Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1005 Cherish

Although Su Chengyu didn't speak, it could be seen from his expression that he was also very uncomfortable.

Jing Jing continued: "She can come here, which means she has feelings for you. If the plague is not cured, she will not be able to leave this city. If you haven't seen her, she doesn't blame you at all, and just guards your room silently." door, you"

"I look like this," Su Chengyu finally opened his mouth, and lifted the thin quilt on his body. Under the thin quilt, his exposed skin was full of pustules, and some pustules were even broken, and the pus came out, sticky. Confused, very disgusting, "I look disgusting at my sister-in-law, I really don't want her to see it"

Quiet, silent. If she is like this, she doesn't want her husband to see it. And her husband is like this, so she probably doesn't want her to see him.

"She shouldn't have come." Su Chengyu closed his eyes, his face full of pain, "You shouldn't have come"

Quietly said: "There is no question of whether we should come or not. We only care about you. We care about you as a younger brother. She cares about your lover. So, come here. Even if you die here, you will have no regrets."

The corners of Su Chengyu's lips kept trembling, his face twitched, his throat was choked up, as if he wanted to cry but tried his best to bear it.

Looking at Su Chengyu like this, Jing Jing felt even more uncomfortable, but still said, "Meet her, let her stay by your bed, it will make her happier than staying outside your room."

After a pause, he said quietly again: "Maybe we will all be gone tomorrow. Some things, since they are all in front of us, let's cherish them if we can."

Without saying anything else, he quietly turned and left.

After quietly leaving, Su Chengyu opened his eyes and quietly looked at the top of the bed.

After half an hour, he said as if he had figured it out: "Please come in the princess."

"Yes!" The waiter rushed to invite Ning Wenxian to come in.

When Ning Wenxian was told that Su Chengyu let her in, she couldn't believe it at first, and then hurried in.

"Your Highness" Ning Wenxian walked to the bed with red eyes, looked at the person lying on the bed, feeling so uncomfortable that she didn't know what to say.

Su Chengyu sighed lightly before asking: "Are you afraid of me like this?"

Ning Wenxian immediately shook her head violently.

"Don't you feel sick?" Su Chengyu asked again.

Ning Wenxian shook her head even more violently, and at the same time, cried: "His Royal Highness is sick, Wen Xian is not afraid, and Wen Xian does not feel sick, Wen Xian just feels sorry for His Highness."

Su Chengyu's eyes turned red, and he cursed in a choked voice: "You have always been sensible and courteous, and cared about the overall situation, why did you come here this time without caring about anything? You are the princess of Xiyun, not an ignorant woman who doesn't have to bear any responsibility !"

Ning Wenxian knelt down abruptly: "Your Highness, although Wen Xian doesn't think that Wen Xian did anything wrong, Wen Xian still asks His Highness to forgive Wen Xian this time."

After a pause, Ning Wenxian said again: "His Royal Highness, Wen Xian not only does not think that Wen Xian made a mistake, but also thinks that this is the most correct decision Wen Xian has made since childhood: no matter when His Highness dies, Wen Xian will always To be buried with His Highness!"

"You!" Su Chengyu was extremely angry at first, coughed several times, and then felt sad, thinking of him as a prince, but in the face of the plague, not only could he not protect himself, but he could not protect his own woman. In the end, only moved up.

"Get up."

Ning Wenxian took a peek at Su Chengyu first, and seeing that Su Chengyu didn't seem to be angry anymore, she got up: "Thank you, Your Highness."

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