Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1007 He is infected with the plague

"Okay!" Meng Zhuqing hurried over to help Gong Juechen distribute ice cubes to those infected with the plague.

And when Meng Zhuqing finished her work and came out of the medicinal food hall, it was already very dark.

Her head was slightly dizzy, but Meng Zhuqing didn't care about it, she just thought that she was too busy and tired today.

When Meng Zhuqing returned to her room in the palace, she saw Tuoba Yao standing at the door of her room.

"Princess" saw Tuoba Yao at the door of his room, Meng Zhuqing was very surprised and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Tuoba Yao didn't say anything, just took out the sachet that Meng Zhuqing gave her during the day and returned it to Meng Zhuqing.

Seeing that Tuoba Yao had a new sachet hanging around her neck, Meng Zhuqing took her own sachet with confidence.

Tuobayao originally wanted to ask Meng Zhuqing where she had been during the day, but in the end she didn't ask or speak, she turned and went back to her room.

In fact, she waited for him for a long time, but did not see him come back. It was only now that I saw him.

Originally, she planned to ask An Jing and the others where he had gone, but she was afraid of revealing her feelings for him, so she resisted asking and waited silently by herself.

Now that she saw him and returned the sachet to him, she felt much relieved.

Meng Zhuqing watched Tuoba Yao disappear from his sight before he lowered his head to look at the sachet in his hand.

The light of the moon sprinkled on his silver mask, making his silver mask glow coldly, but his hand holding the sachet was extremely warm.

She returned the sachet to him, and when she returned it to him, the sachet still carried her temperature.

Four days later.

"Where's Meng Zhuqing? Why haven't I seen anyone this morning?" Quietly asked.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi are planning to take Meng Zhuqing to the city to distribute medicinal soup to those who are not infected with the plague. The medicinal soup contains bluegrass root, which has the effect of preventing epidemics, but it has been all morning, and neither of them has seen Meng Zhuqing .

Qin Yi and the others shook their heads: "The subordinates have never seen him today."

Jing Jing then ordered: "Qin Er, go to his room and see if he is still in the room."

"Yes!" Qin Er hurried to Meng Zhuqing's room to check.

After a while, Qin Er came back.

He came back in a hurry with a serious face, only to hear Qin Er's heavy report: "Master, madam, Deputy Meng infected him with the plague."

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't say anything, put down the things in their hands and hurried to Meng Zhuqing's room.

Meng Zhuqing was lying on the bed, and seeing An Jing and Xiao Changyi coming, before An Jing and Xiao Changyi could get to the bed, he hastily stopped him and said, "Master, madam, don't come here again! The master and madam care about the subordinates." Your subordinates, but it is better for the master and madam not to take care of the subordinates, so as not to be infected with the plague."

Quietly looked at Meng Zhuqing's exposed skin was red, and pustules had already formed in some places, "Qin Yi, hurry up and find Gong Juechen to come and have a look."

"No need," Meng Zhuqing opened his mouth and refused, "This subordinate always hangs around the medicinal food room before, and knows the symptoms of this plague. This subordinate is really infected with the plague."

After a pause, Meng Zhuqing said again: "Even if Gong Juechen comes over, there is no way to cure him, it doesn't matter if he can't get over."

Immediately, Meng Zhuqing struggled to get up, knelt on the bed, and kowtowed to Xiao Changyi and An Jing: "The subordinates can no longer do things for the master and wife. I hope the master and wife forgive me."

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