CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 675: Hate her so much

Chapter 675: Very Hate Her

"I forgot to tell you, the contract with Xingyue was signed by your father, the chairman of Xingyue Group, as early as yesterday afternoon. Why did Lingzun not notify you in advance?" He She raised her eyes and smiled, followed by handing a copy of the contract to He Meixin around her, motioned her to give Lily a look.

Lily heard that, her expression was stagnant, she snatched a copy of the contract from He Meixin's hands, and immediately became angry.

"Wu Wei, that's how you count me?" She was so angry that her tears seemed to be coming out.

Wu Wei's face was still light and light, he glanced at her quietly, and then said, "I just want to protect my woman."

He Meixin was completely confused when he heard this. What is it all about?

In fact, regarding the signing of this contract, it was decided to sign it again next month.

Yesterday at noon, Wu Wei had lunch with Lily, and by the way talked about the details of the cooperation. After the two had a chat, Lily accidentally revealed that he would go to Huo Fu to give Huo Jiabao something at night. Naturally, she knew that she would meet He Meixin at Huofu House, so she calmly went to Xingyue Group in the afternoon to find Chairman Bai to sign this contract in advance.

Therefore, when Lily came to Huo Fu at night, when she met Wu Wei at the door, she was slightly surprised. The two entered Huo Fu together, and everything that happened was basically under Wu Wei's grasp.

Of course, he wouldn't tell He Meixin that the reason why he would go to Huofu yesterday was not only to worry that she was sick, but more importantly to be afraid of what Lily did to her.

"He Meixin, you are great, you won, but I won't let you go so easily." The sudden reversal of the situation made Lily's face uncomfortable from her previous pride. She stared at He Meixin fiercely, that look was enough to swallow her alive.

Seeing Lily's hatred for herself, He Meixin felt that she was a bit unreasonable for a moment.

What the **** is she doing? Why does she hate her so much?

It is not her fault that Yi Meng is living in Huofu, nor is she willing to conceal her identity from her before. It is also helpless, if she is not afraid that she may misunderstand her and Huo Jiabao. What's the matter, that she wouldn't be so **** Barra to calm down in front of her? Now, all of a sudden it became her fault. Who did she provoke her to?

Compared to He Meixin's depression, Wu Wei was obviously more relieved. He looked at Lily's distorted face because she was angry and said coldly, "If Miss Lily wants to participate in today's meeting, please go aside Sit tight, if you do n’t want to participate, please leave and do n’t hinder the progress of our meeting. "

Originally, she wanted to show off her strength, but instead of threatening He Meixin, she also lost her face. At this moment, Lily's face was ugly. She gave He Meixin a stern glance, then turned towards the door of the conference room. Go outside.

The dramatic scene just now saw He Meixin's brain stop working.

She didn't expect Wu Wei to sign the contract so quickly, and she didn't expect Wu Wei to rip her face off with Lily for her. You know, they have been very good friends since they were young, and the other two are still friends. If this is known by Wu Wei's parents, how would she look at her?

Thinking of Wu Wei's parents, she suddenly remembered that she would have dinner with them tonight, wouldn't it be the so-called Hongmen feast?

He Meixin had begun to think about something quickly in her mind at this moment, until Wu Wei took the folder and tapped her hand gently, signaled her to continue the meeting, and she just looked back. Come.

At this time, the eyes of those executives looking at her are no longer as simple as before.

Everyone may be guessing in their hearts what happened between Lily and the two of them.

After the morning meeting, Wu Wei was dragged to the staff restaurant downstairs by He Meixin. The two had lunch together. By the way, He Meixin wanted to ask him to answer. What does "Mine" mean.

Wu Wei naturally did not explain to He Meixin how he calculated Lily.

For, isn't he alone in calculating the lily?

Without Huo Jiabao's first move, it would be better, let alone his downfall.

Before going to work in the evening, Wu Wei reminded her that she had made an appointment to have dinner with her parents.

This time it was a formal mutual understanding. Without knowing why, He Meixin became nervous.

Perhaps, to be precise, she was not prepared to face Wu Haotian and Guo Caimei.

Dinner was set in a high-end Chinese restaurant, perhaps because the couple of Wu Haotian traveled too long this time abroad, so they miss the taste of domestic dishes.

For this official meeting, after work, He Meixin deliberately asked Wu Wei to accompany her to the shopping mall, wrestled with each other, and tossed herself out of the way like a lady, before willing to go to the restaurant.

The atmosphere at the dining table was very relaxed. Wu Haotian and Guo Caimei didn't even have as many questions as the previous Bais.

They just quietly watched He Meixin's every move, smiled, and then asked about her hobbies and discussed their wonderful journey in Africa.

When the topic on the dinner table shifted to Wu Wei, He Meixin completely relaxed.

"Meixin, don't look at Wu Wei as an adult now. He was timid when he was a kid. I remember that when he was six years old, I didn't know why, and suddenly he didn't dare to sleep alone. When I told him Daddy The company's affairs are very busy. He doesn't have much time to accompany him. He often tells us that the house at home is too big, and he is afraid of it alone. "When Guo Caimei talked about Wu Wei ’s childhood, her face was always faint. The light of motherhood.

"Mom, don't make my image indiscriminately in front of Meixin. At that time, she really thinks I'm a coward." Wu Wei immediately said, pretending to be angry.

When Guo Caimei heard this, she smiled and said, "Be assured, the courage of beauty is bigger than you, so she won't shrink back because I say you are a coward."

Don't say anything about this, He Meixin didn't understand at the moment, but she found that Wu Wei's face had changed secretly.

"Meixin, how long have you known Wu Wei?" Wu Haotian then asked suddenly.

"It's been almost six years." He Mei thought for a while and replied.

"It's a long time. I didn't expect that it took Wu Wei to chase you for six years." Guo Caimei heard it and said with deep meaning.

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