where will you go to see the snow?"

When Xiao Nian’s mind flashed a little light, he remembered the scene from the beginning of the snow.

"It seems that you think of it."

The sound of Gong Ou is cold.

When Xiao Nian stood up and stood in front of Miyao, his eyes stared deeply at him. "Miyao, we are not looking for it, are we going back?"

I have found eleven, and he should vent his vents, isn’t it?

"Not good." Gong Ou paranoid, "Where is the snow?"


When Xiao Nian looked pale to him, he must burn all the satisfaction, is it?

"where is it?"

Miyako added a tone.

"Come with me."

Under the strong eyes of Gong Ou, Shi Xiao Nian eventually lost, and lifted his foot and went out. Miyao called her. "Are you tired? Maybe... you can find it tomorrow."

In short, still looking for it?

In short, he is not in a hurry to return to the city, isn't it?

When Xiao Nian shook his head, he could not squeeze out even a stubborn smile. "I am not tired, let's go. There is a big place there. It is not easy to find."

After that, when Xiao Nian went forward, a squat almost fell at the foot, and Gong Ou hugged her from behind, and she could not help but hang her side and walked out.

When I was looking at him, "I am very heavy now."

"You are the head pig, I can hold it too."

Gong Ouyi gave her a look, not a lifetime.


Xiao Nian reluctantly leaned in his arms, letting Miyao hold her forward, and the night was deep, but Miyao’s chest was warm, she leaned on his shoulder and could not feel a little cold. meaning.

She stared at his face at a close distance, with sharp edges and corners, deep outlines, and no smiles. She couldn't guess what Miyake was thinking.

This feeling is really a little tired.

When Xiao Nian thought secretly, she walked out for a long time, she said, "Come."

It is the open space behind the community. The streetlights shine on everyone. The bodyguards quickly spread out with the guys, ready to do a big job, and then see the ground is cementy and dumbfounded.

When Xiao Nian looked at this place, he said, "There was no concrete floor here. At that time, it was snow. There would be a lot of snow here. It was especially muddy and difficult to walk. It would fall into the snow pit if you accidentally. ”

"When taking snow as a romantic memory, do you think you are making a TV series?"

Gong Ou Yin Yang screamed coldly, and when a pair of eyes squatted, Xiao Nian could not wait to make a hole in her.

"..." When Xiaonian bowed down, "Miyao, I will go back to the old house to pack things up. You can find it, anyway, it is such a big place."

She really didn't want to remember those past, so tired, really tired.

When Xiao Nian turned and was ready to go back, a voice suddenly came from behind him. "Mr. Gong, look."

When Xiao Nian turned his head subconsciously, he saw two bodyguards standing in front of a thick tree with a trunk. The place about one meter high and five meters was hollowed out, revealing a tree hole.

Miyao strode past, and the slender fingers crossed the edge of the excavated tree hole for a week, and his eyes were cold.

"Mr. Gong, this cut is new and old, it should be someone who has recently dug."

Bodyguard analysis.


Miyao looked coldly and turned his head to look at the time, when Xiao Nian stood there, his eyes staring at the tree hole, and the size of the hole was almost exactly a chocolate tin box.

However, the box is not inside now.

That can only explain a little.

Gong Ou walked toward her, and the black scorpion stared at her deeply. The thin lips were slightly open, and the word was worded. "The surname is back."

It seems that the mails sent are effective, and finally know to come back to protect the gift.

When Miyao didn't read it, she didn't see any reaction. She rubbed her shoulder and left, rubbing her shoulders for a moment, Miyao's face was so bad.

When Xiao Nian stood alone, looking at the tree hole, he couldn't say anything.

Why are you coming back?

If I saw the burning video of Gong Oufa, I saw the warning from her. Why did Mu Qianchu come back, why not go...

When Xiao Nian closed his eyes, he heard the sound of the indifference of Gong Ou’s voice behind her. “I will not leave, I will find Mu Qianchu.”

"How do you want to find it later?"

When Xiao Nian asked, the voice was a little tremble.

"I play to kill him!"

Gong Ou sneered aloud, and the laughter was particularly cloudy under the night.


When Xiao Nian clenched his lips, his lips were white and his emotions were hard to name.

Miyako is really not ready to go, and she can't do it when she is young. She has to stay with her.

The lights in the old house are lit.

When Xiaonian sat on the side of the balcony door, she was rushing to the powdered milk, holding a thin spoon and stirring it inside. A pair of black and white eyes looked at the bed, and Miyagami was lying on the bed halfway, holding a tablet in her hand, slender The fingers swiped quickly on top and didn't know what to do.

"Do you have to be like this?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"Distressed?" Gong Ouyi said to her, his eyes were indifferent. "If he stayed abroad in an affluent way, I would not move him a finger. He actually ran back sneaking. Who knows what he wants to do? Is it still? Looking for you to retell the front?"

"You know that this is impossible."

The things between her and Mu Qianchu have completely passed, no matter how good or bad.

He was accompanying her to experience this, and now he still said something like this.

"Who knows." Miyau sneered sneerly, his fingers running fast on the tablet.

"He didn't bother us when he came back, just went to worship the flute, and he said that he has no ability to deal with you now." Shi Xiaonian said, his voice was pale.

"Just because he and you have so many pasts, he makes me unhappy." Gong Ou cold and cold, paranoid to crazy, "Since he has the courage to come back, have a gift to protect the gift, I find him to play with it is normal ,Is not it?"

Anyway, they are natural enemies.

His tone is as casual as a grasshopper.

When Xiaonian turned the warm milk cup in his hand, he looked down at the milk in the cup and whispered, "If you are noisy, I am afraid... you are not at all."

She is afraid that every thing he seems to do now seems to have his reasons and has his purpose.

Obviously he is not ready to tell her, and she is too stupid to guess.


Wen Yan, Gong Ou leaned on the bed, his fingers were stiff on the flat screen, the thin lips were tight, and the black scorpion was fixed for a long time. He did not see anything on the tablet.

The silence of a room.

Suddenly, Gong Ou turned off the tablet and looked up at the milk cup in her hand. Unhappy, "I still don't drink milk."

He did not face her.

He escaped.

In the face of such a situation, the heart of Xiao Nian thought a little more, and took the milk cup to drink, the cup was taken away by a hand that came out.

Miyao stood in front of her and took the cup over. She took a sip and frowned. "It's cold."

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