Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1066 She would rather die

When Meng Zhuqing heard what the guard said, she didn't ask what happened to his mother, and how she was rescued by Tuobayao, but hurriedly went to find Gong Juechen, and told Gong to go to the palace immediately.

At this moment, Gong Juechen and An Jing Xiao Changyi were playing together with the four children in the main courtyard.

As soon as Meng Zhuqing rushed into the main courtyard, she hurriedly said: "Gong Juechen, hurry up to the palace, the princess is vomiting blood."

Gong Juechen really liked Tuobayao's face, and when Meng Zhuqing said that Tuobayao was vomiting blood, he was also a little anxious, so he asked: "It's good, why is she vomiting blood?"

Jing Jing was taken aback by Tuoba Yao vomiting blood, at this moment, she also had the same question as Gong Juechen.

Xiao Changyi remained expressionless and continued to look after the child.

The guard followed Meng Zhuqing, and when he heard Gong Juechen's question, he said in a hurry: "Mrs. Meng's horse was frightened and ran around in the city. The princess was stepped on by the horse to save Mrs. Meng. Only when you hurt your abdomen will you vomit blood. The doctor saw it, and the imperial doctor also saw it, but they were helpless, so I came here to invite Doctor Gong."

When Gong Juechen heard that the imperial doctor was at a loss, it must have been really serious, so he stopped playing with the children, and hurriedly followed the guard to Shengwangfu.

An Jing was a little worried, so she let Xiao Changyi take care of the child alone, and she also went to Shengwangfu.

And An Jing asked Meng Zhuqing to go with her before going to the Prince's Mansion.

The sweetheart kept vomiting blood, and Meng Zhuqing was burning with anxiety, but because he couldn't just leave his post without permission, now Jing Jing asked him to go with him, and he hurriedly followed without saying a word.

And Jing Jing saw that Meng Zhuqing was in a hurry, so she asked Meng Zhuqing to go with her.

When An Jing and the others arrived, Tuoba Yao's face turned whiter than paper because of vomiting blood, and she had no strength at all, but she still vomited a little blood.

When Meng Zhuqing saw Tuoba Yao like this, her heart ached to death.

Gong Juechen wanted to show Tuoba Yao a look, but Tuoba Yao didn't allow him to look, and was a little emotional.

"Princess Princess" Gong Juechen stopped there, didn't move forward, but didn't retreat either. Instead, he just stood there, looking at Tuoba Yao with some confusion.

"If I want my princess to be humiliated again, I would rather die." Tuoba Yao's words were cold and extremely firm.

At the beginning, she only wanted revenge, even if he touched her body, she didn't care about it, as if that body wasn't hers at all, but now, her great revenge has been avenged, do you want her to be humiliated again? She would rather die now!

An Jing wanted to kick Gong Juechen a little bit. This person is really harmful! Is there any woman here who really doesn't care about fame, but he actually took advantage of her back then! It's good now, people don't want him to be cured, for fear of being humiliated again!

Meng Zhuqing wanted to talk, wanted to persuade Tuoba Yao to let Gong Juechen heal him, but after parting his lips, he still didn't say anything. Although he didn't care if she was touched by Gong Juechen, he knew that she did.

A woman will care about it.

Which woman in the world doesn't care about her reputation? She really is no exception.

Mrs. Meng originally thought that Tuoba Yao's body was not clean, but now, hearing what Tuoba Yao said, she was even more convinced that Tuoba Yao had been touched by Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen had an expression of being wronged, and amplified his voice, very excited: "How many times do you want me to tell you that I haven't touched you! I just owe you my mouth and like to talk nonsense. I really didn't give you anything. During the treatment period, I have misbehaved with you!"

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