Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1108 I'm Quiet, Your Boss

Ye Zhi woke up, saw a strange environment, strange people, plus her head was dizzy because she raised her head too violently, so she hadn't reacted to Gong Juechen scolding her, so naturally she didn't reply to Gong Juechen.

Seeing that Ye Zhi woke up, Jing Jing was afraid that Gong Juechen would find out that Ye Zhi was not from this world, so before Ye Zhi could open her mouth, she hurriedly said to Gong Juechen, "Don't you think it smells bad, go back quickly, I have worked hard on you today, Later, I will ask the kitchen to cook more chicken blood, duck blood and pig blood for you, so that you can make up for it."

Gong Juechen wanted to talk to Ye Zhi on the bed again, but his nose was still bleeding, and the room was really smelly, so he really didn't have the intention to stay any longer, so just be quiet Then, Gong Juechen really left.

It is more important to find a place with fresh air to treat his nose.

"Yezi, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Jing Jing asked with concern.

Even though Gong Juechen had just said that Ye Zhi had no problem at all, An Jing still asked.

It was just because Ye Zhi looked dazed and didn't speak now, which made her a little worried.

Ye Zhi has recovered quite a bit. Seeing that the eyes are all antique, she frowned tightly, and when she heard An Jing talking to her, she asked defensively, "Who are you? How do you know that my name is Ye Zi?" ? Where is this place?"

An Jing didn't answer right away, but went to close the door, and then came back and said in a low voice, "Ye Zi, lower your voice, this is not our modern age, people will doubt your identity and burn it like a monster." Not good."

After exhorting this, regardless of Ye Zhi's reaction, Jing Jing revealed her identity and said, "I'm quiet, your boss."

"Do you think I'm blind?" Ye Zhi looked like I wasn't blind, "My boss doesn't look like you! Also, my quiet boss has been dead for a year, you pretend to be a dead person? Isn’t it modern? Burn me like a monster? Who will believe your words!”

After saying that, Ye Zhi planned to get out of bed, she made it clear that she felt that An Jing was talking nonsense, and she was too lazy to talk about An Jing, so she should go and see outside in person, where is it.

Jing Jing didn't expect that it was only a year since she died in the modern age, but she has been here for several years. After being stunned for a while, seeing Ye Zhi wanted to get out of bed, she shouted: "11823!"

"Here!" Ye Zhi shouted reflexively. After shouting, she was stunned, "How do you know my number?"

"I used to shout every day, don't you know!" An Jing pulled a stool and sat by the bed before continuing: "I'm really your boss An Jing, my number was 11811 at the time. The numbers of Niuzi, Daxia, and Yan'er I also know that I was the captain of your team at that time, and you called me the boss, but when we were on a mission together, I was unfortunately shot dead by gangsters to save the hostages, and then my soul passed through Once it is here, it is worn on my current body, although it is a bit ridiculous, it is indeed true."

Ye Zhi frowned, looked An Jing from head to toe, and said: "If you don't say that your soul has penetrated into this body, I should believe your words."

In other words, you are saying that because the soul wear you said is too absurd, she doesn't believe it.

Jing Jing also knew that she was nothing like before, and this matter was really absurd, so she was not worried about Ye Zhi not believing her.

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