CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 130: Sudden disaster

Chapter 130 Sudden Calamity

When Luo Qingyun saw this, he thought he was ill, and quickly lifted the quilt to get out of bed, reached out to support his shoulders and back, and said with a voice of concern, "What's wrong, Qi Ze, did you have a heart attack? Where is the medicine? "

Su Qize lay on the bed and rested for half a minute on his upper body before slowly raising his head, and said with a stern expression. "That's why, I said how he would fall out with his mother for a woman. It turned out to be a wild species."

"Qi Ze ... you ..." Luo Qingyun saw his face so cold that he was scared, and for a while he couldn't figure out if he was okay.

"Qing Yun, rest assured that today you will not fall in vain for this fall, I will definitely make that person who hurt you pay a heavy price." Su Qize said, reaching out and grasping Luo Qingyun's hand tightly.

Luo Qingyun heard what he said, but she didn't have any happy feeling of revenge in her heart, and she only had endless fear in her heart.

She doesn't know how Su Qize will retaliate against Jiang Yanxin, but she can basically predict what kind of fate Jiang Yanxin will face next ...


Jiang Family.

Su Wanbo sent Jiang Yanxin home, and in the end he remembered Luo Qingyun, soothed her, and was about to leave.

Jiang Minxin guessed that he wanted to go to the hospital, so he pulled him away.

"Wanbo, can you stay? I'm afraid ..." She looked at him with a pitiful expression on his face.

Su Wanbo was touched by her look of pity, and she was a little bit reluctant, so she comforted, "Baby, you are good, I have to go. Qingyun's belly is pregnant with my grandson, I really Some can't rest assured. "

Seeing that the pretense was pitiful and useless, Jiang Yan let go of his hand, and resentfully said, "Okay, you go, you go, you just know that you feel bad for your grandson, don't you worry about me and the child in my stomach? Do you know that I was frightened by your wife today and do n’t stay with me now, what if I come to trouble me? ”

"Why don't I worry about you? See what you're saying? You can rest assured that she can't find you in trouble with me. She's not like that." Su Wanbo patiently assured her.

"Well, she's not that kind of person. What you said is that I have slandered her. Okay, let's go. Anyway, if there is anything wrong with our mother and son, what will you do?" Jiang Yan knew that he could not keep it. He just turned his head to the side and lost his temper.

Su Wanbo has always favored her, and she usually has a little temper and a little temper, and he only feels very cute.

But today she was so out of place that he made him feel that he was always too good for her. After all, in front of He Fen, he was always the one to be coaxed.

Now, it was the little girl who was so convincing, and he felt a little bit led by his nose. This challenged his machoism, and he was a little unhappy.

"Don't worry, don't make any more noise. This kind of thing happened today. I don't know what it looks like at home. I must have to go back. If you are sensible, stop quietly, rest at home, and wait for me to go there. I solved my problem and come to you again. Also, you remember, I do n’t like being threatened. Do you understand me? ”In order to gain the initiative in front of Jiang Yanxin, Su Wanbo changed to her on weekdays. The tone and sound of Baiyibaishun became a little tougher.

Jiang Xunxin originally wanted to play with his temper, even if he left, he had to keep thinking about himself.

I didn't expect that he didn't buy the bill this time. For a while, I felt like I was overdoing it. This way, not only could I not firmly bind Su Wanbo's heart, but he might push him away from his eyes. Turning around, in order to give herself a step and to make Su Wanbo feel better, she decided to show weakness.

Her mouth froze, and she showed a look of grievance, with a crying voice, "I didn't stop you if you were leaving, but people would not let you leave, and where did I threaten you? You know that I am timid, but also Say such words to me, take good care, I'm wrong, I shouldn't leave you, let's go and handle your affairs, I just wait for you to come back. "

When Su Wanbo saw that she finally stopped making trouble with herself, and looked at her full of grievances, she couldn't help but feel a little distressed, reached out and squeezed her into her arms, comforted, "Okay, okay, I know you Aggrieved, look back and compensate you well. Didn't you fancy the villa on the riverfront before? I bought it for you as your birthday gift for next month ’s birthday, okay? ”

"Who wants your gift, they just want to be with you." Jiang Yanxin said with a grimace.

"Okay, let's take that house as our future home. I'll ask someone to send the keys tomorrow. You can go to the house and decorate it in your favorite style, okay?"

