Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1060 Is it possible that he is...

He knew that his uncle would not let it go until he checked to see if he had the birthmark, so he made a fake skin to cover it up, thinking that he would have to go out many times before being caught by his uncle.

Unexpectedly, the first time she went out after living in Prince Yi's mansion, she was arrested.

Fortunately, the matter is resolved.

No one in the Han family will suspect that he is Su Chenglin anymore.

As soon as Han Xinzhe returned home, he told Han Xinrui that there was no birthmark on Gong Juechen's lower back, and Han Xinrui also felt that they had been busy for nothing.

However, they are convinced that Gong Juechen just looks like their sister, not their sister's breed at all.

Then, Han Xinzhe and Han Xinrui stopped caring about Gong Juechen, but continued to send people to various places in Xiyun to secretly investigate the whereabouts of their eldest nephew Su Chenglin.

That night, while the children were asleep, Xiao Changyi whispered to Jingjing that Meng Zhuqing had chased and lost the two masked men near General Han's mansion.

Before, Jing Jing had learned from Meng Zhuqing that Gong Juechen looked like Concubine Han, and also knew the relationship between Concubine Han and General Han, now Jing Jing was shocked when she heard Xiao Changyi's words.

"Could it be possible, he is..." An Jing was shocked, but she still didn't finish her sentence.

Because as far as she knew, the Seventh Prince Su Chenglin had already been burned to death. At that time, there was the body of the Seventh Prince, and almost everyone in the Imperial Capital knew about it.

Xiao Changyi said lightly, "I hope he's not."

Jing Jing understood what Xiao Changyi meant, if so, a big conspiracy would definitely be involved. A prince is actually among the people. If this is true, there must be something wrong inside!

After a while, Jing Jing also nodded and said: "I hope he is not."

Although they know that Gong Juechen is unfathomable, they still hope that Gong Juechen's background is pure.

On a deeper level, they didn't want to be enemies with Gong Juechen.

On the second day, Jing Jing, Xiao Changyi, and Gong Juechen taught the four children to recognize simple characters in the study.

As for Gong Juechen's possible affair with Su Chenglin, An Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't reveal anything to let Gong Juechen know, and they treated Gong Juechen as before.

Just as An Jing and the others were teaching the children how to read, Su Chengyu came.

Jing Jing asked why Su Chengyu came, Su Chengyu didn't mind Gong Juechen's presence, and said truthfully: "Father is not as good as before, I think Doctor Gong will come to the palace tomorrow to show Father."

He was originally here to find Gong Juechen to enter the palace tomorrow, so naturally he didn't mind anything.

When Gong Juechen heard Su Chengyu's words, he felt very happy: that kind of person should die sooner.

The last time I saw that man with gray hair in the meeting hall, he was happier then than now.

It just deserves it!

Jing Jing sighed with a heavy heart: "We were all in Nanyan before, so the old man was too worried, he is so old."

Su Chengyu also sighed: "Originally, I planned to let the palace doctor enter the palace to see the father, but today is the anniversary of the death of the seventh brother and the eighth sister, and the father eats it every year on this day." One day, he can still see outsiders this day, so I will let it go."

Hearing Su Chengyu's words, Xiao Changyi had no expression on his face, and glanced at Gong Juechen quietly and unobtrusively.

Gong Juechen was still holding the little guy An Yiqing there, and was teaching the little guy An Yiqing to read and write. On the surface, Su Chengyu's words did not cause any fluctuations, but in his heart, because of these words, a turbulent sea was set off.

Su Haoyu unexpectedly

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