Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1088 Did they kill you?

"The others all died in the struggle in the palace." Speaking of this, Emperor Xiyun sighed deeply, feeling helpless and heartbroken.

"The position I'm sitting in now is too attractive. A concubine who gave birth to a son in the harem, who doesn't want her son to be the crown prince and inherit my throne."

"Tao Guifei and Han Guifei will bear the brunt of it."

"Back then, Concubine Tao and Concubine Han's mother's family held great power, and I couldn't touch them casually. Even if they killed Chengyu's mother, I couldn't touch them either."

Speaking of this, Emperor Xiyun became jealous and choked up: "Yi'er, you can't imagine, what kind of mood is it that you can't avenge her immediately when the woman you love dies in your arms. I wanted to kill her at that time." own!"

Xiao Changyi was taken aback, "They killed the adoptive mother?"

As far as he knew, Su Chengyu's mother died after eating poisoned food, but he never knew who did it.

"Well, it's them," Emperor Xiyun gritted his teeth, "They all wanted their son to be the crown prince, so they teamed up to poison Chengyu's food, but Min Rong ate the food first."

Minrong is the name of Su Cheng's queen mother.

That is, Queen Liang Minrong, who has passed away for many years.

She is also Emperor Xiyun's favorite woman.

Emperor Xiyun once loved a woman, and that was his first wife Liang Minrong.

"I hate it." Because of the hatred, the old face of Emperor Xiyun who had been gnashing his teeth turned grim, "I hate them, I really hate them, if it weren't for them, how could Min Rong die! Dow and Han, I can't wait Cut them into pieces! But at that time, I knew they were the ones who did it, but I couldn't punish them."

"Later, when I secured the throne, I no longer feared the Tao family and the Han family. I tortured the Tao family first."

"Hehehe..." Suddenly, Emperor Xiyun laughed, "Everyone thought that Tao died of illness, but they didn't know that I made her an imperial concubine just to make her look beautiful, but secretly, I put her under house arrest. Torture her with various tortures every day. She was tortured to death by me. She didn't die of illness at all."

Xiao Changyi's thin lips pursed involuntarily, he didn't say anything, he just quietly listened to what Emperor Xiyun said, he knew that Emperor Xiyun hadn't finished speaking.

"Later, I wanted to torture Mrs. Han, but a fire broke out in Qingyi Palace. Mrs. Han was burned to death. I originally wanted to torture her severely, but she died just like that. It's really too cheap for her."

"Yi'er, you don't know that the two of them not only killed Minrong, but also my children. As far as I know, the Tao family murdered six of my sons, and the Han family murdered three. "

"Originally, I loved Cheng Jin, Cheng Lin, and Cheng Han very much, but because one of them is Tao's child and the other two are Han's children, I don't love them so much after Min Rong's death."

"And among the three, the one I dislike the most is Cheng Jin."

"Because Cheng Jin's intentions are not righteous, and he was misled by his mother and concubine Tao Shi since he was a child. It doesn't matter if he pushed one of my sons into the lotus pond and drowned him. He also wanted to harm Cheng Yu. Let him go out of the palace to live, lest Cheng Yuzhen be harmed by him."

"Although Cheng Lin and Cheng Han were born to the Han family, but because they are two of the same child, they are cute and well-behaved. Even if I hate the Han family, I still go to Qingyi Palace to see them from time to time."

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