Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1055 I Didn't Lie To You

Su Yijing didn't speak, but hugged Xiao Changyi's father tightly, as if he didn't want Xiao Changyi's father to leave.

Xiao Changyi suppressed his worry, touched Su Yijing's small head, and comforted him very lightly: "Father just went out for a while, and he will be back in a while."

Su Yijing didn't speak, but hugged Xiao Changyi even tighter, shaking his head in Xiao Changyi's arms, making it clear that he didn't believe Xiao Changyi's words, afraid that Xiao Changyi would not want him, so he left again.

"You see your mother is still here, father didn't lie to you." Xiao Changyi said in a good tone.

Su Yijing looked in the direction of Xiao Changyi's finger, and seeing his mother lying quietly on the bed as if she would not leave, he blinked blankly at first, and then slowly let go of Xiao Changyi, no longer hugging her. It's Xiao Changyi.

But when he lay back on the bed, a small hand tightly grabbed onto Quiet's clothes.

It was as if, as long as one person was caught, two people could be caught at the same time, so that their parents would never want them again.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't coax her, Su Yijing just fell asleep in a daze as if she was relieved.

The atmosphere instantly recovered as if everything that happened just now was just an illusion.

But unfortunately, An Jing and Xiao Changyi were very sober, and they didn't think it was a hallucination at all.

This is a fact.

The fact that deeply hurt their hearts.

Although their relationship with their four children has been restored, the sequelae of their four children's insecurity remain.

It is precisely because the children do not feel safe that they have been letting the children sleep with them and grab their clothes during this time.

And they hope to use this to cure the sequelae of the four children, so that the children can once again feel safe with their parents.

"I'll be back in a while." Glancing at the little hands of the four children holding An Jing's clothes, Xiao Changyi whispered this to An Jing again before putting on his coat and walking outside.

After watching Xiao Changyi go out, An Jing turned her gaze away. First she looked at the hands of the four children holding her clothes, and then she looked at the fair faces of the four little guys, and her heart ached.

When will the children feel extremely secure towards her and her father-in-law as they did back then?

Meng Zhuqing stood at the door and waited. When he saw Xiao Changyi coming out, he didn't say anything immediately, but waited for Xiao Changyi to close the door before he whispered: "Gong Juechen came with his things and said he wanted to Live here."

As Xiao Changyi walked a little further away from his room, he asked puzzledly: "It's all right, why does he stay here? He comes in the middle of the night."

Meng Zhuqing said truthfully: "My brother sent him here, saying that someone had sneaked into the general's mansion and put smoke in his room. Fortunately, he is a doctor and is very sensitive to these things. Whenever he smells the smoke, he will shout. The subordinate sister-in-law saved her life, so nothing happened. But the subordinate sister-in-law saw it, and the tall man in black ran away from his yard."

After a pause, Meng Zhuqing said again: "He has offended too many people, and I don't know who wants to stun him and what he wants to do to him. He feels that the General's Mansion is not safe, so he wants to live here."

Xiao Changyi asked again: "Then where is he now?"

"The subordinates dare not let him live here rashly, so let him wait in the front hall first."

Upon hearing Meng Zhuqing's words, Xiao Changyi strode towards the front hall, and Meng Zhuqing quickly followed.

As soon as Xiao Changyi entered the front hall, Gong Juechen rushed over, and while hugging Xiao Changyi's leg, he also sat down on the ground.

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