"Speak tomorrow, aren't you in a hurry to get back? Hurry up." Jiang Yan said with a thoughtful look, and exhorted, "Let the driver drive slowly on the road, call me when you arrive."

"Okay, you can rest early, you are not tired, our son is also tired." Su Wanbo said, kissed her on the forehead, calmed a few words, and turned to go out.

Watching his back disappear into the room, the smile on Jiang Minxin's face disappeared instantly and became extremely cold.

She got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face. She seemed to wash all the traces left on her, and looked at herself in the mirror. Because she had a very strong reaction and bad appetite in the first three months of pregnancy. Before the start, not only was he not fat, but he had lost a lot of weight.

When she remembered Luo Qingyun's pregnancy, the stars around her looked like a moon, and she became more jealous.

They are all pregnant with the Su family. Why is she Luo Qingyun nervous?

When it comes to identity, she is Jiang Dingxin's upright young lady. What is Luo Qingyun?

It's unfair. It's really unfair.

Luo Qingyun, one day, you will be stepped on by my feet!

She gritted her teeth and silently imagined that day would come.

But, unfortunately, she did not wait for the unfortunate fall on Luo Qingyun, but was hit by a car on the third day on the way to the hospital for a check-up. She was taken by the car on the spot and was directly hit by the sky. She thought she would die in the car, and felt that her body had been taken out of the car.

The child in the belly is gone, and because of excessive blood loss, the uterus has not been saved, and she will not have children in the future.

In a very short time, the news passed through Xie Yue'e's mouth and reached Luo Qingyun's ear.

When she heard the news, the first reaction was to connect this matter with Su Qize.

Picking up the mobile phone, she called Su Qize's phone. Secretary Pan answered the phone and said he was in a meeting and had no time to answer it.

Unable to get an answer from Su Qize, she had to take the news and knock on the door of her mother-in-law He Fen.

Originally, He Fen didn't want to see her. Guiyi helped her to say a few good words, and she brought news about Jiang Xinxin, so she reluctantly opened the door.

Luo Qingyun walked into the room and saw He Fen sitting on the sofa without even raising his eyelids. He looked directly at the air in front of him, his tone was aloof, "If you have any words, just say something quickly and go out , I don't want to see you. "

"Mom, I know what you say, you won't believe me. The things Dad and Jiang Minxin really have nothing to do with me." Luo Qingyun opened his mouth and wanted to take the opportunity to explain his position first.

However, He Fen didn't want to hear her say this, and he waved without waiting for her to say, "If you have nothing else, you can go now."

"There is one thing that I think you need to know is that Jiang Yan had a car accident and the child was gone, and ... it is said that there was a major bleeding in the palace, and the doctor removed her son and the palace to save her life ... ... "

"What did you say?" He Fen was shocked when she heard the news, but then a smile of revenge was revealed on her face. "It's really heavenly, and the little man finally got it." retribution."

"Mom, do you really think this matter is retribution?" Luo Qingyun saw from her expression and reaction that this matter would never be done by someone.

He Fen heard and looked at her with a strange expression, "What do you mean by this? Isn't it retribution, is it artificial?"

"I don't know, but I'm a little worried, will this matter be Qize ..."

"Qize? How could this matter have anything to do with him, and he didn't know ..." He Fen would never believe that this matter was related to her son, but half of what she said suddenly looked at Luo Qing in front of her. Yun, "You told Qi Ze to listen to Jiang Yan's heart?"

"I wanted to hide him like you, but he was very clever, and he guessed it at once, and finally said that if I didn't tell him, he would check it by himself. I didn't want him to be too involved in this matter. After much thought, I told him what happened ... "

Luo Qingyun explained, but before she finished speaking, He Fen stood up and threw a slap on her face.

Instantly, a bright red five-fingerprint appeared on the original small and delicate face, and the hot pain spread on her face.

"What do you say ... what is your peace of mind? You know that I am most afraid that Qi Ze knows this. I tried to hide it from him as much as possible. As a result, you had better tell the truth directly to him. I asked You, if he gets mad at him, can you take responsibility? "

"Mom, I didn't mean to tell him, there was no way, he ..." Luo Qingyun wanted to say, in that case, she said or not, the result was the same.

Moreover, it turns out that they both underestimated Su Qize's mental capacity.

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