Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1143 Don't blame him for being cruel

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't go anywhere again, and they didn't dare to leave the four little guys. They stayed beside the four little guys, looking at the four little guys who were sleeping restlessly.

It was very uncomfortable to see An Jing, and Xiao Changyi didn't know how to comfort An Jing, he just held An Jing's hand tightly.

In the middle of the night, the children who had fallen asleep suddenly had a high fever, and their little mouths moaned uncomfortably.

Still can't wake up.

When Xiao Changyi saw it, he immediately sent someone to call Gong Juechen over.

Seeing the children like this, Quiet at this moment, I am very scared, afraid that the children will just disappear.

When Gong Juechen heard that the four little guys had a high fever, he hurried over to see how the four little guys were doing.

Taking a closer look at the four little guys, Gong Juechen felt very heavy, knowing that the current situation is not suitable for joking, Gong Juechen didn't make any jokes, and walked to the side silently to prescribe a prescription.

But the more Gong Juechen said nothing, the more anxious he became quiet: "Gong Juechen, tell us the truth, Jinger and the others"

In the end, Quiet choked up and couldn't speak at all.

Only then did Gong Juechen speak, but his tone was particularly heavy: "Jingjing and the others' heart vessels are too disordered, and they have such a high fever. They are still young and can't treat them disorderly. I can only prescribe some ordinary prescriptions for reducing fever." , see if it works."

Quiet tears burst instantly. She didn't say a word anymore, she just looked at her family's four burned and flushed children, crying and crying.

Xiao Changyi pursed his lips tightly and looked closely at the four little guys on the bed. Finally, with a cold face, he strode out and asked Meng Lanqing who was standing at the door: "Have you found out who is behind the scenes?"

To frighten his child into such a state, he must tear that person into pieces!

If the four children in his family are gone, he will definitely kill the whole family of that person alive!

Meng Lanqing had been here for a while, but because Xiao Changyi and Jingjing only cared about the four children, he didn't tell Xiao Changyi and Jingjing what he knew to distract them.

Now, when Xiao Changyi asked, he immediately replied in a hurry: "Not yet. However, my subordinates found that one of the assassins had a red flame shape on the sole of his foot. If this was not done by the Chilin Kingdom, or someone wanted to put the blame on him. Red Lin Country."

"Continue to investigate!" Xiao Changyi is angry now, but he is not angry enough to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

But once you've determined who the mastermind is, don't blame him for being cruel!

"Yes!" Meng Lanqing quickly took the order to investigate again. To let so many assassins infiltrate the General's Mansion to watch the ceremony, some people in the General's Mansion should be taken care of.

As soon as Gong Juechen prepared the prescription for reducing fever, someone took the prescription to grab the medicine and hurriedly boiled it for the four little guys to drink.

The four little guys were a little hard to drink, An Jing and Xiao Changyi couldn't just watch the four little guys disappear, so they could only forcibly feed the four little guys.

But it's a pity that even though the four little guys took the medicine, their fever didn't drop at all.

Quiet cried again. If things go on like this, even if the four little guys finally wake up, they will be burned stupid by the high fever.

Xiao Changyi was also afraid that the four little guys would be burned stupidly, so he had already asked people to get ice. As soon as the ice was brought, Xiao Changyi and An Jing put the four little guys in a wooden basin containing ice water.

Ye Zhi was also helping.

While supporting a little guy, Ye Zhi helped the little guy apply ice to his face to cool down the little guy's face.

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