Chang’an Peasant Girl

1131 Chapter 1131 Helping you to be a ghost

Gong Juechen's peachy eyes lit up instantly: "So, does she not like taking a bath?"


"That's great." Gong Juechen couldn't help being overjoyed, "If I live with her in the future, I don't have to worry about how to persuade her to take a bath every day."

Jing Jing: "You haven't written the horoscope yet, you just want to live with her?"

"You are all in pairs, and she and I are the only one who is unmarried and the other is unmarried. Isn't it just right to get together?" After a pause, Gong Juechen smiled even wider: "Of course, the main reason is that she grows up. It's pretty, although it's not as beautiful as Yaoyao and Lanlan, but it's good to see, look at that small face, I made a sneak gesture just now and found it's smaller than my hand."


"Jingjing, do you want to help me?" Gong Juechen was shameless, expectant. "Back then, you put in a lot of effort to bring Yaoyao and Zhuzhu together."

Jing Jing said very simply: "No help."


"I don't think Ye Zhi will be happy with you." After a pause, "The main reason is that Ye Zhi hates you very, very, very much. If you don't change your nature, don't expect her to look at you straight."

Gong Juechen immediately complained: "Who told you not to say that she is actually pretty?"

An Jing squinted at him, with special contempt: "It's obvious that you judge people by their appearance, and you still blame me?"

"I always like good-looking people. I have always been like this. Isn't it the first day you know that I judge people by their appearance?" Gong Juechen said that I am so superficial.

"Look at you, you just like Ye Zhi's face, I'll help you." She didn't want to hurt her comrades. "Okay, I won't tell you about Ye Zhi, I won't help you anyway."

"Then I'm leaving." Everyone helped him, and Gong Juechen planned to find Ye Zhi by himself.

"Hey, wait a minute." An Jing stopped him again.

"Aren't you not going to help me?"

"I didn't stop you to help you, I just wanted to tell you that tomorrow is the birthday of the adoptive father."

"Oh." Gong Juechen responded perfunctorily. Immediately, he asked very cheerfully: "Is there anything else? If it's okay, I'm going to find my family Zhizhi."

Jing Jing squinted for a moment: "Be careful of being hit by her."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of hitting anyway." Gong Juechen didn't care at all.


The next day, Emperor Xiyun's birthday,

Not only Emperor Xiyun came to Prince Yi's mansion, but Su Chengyu, Ning Wenxian, Su Muchen, and Su Muxue also came.

Xiao Changyi had told Meng Lanqing a few days ago that Meng Lanqing would bring Gong Jue Se to the palace today.

When Emperor Xiyun came, everyone first paid homage to Emperor Xiyun. Gong Juechen, Gong Juese, Ye Zhi and others all knelt down.

Emperor Xiyun didn't want to upset Gong Juechen, so he didn't take the initiative to talk to Gong Juese, but secretly looked at Gong Juese, and asked Jing Jing why he suddenly had a righteous sister Ye Zhi.

Jing Jing said that she met Xiao Changyi when she went to Beijing to attend Emperor Xiyun's birthday, and said that Ye Zhi was unaccompanied now, so she came to Beijing to join her.

In order not to make people suspicious, two tables were divided during the meal. Emperor Xiyun, An Jing, Xiao Changyi, the four little guys, Su Chengyu, Ning Wenxian, Su Muchen, and Su Muxue were at the same table, and Gong Juechen, Gong Juechen, and others were at the same table. Jue Se, Ye Zhi, Meng Lanqing, and Meng Zhuqing were at the same table.

After dinner, Emperor Xiyun didn't go back to the palace immediately, but sat in the gazebo with Su Chengyu and the others, watching An Jing not far away and playing with their children.

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