CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 650: Unfriendly man

Chapter 650: Unfriendly Man

Neon lights flickering all over the street illuminated her gloomy heart. At this moment, what she wanted most was to see her lovely daughter.

These days, without him, He Meixin always feels empty in his heart, and sometimes even feels that life is meaningless.

At this time, Wu Wei wanted to give her love, and she also wanted to accept it, but she knew that she couldn't have children in her life.

Even if Wu Wei put aside all the doors, she didn't mind that she couldn't reproduce the child, but what about his family? How could a powerful family like their family allow her daughter-in-law like her to come in?

Think about it, you are still too naive, and imagine things too simple.

With a bitter smile, she slowly strolled along the street, looking through the clean windows, watching the ever-changing shops with various beautiful items around her, and her heart gradually calmed down.

Not long after walking out of the hotel, her cell phone rang, and the number shown above was from Wu Wei.

"Hey." She didn't dare answer the call, for fear of being scolded by Wu Wei. After all, she didn't say anything to leave, it was very impolite.

"Where?" His voice came over the phone, and he couldn't hear much emotion.

"I ... I'm home ..." She had to make up a lie to lie to her, and now she didn't want him to see it.

"Have a good rest." He didn't blame her, nor was he angry, just let her take a good rest.

Hanging up the phone, Huo Xiwen walked a few steps forward along the line and saw a bar in front of him.

"Well, I will. I'm sorry tonight." She heard his voice and suddenly felt warm.

"It doesn't matter, you have to leave next time. Remember to tell me."

"I know."

"Get off early, call me if you need something."

"OK Bye Bye."


The phone hung up like this, He Meixin breathed a long sigh of relief. If she turned around at this time, she would definitely see a black Porsche not far behind her. The black car is the symbol of Wu Wei, as bright as his splashing eyes.

He continued to walk forward. He Meixin didn't know where he was. When autumn came, the night was always cool, and there was no point in thinking about going home now, so she walked in A cafe not far away.

The decoration of this cafe is very stylish, unlike those coffee shops where she used to follow Wu Wei to enter.

There is a French-style sentiment everywhere, even the music is the old French songs.

He Meixin found a seat by the window. She didn't like drinking coffee, so she ordered a cup of orange juice and looked at the pedestrians coming and going through the window. She felt that she could find a special one only for her. She feels as if she lives in a castle where no one can enter, and none of the dangerous factors outside can harm her.

In those years in the United States, she labored hard to give birth to He Yimeng, and she firmly believed that raising him alone. At that time, without Wu Wei's help, their mother and son might have died in the United States. Recalling that For some time, she felt sad, and her thoughts on He Yimeng became more intense.

The night gradually deepened. She sat idly in the coffee shop, all thinking about the pictures of the year, not so sweet, but made her laugh, because He Yimeng was so cute at that time, She smiled for the first time, called Mommy with her mouth open for the first time, walked her legs for the first time, helped her with simple housework for the first time, and corrected some of the bad problems she often committed, the first time ...

Everything, all printed in her mind, little by little, can not forget.

As He Meixin slowly remembered the past, the waiter came to He Meixin with a glass of drink: "Miss, hello, this drink was bought by the gentleman opposite you."

He Meixin didn't expect someone to be asked to drink tonight. She looked in the direction of the waiter, and saw a gentle man looking at her and smiling at her with a slight smile.

With a light smile on his back, He Meixin held up the drink, paid him a respect, and took a sip.

The man didn't have to walk in front of her, just looked at her with a smile, keeping a safe distance with her that she felt.

Unconsciously, time passed slowly, and she sat here almost early in the morning, seeing that all the guests in the cafe were gone, and suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to watch the time. She drank both drinks on the table.

Quickly got up to pay the bill, she felt a little dull head and a little fever all over her body.

When she came to the bar, she took out her wallet and paid for it, but the waiter pointed at a man standing at the door and looking at her, "The gentleman has already bought the order for you."

He Meixin walked to the man with a little embarrassment and politely said, "Thank you for helping me pay, how much is it? I'll give it back to you."

"No, I rarely see such a beautiful lady as you. It's my pleasure to ask you for a drink." The man grinned, probably because he had been smoking for a long time, and his teeth had a yellow stain .

"Thank you then." He Meixin felt more and more a bit heavy, and his body was hot.

"No thanks, this is where I'm going, I'll send you." The man saw this picture of He Meixin, and suddenly reached out and stuffed a pill into her mouth. She didn't have time to respond, and the other party took another look. Hold her waist and whispered in her ear.

"No ... no need ..." He Meixin reached out to push him away, only to find that she had no strength at all.

How could this be? She felt a bit wrong, trying to break away the magic claws that he slowly walked over her, but she couldn't do anything with her strength.

"Don't disturb, obediently, I will take you to a comfortable place to rest." The man firmly held her willow waist, and then ordered.

He Meixin felt that her nerves were slowly falling apart, and the raging strokes of her disgusting hands that had been put on her even made her decide to feel hungry.

No ... no ... it shouldn't be like this ...

The only trace of reason left her to calm down quickly. She bit her lips tightly. When she felt a little blood on the tip of her tongue, she was awake again, struggling to push him away and scratching on herself. He Meixin cursed, "Let go, you gangster ..."

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