CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 677: Various torture

Chapter 677: Various Tortures

"Do you want to eat Chinese food? Aren't you going to grab even chopsticks?" Huo Jiabao was puzzled by He Yimeng's abrupt proposal, and intuitively told him that the **** kid was guessing what he was thinking.

"I can use a spoon. Suddenly, Chinese food is still the best." He Yimeng insisted on his choice, with a firm appearance.

As a result, Huo Jiabao had a steering wheel and the car drove to the underground parking lot of this Chinese restaurant.

This restaurant has a very classic character. The box and the box are separated by a screen. Walking in the corridor outside the box, you can catch a glimpse of the people who ate inside. Because the consumption here is so expensive, people who come to eat here will not have anyone else except those who are not bad money in high society. Basically, in general, when you come to eat here, you have to book in advance.

Therefore, when Huo Jiabao brought He Yimeng into this hotel, he was stopped by the waiter.

"Is there a reservation, sir?"

"No." Huo Jiabao thought it was funny. He went somewhere, but never thought about any reservations. Several of the city's top restaurants recognize this face. It's just that this restaurant hasn't been here, so it's normal for the waiter not to know him.

"Sorry sir, come to us for dinner, you have to make a reservation before you can." So, often the waiter who didn't understand how to look at the people just kept Huo ’s president and Huo ’s granddaughter outside the door.

"Uncle waiter, I advise you, let my dad go in. Otherwise, you might regret it." He Yimeng saw Huo Jiabao's face that was not so good, and quickly advised him.

"I'm sorry, sir, we must make a reservation here ..." The waiter's position was unusually firm, and he refused to give up his face.

Huo Jiabao was already impatient at this time. He took out his mobile phone and was ready to call the assistant. The content was nothing more than checking who opened the restaurant. By the way, check if it was listed. If so, go straight to the acquisition. Plan Yunyun ...

However, before he made the call, he was dragged by He Yimeng's little hand. He whispered to Huo Jiabao: "Daddy, calm, we don't know anything about him."

After speaking, he turned to look at the waiter again and said, "Uncle, we have already booked a seat, but I don't know which box, can you find it for me?"

"You can call that guest on your own ..." The waiter said something very ignorant of current affairs.

Huo Jiabao's anger came up in a flash. He called Qian Jun's phone, so he explained, and then stood there as if someone was waiting.

He Yimeng saw a faint, slightly evil smile on Huo Jiabao's face at this time, and his heart shook secretly, mourning the waiter's fate.

In the box here, He Meixin couldn't sit still. Although Guo Yaxin's direct attack on her was less, her conversation with Mrs. Yang and Guo Caimei was obviously deliberate.

"Sister, have you ever seen those chiefs or anything like this when you went to Africa?"

"We went to South Africa, but the chief didn't see it, but had a lunch with the Foreign Minister of South Africa." Guo Caimei said with an unspoken smile on her face.

"Why? Even the foreign ministers of yours have met? Are you green light ready to switch to the jewelry business?" From the moment she settled to the present, Mrs. Yang, who rarely spoke, may have finally found a topic that she is more interested in. She asked, looking at Guo Caimei.

"There is no such plan yet, but I just went there to look at it." Shaking her head with a smile, Guo Caimei denied.

"I didn't plan to go there to see if I could eat at the same table with a diplomat. It really is different to have an elder brother who works for the United Nations." Mrs. Yang said a little bit sourly, which meant that Guo Caimei intentionally didn't tell her What news is general.


He Meixin was frightened.

Did she just hallucinate? Brother at the UN?

With a look of confusion, he turned his head to look at Wu Wei, meaning, please, please explain to me quickly what is going on.

"My uncle works for the United Nations Secretariat." A deliberately low voice sounded in He Meixin's ears, but it almost shocked her like a thunder.

They ... what kind of family is this?

Noblemen, politicians and key figures ...

"Then ... that ... I ... I suddenly felt ... I want to go home ..." She cried, did she stop playing with them? What's this about? The family lineup of their family was so overwhelming that she couldn't breathe, and she was so disparate in status that she could n’t keep sitting at this table listening to what oil, diamonds, stocks, etc. they were talking about In other words, it can only be regarded as a cloud.

However, she wanted to leave, but he refused.

Holding her hand on the table tightened again, and a low voice came into her ears again: "You have to get used to my life slowly."

Ah, it ’s no longer an issue of adaptation.

You just want a beggar to become emperor for no reason, then it depends on his stomach, can you digest the food the emperor wants to eat?

She He Meixin said that she had a son, and she said that she would not be able to have children in the future. She was separated from Wu Wei's world by objective factors such as family conditions and status.

What Cinderella story is, as long as two people love each other, nothing can prevent them from being together. What identity is not a problem, nor is age. It doesn't make any sense to her now.

"By the way, Maxim, do you like opera? City Y seems to be playing" Jester "recently. When will you be free to accompany me to see it?" Guo Caimei suddenly turned the topic and talked about opera again.

Opera ... He Mei is so stupid, she ca n’t wait to slap yourself so that you can come to see their parents without even investigating a few people in your family, so that you can promise your parents to eat this meal. ...

"Sorry ... I'm sorry, I don't have much research on opera ..." If she wasn't afraid she would fall asleep and laugh when she "appreciated" the opera, she would definitely approve her nod, and then say that she likes opera, likes it very much, very much like.

"So, what about the art exhibition? It is said that the Da Vinci art exhibition will be held in City Y in two days, and we can have had an eye addiction before the opening."

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