The story is about to begin, but it is not easy to get started.

PS: (The beginning is a little slow, it is recommended to read it quickly until chapter 5 or more.)



Because he was injured and died while saving a cat, today is the second day that Gojo Fuguang has traveled to this world.

He is unfamiliar with the place and has been wandering recently.

"I must find a job to make a living. If I starve to death because I have nothing to eat, it would be too undignified." Gojo Fuguang muttered. Without a certificate, he could not do ordinary jobs.

The only thing to be thankful for is that he can speak some basic Japanese, after all, he is familiar with it after watching too many porn movies.

"Kou Ni Ji Wa, can you help me find a job? I'm starving to death." Fuguang asked passers-by with a sincere face.

The person being asked looked about 15 years old. Fu Guang was desperate to find a cure. What could a child do to help him?

Huang Mao looked Fu Guang up and down.

He was about 18 years old, with dirty clothes and dusty facial features, but he was very three-dimensional.

The most important thing was that he dyed his hair like him, but Fu Guang's was white, while he was yellow.

After thinking that Fu Guang was also a rebellious and bold person, Huang Mao immediately replied happily: "I have a job and no one is looking for a team. Do you want to join me?"

"How much is the salary?" Fu Guang asked.

"10,000 yen a day, how about it?" Huang Mao said excitedly.

Fu Guang's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this. According to the exchange rate, this is close to 500 RMB, a high salary.

In China, unless you work overtime all night like a beast, you will never get such a high salary.

He said nervously, "The salary is good, what exactly do you do?"

Huangmao saw that he did not refuse, so he said easily:

"Don't worry, we just have to stand guard, and the real danger is for those demon hunters to bear."

"What is the profession of demon hunter?" Fuguang thought to himself.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Huangmao and Fuguang found the place where they worked.

This is a factory. People around have been evacuated. Fuguang and Huangmao stood 10 meters outside the factory gate to guard.

Fuguang put on the Velcro of the green reflective vest, and he looked at Huangmao with some doubts and said:

"It doesn't seem to be difficult. Those people dare not approach this place."

Huangmao said with a relaxed expression: "Just stand here to warn everyone, this money is free."

Fuguang frowned, and saw that the occasional passers-by looked at the warehouse behind them with awe and walked away quickly, and he felt a little uneasy.

If this money is so easy to make, then this job should not fall on him.

Just when Fu Guang was worried, a roar came from the factory behind him.

Fu Guang was so scared that he tilted his head to look inside, and then he began to be stunned.

The roar just now actually opened a human-shaped hole in the iron fence of the factory, but this did not make him tremble.

The main thing was that the thing that broke through the iron was not a human!

The face of that thing was rotten, and if you look closely, there are maggots wriggling in the eye sockets of the humanoid monster.

Although I miss my relatives in a foreign land, it is definitely not a zombie missing my hometown!

"Damn it!" Fu Guang subconsciously burst out the national quintessence.

Huang Mao saw that the situation was not good and immediately shouted at Fu Guang: "Run! Run!"

Seeing that the person closest to the zombie was Fu Guang, he also rushed towards him as food.

But Fu Guang just stood there blankly, like a person who was trembling with fear after seeing something too terrible.

However, Fu Guang's situation might be a little different. His mind was telling him to run, but his body was secreting a large amount of adrenaline because his life was threatened.

His heart was beating like a drum, and his blood was rushing like a river.

Now Fu Guang's body was like stepping on the accelerator, but his brain was pulling the handbrake.

Under this conflict, his body couldn't help shaking.

This stalemate looked like waiting to die on the spot, but the stalemate didn't last long.

When the zombie was less than 3 meters away from him, his brain decisively released the handbrake and stopped suppressing the body's survival instinct.

When the zombie was about to pounce on Fu Guang, he exploded.

His right leg suddenly retreated, and his right hand was pulled open like a bow with a full moon.

At this time, the body's functions were at their peak, and there was no skill to speak of. Just use force to create miracles.

Huang Mao watched Fu Guang, who was waiting to die on the spot, and he was shocked and punched out with full strength.

Then the zombie's head separated from its already rotten neck and flew out like a shot put.


The zombie's head fell to the ground

After rolling several times, Huang Mao stopped and looked at Fu Guang in disbelief.

In his cognition, Fu Guang should be eaten by zombies without any resistance, but the result was beyond his cognition.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

After the outburst, Gao Guang broke out in cold sweat. His irrational eyes watched the zombie neck continue to ooze black blood after the head disappeared and gradually calmed down.


"Si Guoyi!"

Huang Mao approached tremblingly. He thought that Fu Guang, who had just come into contact with the devil, would die, but who would have thought that a novice rookie could get rid of a human being corrupted by a zombie devil.

The reason why Fu Guang could explode in life and death is that the potential of human beings to explode in desperate situations is very terrifying.

Putting away his relief, Fu Guang looked at Huang Mao with a scrutinizing look.

"You said there is no danger." Fu Guang stared at Huang Mao after he finished speaking.

However, he had just killed the zombie with one punch. Even if he didn't say much, the pressure on Huangmao was quite terrifying. He immediately explained:

"I... I didn't expect this situation to happen. I was a little afraid that if I told you about the potential threats of this job, you would not come with me."

Huangmao's answer did not clear his responsibility, and Fuguang was indeed close to being desperate and actively asked someone to introduce him to a job. He was a little dissatisfied:

"You should have told me about this potential risk, at least to let me be on guard. I was almost killed by you just now..."

Just then, a loud noise and a terrifying roar came from the factory again.

"Out of control? Or is the demon's strength a little too strong this time, and civilian hunters can't solve it at all?"

Huangmao had already run 10 meters while his thoughts were mixed. Although he wanted to earn this money, he wanted to live more.

Huang Mao shouted at Fu Guang: "Run, those civilian hunters can't deal with zombie demons at all."

Fu Guang stood still, Huang Mao thought he was doing it for money and added again:

"The people inside can't deal with zombie demons, so they can't exchange money for us to pay, so even if we stay at our posts, we won't get any money, run!"

But Fu Guang still stayed where he was, and he even walked into the warehouse.

"Idiot! Are you crazy?" Huang Mao shouted anxiously behind him.

Fu Guang was of course not crazy, but he was really short of money now. It was difficult for an illegal immigrant like him to find a legal job in Japan.

And it was unknown how long it would take to kill demons for money, and he couldn't go begging on the street.

Of course, the most important thing was that the legendary golden finger arrived.

When he killed the zombie, a voice sounded in his mind.

[Kill 1 zombie, meet the activation conditions, "The courage to fight back."]

[The system of crossing all worlds is open, and a gift package for novices is given. ]

While Fu Guang was talking to Huang Mao, he received the novice gift pack without hesitation.

And the reason why he dared to step into the factory was because he got the reward of being able to kill zombies and demons.

[Reward: "Six Eyes of the Blue Eyes" inherited from the Gojo family, one of the three major families in the world of curses. ]

[Reward: 1 experience card of "Spell Reversal·He" . ]

[Reward: ······]

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