Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1048 Falling into the Water

As soon as Gong Juechen came to Han Xinzhe's side, he bent down to pick up the fishing rod he had thrown on the ground just now. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Han Xinzhe's outstretched foot, and he sighed again in his heart, not avoiding it.

Closing his eyes, he was tripped by Han Xinzhe's foot and plunged into the river.


When Gong Juechen plunged into the river, he was still sighing in his heart: Uncle, my mother and concubine sent me and my sister to my master to be raised, just want me and my sister to live in peace and stability, so don't worry about it. success?

"Doctor Gong!" When Han Xinzhe saw Gong Juechen plunged into the water, he pretended to be shocked and called out to Gong Juechen urgently, and ordered his followers to jump into the water to quickly rescue Gong Juechen ashore.

Gong Juechen was familiar with water, but when someone came to rescue him, he was too lazy to save himself, and was dragged ashore by Han Xinzhe's followers.

Jing Jing and the others were startled when they saw Gong Juechen fell into the water, and hurried to the river to check on Gong Juechen's situation.

Seeing that Gong Juechen was dragged up, he only spat out a few mouthfuls of water, he was fine, it was just a false alarm, An Jing asked, "Why did you fall into the water so well?"

Gong Juechen pretended to be in shock, and said with some grievances: "I just want to pick up the fishing rod. I guess the ground here is a bit steep. If I bend down to pick it up, I will fall."

"Fortunately, General Han is here, otherwise, we may not be able to rescue you in time." Gong Juechen was dragged ashore, so An Jing thought that Gong Juechen was not familiar with water.

Gong Juechen got up from the ground, and thanked Han Xinzhe sincerely: "Thank you, General Han. There is no way to repay your life-saving grace. After Caomin, give Caomin's big crucian carp to General Han to eat!"

Who will eat your fish!

This person is not only shameless, but also a bit weird.

Han Xinzhe was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's a trivial matter."

Immediately, Han Xinzhe looked at Gong Juechen's wet clothes, and "kindly" suggested: "Mr. Gong, your clothes are all wet. You should be uncomfortable wearing them. You should take them off and dry them in the sun."

His eldest nephew has an obvious birthmark on the upper part of his waist, if this person is really his eldest nephew, it can be seen as long as Gong Juechen takes off his shirt.

When Han Xinzhe stretched out his foot to trip him, Gong Juechen expected that Han Xinzhe wanted to check the birthmark on his waist, but he didn't intend to recognize his ancestors, so naturally he wouldn't let Han Xinzhe check it.

Gong Juechen smiled indifferently and said: "You don't need to take it off, you can wear it on your body and you can dry it in the sun, and you don't need to wear it anymore. By the way, I'll go and sit by the fire, and I'll do it quickly."

Saying that, Gong Juechen strode towards the fire for grilling fish.

Han Xinzhe looked at Gong Juechen walking towards the fire with his whole body wet, and he didn't take off at all. He wanted to rush over and take off the clothes that Gong Juechen was currently wearing.

However, Han Xinzhe still used his reason to control himself, not letting himself be so impulsive.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi also walked back to the fire and continued to grill the fish.

As soon as Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi came back, Gong Juechen felt aggrieved and said a little loudly: "Jing Jing, my big crucian carp is going to repay the life-saving grace of the general, can you give me another one?"

When Han Xinzhe heard Gong Juechen's words, the corners of his mouth twitched. Just like a bear, really a man?

"Okay, I'll give you another one." An Jing answered very happily. Just giving another fish is not a big deal, and there is no need to think about it.

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