CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 962: Time to steal medicine

There were some subtle sounds coming from outside, and Mu Qian’s ear was listening. Was it awakened?

"Because of……"

When Lore’s words were not finished, they were cut off by a voice. “Miyao? Palace?”

When Xiao Nian was outside, he shouted at the palace, and the more he shouted, the more anxious he was.

Miyagami stood up straight and rushed out when he opened the door. "I am here, are you awake?"

When Mu Qianchu leaned against the wall of the bathroom, he listened to the pace of the palace and hurriedly left, with an incomparable anxiety, just like under the big sun, he suddenly picked up the little thoughts in the stalemate. #_#67356

Gong Ou has always been a step for him, he has to serve.

When Xiaonian sat on the bed, there was a layer of sweat on his forehead, and there were panic in a pair of black and white eyes. She had a nightmare, dreaming that Gong Ou was thrown into the sea by Lancaster in the UK, she called him. The name did not respond, and the sea was surging, completely swallowing him.

She woke up as soon as she was afraid.

"What's wrong?" Miyao sat by her bed and reached out and touched her face. "How come so much sweat?"

When Xiao Nian looked up at him, in the moment of touching his dark eyes, she thought of a second in the mirror to look at him, she desperately called, he could not hear, turned and left.

Later, there were so many **** things.

She couldn't help but bow her head. "Nothing, I'm fine."

Miyao smoked a paper towel to wipe her sweat, and there was footsteps in the room. When she looked up, she saw Loire and Mu Qianchu coming out of the bathroom.

She blinked in a big way. "How do all three of you come out of the bathroom?"

Wen Yan, Luo Li immediately clarified, "No, Mrs. Gong, the three of us are very pure, we just talk about things in the bathroom."

Still not to bother her.

When Xiao Nian squinted innocently, "I did not say that you are not pure."

What did he think she was thinking?

Luo Lie touched his nose a little, and Mu Qianchu stood beside him, his eyes looking in the direction without her focus. "Small thoughts, how are you? Are you alright?"

His voice is calm and gentle.

Miyao couldn’t help but glance at him, his eyes were cold, and when he was looking at Muqian, "I am fine." #67356

"I just heard some small noises, as if you are not very calm."

Mu Qianchu said.

Upon hearing this, Gong Ou's eyes are full of coziness, and I can't wait to kill Mu Qianchu with his eyes. When he can hear from the ring, Xiao Nianzhen is not calm?

When Xiao Nian was surprised, Mu Qianchu actually knew this even. He couldn’t help but say, “It’s just a nightmare, nothing.”

"A nightmare that is too horrifying will affect pregnant women. Drink more water and calm down."

Loreley stood there to give expertise.

When Xiaonian nodded, Gongouou was impatient and rushed. "Okay, now the little thoughts are awake, I have nothing to talk to you, go out."

This is overbearing.


Lori and Mu Qianchu had to leave, when Xiao Nian looked at their figure and thought, and quickly said, "Right, help me out of the villa defense, I will go downstairs with Gongao."

She does not want others to see Miyau.

"Okay." Mu Qianchu answered.

Watching them go out, the sweat on the face of Xiao Nian was cleaned by Gong Ou, and Miyao stared at her and asked, "What are we going downstairs?"

"I was preparing to give you the final surprise today. I didn't expect to make such an episode. I am going to do it now, but you can't let me go alone?" Xiao Nian thought with a low eye. "So I Let the thousand first give people away."

"A bit of a thousand, do you have a good relationship with him now?"

Gong Ou Yin Yang asked strangely, facing him is not looking at the right eye, facing a young man in the beginning of the morning is always staring.

When was he not there, to what extent did she and Mu Qianchu develop?

"I can't talk about good or bad, just like that between me and him." Shi Xiao Nian never knew how to define his relationship with Mu Qianchu. This is not what she cares about now.

She opened the quilt and got out of bed, changed a set of home clothes, **** a long hair and went out.

"What surprises do you want to give me?"

Miyao chased her and asked.

"Of course, you like it." Shi Xiaonian said, "I am afraid that there is too little time and I can't prepare too much, so take time."


What gift is still more? Miyazu picked up her eyebrows, but she thought that she thought so much for herself, and his heart was still happy.

It’s just that Loren’s unfinished words are what I want to say. When I think about it, it’s a bit wrong, but fortunately, before he did those things, it’s normal for her to feel uncomfortable.

She didn't hate him, he thanked him.

The bodyguards of the villa were cleared out, and when they entered the restaurant, they picked up their small books and looked at them. One more hand was suddenly on their shoulders.

Miyao yelled at her. "What are you looking at?"

