Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1121 Have You Seen Enough?

Arms folded, leaning lazily against the gate of the yard, seeing Ye Zhi happily dragging An Jing farther and farther without even turning her head, the corners of Gong Juechen's mouth involuntarily curled up slowly.


Prince Yi's Mansion is very large, and it took a lot of time for An An to take Ye Zhi to get acquainted with Prince Yi's Mansion before running back to the main courtyard.

On the way back to the main courtyard, I happened to meet Xiao Changyi leading four little guys looking for her.

When Xiao Changyi saw the silence, his cold eyes instantly softened.

As soon as the four little guys saw An Jing, they all ran towards An Jing with their short legs, and shouted happily: "Mother! Mother! I heard that you and your aunt are running, and we have to run too." !"

While running back with An Jing, Ye Zhi said enviously: "Boss, I not only envy you for having a husband who treats you very well, but also envy you for having so many lovely children, you are so cute."

Needless to say, Ye Zhi knew that An Jing knew that she was very happy.

As soon as she met the little guys running towards her, Jing Jing bent down and hugged the little guys one by one.

As soon as the four little guys were hugged, they clamored to run with them again.

An Jing of course agreed: "Okay, okay, you run with your mother and aunt, and your father is there, let's run over to find your father, okay?"

The four little guys immediately responded with a smile: "Okay!"

Not far away, at this moment, Xiao Changyi did not walk to An Jing and the children, but from the moment he saw An Jing, he stopped and stood there, looking at An Jing and the children.

Seeing that Xiao Changyi didn't seem to have her in his eyes, Ye Zhi envied An Jing again.

As soon as Jing Jing ran to Xiao Changyi with the children, she stopped and looked at Xiao Changyi with a smile.

Although Xiao Changyi had no expression on his face, he also looked quiet.

The children did not stop, but continued to run forward following Ye Zhi.

"Have you seen enough?" After a while, she asked with a quiet smile.


"Then we have to go back, I'm hungry."


At the same time as the answer, Xiao Changyi stretched out his left hand towards Jing Jing, Jing Jing immediately put her right hand on Xiao Changyi's left hand, Xiao Changyi didn't care about Jing Jing's sticky hands because of sweating, he just put her hand on his hand when Jing Jing , Interlocking fingers with An Jing.

Then, the two walked towards the main courtyard step by step.

In front, the four little guys followed Ye Zhi back to the main courtyard, kept turning their heads, and innocently yelled at An Jing and Xiao Changyi: "Father, mother, come and chase us! Come and chase us! "

"Here we come." An Jing really answered.

After looking at each other with Xiao Changyi, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi ran towards the four little guys hand in hand.

When the four little guys saw An Jing and Xiao Changyi running towards them, they ran faster and happier, giggling.

After breakfast, let Qin Er and Qin San take care of the four little guys, An Jing and Xiao Changyi planned to go out.

They agreed yesterday that they would go to the hunting ground today. Just because Jing Jing wants to see if she is still so accurate in sniping.

And Ye Zhi also went together.

**It has been packed in a large wooden box and hung on the horse's back. Not only that, Ye Zhi also took out a telescope from the secret room camouflage bag.

Ye Zhi didn't know how to ride a horse, so Jing Jing rode with Ye Zhi and asked Ye Zhi to sit behind her, and she took Ye Zhi with her.

Xiao Changyi can only ride one horse alone.

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