Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1062 Never allow anyone to enter

Xiao Changyi said: "That's what I told him."

Jing Jing smiled immediately: "The foster father should be very happy, right?"

Xiao Changyi didn't say whether Emperor Xiyun was happy or not, he just said, "He's crying."

It was silent for an instant.

But she stretched out her hand towards Xiao Changyi, and held Xiao Changyi's hand tightly.

Xiao Changyi didn't speak anymore, but instead held An Jing's hand tightly.

The four little guys who were playing came to play with them, An Jing smiled and asked the four little guys: "Grandpa will live with us in the future, do you agree?"

The four little ones immediately replied in a childish and very happy way: "Okay!"

For lunch that day, Emperor Xiyun and Su Chengyu ate it together.

During the meal, Emperor Xiyun calmly said about his abdication, Su Chengyu immediately put down his chopsticks, got up, and knelt in front of Emperor Xiyun with red eyes.

"I hope my father will not abdicate. My father is the son of heaven, and I will live forever on the throne."

Su Chengyu always knew that Emperor Xiyun would pass the throne to himself one day, but he never thought that Emperor Xiyun would abdicate. He also thought that he would succeed to the throne when Emperor Xiyun died, not now Emperor Xiyun abdicated and let him succeed him.

At this moment, Su Chengyu was both moved and sad.

Emperor Xiyun also put down his chopsticks, and while helping Su Chengyu to get up, he said slowly: "I have discussed with your emperor brother, I will abdicate, you don't need to say more, this throne will be given to you sooner or later, It’s good if I gave it earlier, I can live in peace. Your brother said, let me live with him when the time comes, and I agree. They are all in the imperial capital. It is convenient for you to visit me, and I will come from time to time Live in the palace so that you don't have to go out of the palace to see me all the time."

"Royal father" Su Chengyu choked up.

"Your mother has passed away for many years, and the Phoenix Palace has been empty. I hope it will remain empty, so that I can sit in it from time to time and have a look."


"At that time, your queen's bedroom will be set up in another place. It will not be called Feng Palace, but Fengqi Palace."


"After I die, you will seal the Phoenix Palace and never allow anyone to enter."

Su Chengyu choked up even more, but he still answered: "Yes."

Then, Emperor Xiyun explained the matter again.

Su Chengyu responded one by one.

That night, Su Chengyu went out of the palace and came to Prince Yi's mansion to look for Xiao Changyi.

When there were only Xiao Changyi and Su Chengyu in the study of Prince Yi's mansion, Su Chengyu cried and told Xiao Changyi that he did not want Emperor Xiyun to abdicate.

Xiao Changyi was not as emotional as Su Chengyu, he was very calm, as if the abdication was just a trivial matter like eating.

Although Emperor Xiyun was strict with his son Su Chengyu, the father-son relationship between Emperor Xiyun and Su Chengyu has always been very good.

Emperor Xiyun is going to abdicate now, and Xiao Changyi can understand that Su Chengyu is out of control.

Su Chengyu really didn't want Emperor Xiyun to abdicate. He also really hoped that his father would be in good health and live forever.

Unlike some people, they wished that their father would die sooner, abdicate earlier and pass the throne to themselves.

"If you are really filial, it's not to let him not abdicate, but to let him abdicate to live in his life." Xiao Changyi finally spoke.

After a while, Xiao Changyi said again in a low voice: "He is already old, so let's stop making him worry about it."

Su Chengyu was crying originally, but now his throat was so choked that he couldn't speak.

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