Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1020 Give you some cakes to rescue

When Qin Er and Qin San heard this, they were overjoyed immediately. Immediately, Qin Er hurriedly knocked on the door and reported the matter to Xiao Changyi.

As soon as Xiao Changyi heard that Gong Juechen had found a cure for the plague, he immediately asked the maids to take care of the tranquility of soaking in ice water in the bathtub and falling asleep, and he got up and walked outside.

"Are you telling the truth?" Xiao Changyi hurriedly asked Gong Juechen as soon as he came out of the room.

Gong Juechen didn't answer, but motioned Xiao Changyi to look at his face and neck: "Look, my pustules have deflated so much, do you think what I said is true?"

Only now did Xiao Changyi discover the changes in Gong Juechen's body. No matter how cold his personality was, he couldn't help but be overjoyed at this moment: "What is the solution?"

Gong Juechen didn't hold back anymore, and took out a blue flower cake from the basket: "I ate a lot of this last night, and when I woke up in the morning, I found that the pustules were deflated. It should be the blue flower energy in this cake." The top priority is to cure this plague, we need people from outside the city to gather a large amount of Fulan flowers from the surrounding mountains and send them in."

Xiao Changyi heard from Jingjing last night that Gong Juese made Fulan flower cakes for Gong Juechen, which must be the cakes, but before he could speak, Su Chengyu's people rushed to report: "My lord, what's wrong? Alright, His Royal Highness can't do it anymore."

Xiao Changyi was taken aback, and hurriedly asked Gong Juechen, "Are you running out of the Fulanhua your sister brought into the city?"

Obviously, they want to save Su Chengyu.

Gong Juechen doesn't want to die now, even though he came here with the pancakes to save Meng Zhuqing, and Meng Zhuqing is also tortured by the plague and is unconscious, but he still wants to save Meng Zhuqing first out of selfishness.

But now, one is about to die, and the other can be delayed, so Gong Juechen can only say: "My sister used it to make cakes for me to eat, and there are still a lot of cakes left, I will give some to His Royal Highness first." Let’s save a cake and see if it works.”

Now, that's the only way to go.

Xiao Changyi took the three Fulan flower cakes that Gong Juechen gave him and ran to Su Chengyu's room. Gong Juechen hesitated for a moment, but followed with a basket.

To be honest, he really felt sorry for his three cakes.

This cake was made by his sister for him, but he didn't intend to give any of them to others.

But because he thought that he had always felt sorry for Meng Zhuqing, a friend, he brought the cake, intending to save Meng Zhuqing first.

Meng Zhuqing is unconscious now, but she will die anytime.

While going to Su Chengyu's room, Gong Juechen gave Qin Er five cakes, and asked Qin Er to give them to Tuobayao, and asked Tuobayao to find a way to feed Meng Zhuqing to eat.

Qin Er was very puzzled why Gong Juechen only gave three to save the prince, but generously gave five to save Meng Zhuqing, but he still did as Gong Juechen said.

Looking at the six cakes left in his basket, Gong Juechen felt even more distressed about the few cakes he gave away.

When Gong Juechen walked into Su Chengyu's room, Xiao Changyi and the others were hastily soaking the cake in water and smashing it into pieces, planning to feed it to Su Chengyu. Because Su Chengyu has no consciousness at all now, so he can't eat this cake at all.

But when they fed Su Chengyu the pudding that was crushed and gruel-like, they found that Su Chengyu couldn't drink it either.

When Ning Wenxian saw it, she didn't care about being ashamed, let alone the presence of many people. She wanted to save Su Chengyu, and she took a sip by herself, and then fed Su Chengyu mouth to mouth.

It shows that Ning Wenxian has a deep affection for Su Chengyu.

Gong Juechen looked at it, and couldn't help being a little envious. When will there be a woman who loves me deeply?

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