Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1036 Liangpi

Seeing Su Yijing like this, An Jing almost burst into tears.

Xiao Changyi pursed his thin lips tightly. It was obvious that he was also very uncomfortable.

Seeing Su Yijing like this, the three little guys, Su Yixing, An Yiqing, and An Yiyun, all held Xiao Changyi's clothes with one small hand, and Jing Jing's clothes with the other.

The four little guys looked at me and I looked at you, laughed at each other, seemed relieved, then closed their eyes, and slowly fell asleep.

Seeing that the four little guys didn't sleep neatly among them, but messed up and fell asleep among them dishonestly clutching their clothes, An Jing and Xiao Changyi couldn't get angry at all, they just felt distressed, Feel sorry for the four children in their family.

Their four children are only three years old

After the children fell asleep, An Jing still couldn't control it, and tears just flowed down.

Xiao Changyi saw it, and stretched out his hand to wipe his wife's tears through the children.

Jing Jing didn't say anything, when she saw Xiao Changyi's hand reaching out to help her wipe her tears, she immediately smiled and shook her head at Xiao Changyi, as if she was fine, but her tears still flowed out uncontrollably.

Xiao Changyi didn't speak, and continued to help An Jing wipe away tears.

That night, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't dare to turn over, because their clothes were grabbed by the four little guys, and they were afraid that they would wake the four little guys up if they moved.

He slept all night without moving. Although his body was very stiff the next day, An Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't complain at all.

If this can make the four little guys feel at ease, they are even willing to be grabbed by the four little guys every night.

On the second day, An Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't get up in a hurry, but waited for the four little guys to wake up before they got up.

The four little guys also got up and stood on the bed, while Ren Jingjing and Xiao Changyi dressed them.

After putting on the clothes and shoes, the four little guys didn't go anywhere else, so they followed An Jing and Xiao Changyi.

If Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi are not together, they will follow one of them.

If Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't see them, they would cry, and they looked very sad and pitiful crying as if Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't want them.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi are not willing to let their children cry and be sad because of this incident. They take four children with them wherever they go. See, peace of mind for children.

Seeing the hot weather, I quietly thought about it and made iced fruit salad for the four children to relieve the heat.

She really made this fruit salad very simple, just cut the fruit into cubes and put them in a bowl, add some crushed ice, and add some goat milk and honey on top.

The fruit salad is ice cold, and the four little ones like it very much.

But fearing that the four little guys would get stomach upset if they ate too much cold food, An Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't dare to feed the four little guys so much cold food.

But the weather is really too hot, even if there is ice, Jing Jing feels hot and uncomfortable.

An Jing suddenly thought of the fact that she always ate Liangpi cold noodles in the modern hot weather, so she said to the four little guys: "May I make Liangpi for you?"

The four little guys didn't care what the Liangpi was, and when they heard that it was for food, they all nodded in unison, the meaning was quite obvious: good!

The weather was very hot, and An Jing didn't take the four little ones to the stove. She was afraid that the heat would hit the children, so she asked Xiao Changyi to accompany the children in the main courtyard, and she went to the stove alone to make Liangpi.

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