Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1079 It turns out that he knew...

Meng Zhuqing didn't look at the kites in the yard, but looked at Tuoba Yao, looked at Tuoba Yao's cold and beautiful profile, and said in a low voice, "Choose whichever one you think is the best."

"Then this one." Tuoba Yao walked to a sand swallow kite, picked up the sand swallow kite and showed it to Meng Zhuqing.

This sand swallow kite, Meng Zhuqing remembered, was made by the two of them together.

Meng Zhuqing was obviously very sweet in his heart, but he was worried for some reason, but he still nodded: "Yes."

"Then let's fly it." As he said, Tuoba Yao took the sand swallow kite and left first.

Meng Zhuqing quickly followed.

The two of them didn't leave the Prince Sheng's Mansion either, they just put it inside the Prince Sheng's Mansion. The Prince Sheng's Mansion is still very big, and there is a large open space inside. Tuoba Yao originally wanted to put a rockery in the middle and dig a pond, but, he hasn't yet. Come and break ground.

Tuoba Yao didn't let it go by herself, but asked Meng Zhuqing to let it go.

Meng Zhuqing flew the kite very high, very high.

Tuoba Yao raised her head, looking at the kites flying in the blue sky, she felt that her heart was open, and she couldn't help but feel a lot better about her suppressed heart. She couldn't help but look at the person who was flying the kite, even if it was just a side face, it made her heart throb in an instant, with pain and pain.

These days, I am very happy.

she said in her heart.

After hesitating for a while, Tuoba Yao still raised his hand, while holding his hand, he controlled the kite flying in the sky together with him.

Meng Zhuqing didn't expect that Tuoba Yao would hold his hand, her body froze at first, not daring to move, then she slowly relaxed herself.

After his body relaxed, he turned his head and looked at her, just in time to see that she was also looking at him.

His lips parted slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Then, the two of them flew the kite together, neither of them said a word, until she collected the kite, she said, "I'll give this kite to you."

Meng Zhuqing had no reason to take a look at it, but still took the kite and nodded: "Thank you."

"It's getting late, go back." She let him go.

"En." In the end, Meng Zhuqing obediently left.

After returning to Prince Yi's mansion, he sat in his room, staring at the sand swallow kite in a daze.

It wasn't until late at night that he whispered to the Sha Yan kite: "Do you want to leave?"

The next day, early in the morning, Tuoba Yao rode out of the city.

She didn't want Meng Zhuqing to have her own child through adoption or adoption, she wanted Meng Zhuqing to have his own child, so she left and stayed away from him, let him forget her, let him find another girl, it was okay The girl who bore him children.

Tuoba Yao rode very fast on horseback, once she got out of the palace, she didn't turn her head back, even when she got out of the Imperial Capital City, she didn't turn her head back, it wasn't that she didn't want to turn back, but she didn't dare to turn back.

She was afraid that if she turned around, she would be reluctant to leave.

And she had to leave.


Afraid that he would turn his head back, as soon as he got out of the imperial capital, Tuoba Yao's horse rode faster and faster, and his beautiful eyes became redder and redder.

Be sure to forget about me.

Must find a better girl than me.

Must be full of children and grandchildren


Just when the tears accumulated in Tuoba Yao's eyes were getting more and more, when she was about to break out of the frame, she found that there was a brown horse blocking the road in front of the road, and a man in Tsing Yi was sitting immediately.

The man also wears a silver mask.

"Wow..." Tuoba Yao made the horse stop, and at the same time, tears burst out of the frame.

It turned out that he knew she was leaving.

And he has been waiting for her here.

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