"You have to go to the UK. I try to prepare some food that can be put on for a long time. Even if I can freeze it and eat it, I can take it." When Xiaonian flipped the book in his hand, "I found There are quite a lot of such foods, so take time to do it."

"You want to give me a bunch of food to bring to the UK?" Miyau's eyes stagnate.

"Well, I have to take a long time to do it, I don't know if the box is enough." When Xiao Nian didn't go to see him, he walked into the kitchen while holding a small book.

Miyao Station has not been there for a long time, a pair of black scorpion staring at her back, when she is doing mr palace, he wants her to give him a surprise, can not sleep, can not sleep, do not have a mood to do things, It is angry and awkward.

Now he knew that she had a big belly and woven a scarf in an outdated shelter, and prepared food for him.

She didn't look at him, he was uncomfortable; but she was so desperate for him, and he didn't feel much in his heart.

She clearly hates him, he is ready.

When Xiao Nian bit his lip and turned the book to see which dish to start with, the book was suddenly walked by Gong Ouqiang, and she looked at him with a stunned look, and her eyes quickly subconsciously avoided.

"What do you do with my book?"

Xiao Nian whispered.

"Your stomach is so big, doing things in the kitchen for a long time is not good, don't do it, I have something to eat outside." Gongou stared at her face.

He likes to eat what she does, but she hasn't reached the point where she doesn't even care about her body. He just doesn't know how to cook and knows that the food on this book is enough for her to stay asleep for a few days.

"If you have some food, you won't be so thin." Shi Xiaonian said with a low eye. "You have so many business things to do in the UK. If you can't eat well, I will do it, it's just a small matter."

She reached for the book, but she was caught in the arms of Miyau. He pressed her head to his chest, and the magnetic voice came out of the chest. "When you miss you, don't look like this, I don't." You need to do something for me, you just have to wait for me to pick you up."

"It's really okay, I don't have to cook, I have nothing to do." Shi Xiaoyan said in his arms, she heard his heart beat like a drum.

"I know that you are distressed and I am enough!"

Miyao loosened her, her hands touched her face, and her face was a small circle.

When Xiao Nian was pressed against his face like this, his eyes could not be avoided. He could only blink his eyes. She licked her lips and asked softly. "What if I insist?"

"I insist more!"

Miyagami squeezed out a word from the thin lips, and he never wanted her to work so hard for him.

His voice is strong.

When Xiao Nian stood there, his hand slowly fell down. "Oh, then I won't do it, I will go back to rest."

She can't disobey him.

She can't influence anyone.

She wants to be a little more secure, she wants to be jealous, don't add anything to anyone.

When Xiao Nian thought so, he took down the hand of Miyau and turned away. Seeing that she walked so quietly, Gong Ou stunned a bit, and some were inexplicably unhappy. "You really don't do it?"

"Don't you let me not do it?"

Is she not good at obedient? He is not upset anything.

"I don't have to do so much, you can do something for me to eat now. I didn't eat anything when you made a meal last time!" When it comes to this matter, Miyau hates to gnash his teeth.


It is a man who is hard to serve.

When Xiaonian recited his back to him, "That's how you moved a few bags of flour to the kitchen. I went to get two recipes."

"Yes." Gong Ou promised, "You can't look at my eyes and talk?"

The words she said were gentle, but the eyes didn't look at him. He was very upset.

"I took the recipe and went down."

When Xiao Nian still did not look at him, he left in a hurry, did not go back to the room to take the recipe, but chose to enter the room of Luo Lie, the door was not locked, she pushed in and went in.

Lore’s room was clean and tidy, and the shelves on the wall were all filled with bottles and cans, as well as some medical magazines.

When Xiao Nian walked over, he took a bottle of medicine and looked for what he needed.

Lore’s room should have this medicine.


The door was suddenly opened, and when I was shocked, I looked up and saw Luo Lie staring blankly at herself. "Mrs. Palace, how are you in my room."

When Xiao Nian’s hand was holding a bottle of medicine, it’s not a good time to get it in the air at the moment. It’s not going back.

"Mrs. Palace, are you looking for medicine? What are you looking for?" Loeley came over.

This is already the case. When Xiao Nian knew that he couldn’t stand Luo Lie, he put the medicine bottle in his hand back on the shelf and said, “I want to find a medicine that can calm down in a short time.”

“Who needs it?” Loyre asked sensitively.

When I was young, I licked my lips and said, "I am."

Lorry looked at her with a sly face. "Mrs. Palace, you are pregnant now, do you want to take a calming medicine? Are you crazy?"

When I heard this, when Xiao Nian went to the front, the door was closed and locked.

Luo Lie looked at her unconsciously.

When Xiao Nian leaned against the wall, "Doctor Luo, in fact, among so many people, you know my situation best. I can feel my mental state is very unstable now."

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