Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1106 You are too exaggerated!

"I won't be able to tell you clearly right now. Anyway, these things are very important. I also know this person, and I must save her." An Jing said while taking off the water bottle on Ye Zhi,* *, backpack, etc., let Xiao Changyi hide them.

"Hmm." Xiao Changyi didn't ask much.

However, this Ye Zhiqi was dressed in different clothes, and the things on his body were also very strange. Even if Jing Jing hadn't told him, he could actually guess that this person, like Jing Jing, should also come from another world.

Then, An Jing carried Ye Zhi on her back and went to the courtyard closest to the lotus pond.

If Ye Zhi was a man, maybe Xiao Changyi would recite it.

But Ye Zhi was a woman, so Xiao Changyi let An Jing recite it. As for himself, he took the four children to hide the things that were unloaded from Ye Zhi.

An Jing saw that Ye Zhi was dressed in a strange outfit compared to here, so she hurried out of the yard again, called a maid casually, and asked to bring a set of women's clothes over. At the same time, An Jing sent another guard to find Gong Juechen.

The maid quickly sent a set of women's clothing.

An Jing hurriedly replaced Ye Zhi.

Ye Zhi's body stinks now, and Jing Jing doesn't dislike it. She used to go on missions for ten days and a half months without taking a shower, and her body stinks like this.

He changed all the camouflage uniforms on Ye Zhi's body, and An Jing hid those clothes under the bed as soon as they were changed.

Just at this time, Gong Juechen came.

"Jingjing, I heard you were looking for me." Gong Juechen asked loudly as soon as he entered the yard, even before entering the house.

Jing Jing hurriedly said: "Come in quickly and see what's going on, why can't I wake her up no matter what!"

Gong Juechen's nose is quite sensitive. As soon as he entered the room, he couldn't stand it and shouted: "Why is it so smelly? Quiet, is your room full of dung!"


how can it be so smelly

You are too exaggerated!

But An Jing also knew that it was more important to wake Ye Zhi up now, so she hurriedly said, "Come here and see what's going on with her, she can't be woken up no matter what!"

The more Gong Juechen walked towards the bed, the more smelly he felt. When he got to the bed, he realized that the smell was coming from the woman on the bed. Is the cesspit full, it stinks!"


"Can you help me see people first!" An Jing finally lost her temper.

Gong Juechen folded his arms, leaned against the bed, and said very leisurely: "Quiet, you know my principle of saving people, don't save those who are not good-looking, look at this person, he is smelly and ugly."

Ye Zhi herself is not ugly, probably because she has been soaked in water for a long time, her whole body is swollen, and her skin is still wrinkled, which makes her look really ugly.

Jing Jing didn't say that Ye Zhi was not ugly, but said: "She is my righteous sister, if you don't save her, how can you let me be your friend in the future?"

"When did you have a righteous sister?" Gong Juechen acted like you don't want to lie to me.

"She is my righteous sister. She was married to Jinlan in the past. Just tell me, can you save it or not?" An Jing didn't say much, and asked directly.

Gong Juechen actually didn't believe that this person was An Jing's righteous sister, but after An Jing said that, Gong Juechen gave An Jing a face and said: "Okay, okay, for your sake, I will Saved. Really, to be friends with you, I now feel that I have the feeling of helping the world. Sigh."

While complaining, Gong Juechen bent down, intending to check the condition of the person on the bed.

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