Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1151 You will be beaten to death!

Xiao Changyi was still boiling his soup expressionlessly, just like Gong Juechen didn't exist from the beginning to the end, and he never spoke to him.

If there was one person that Gong Juechen admired, then that person was definitely Xiao Changyi.

Gong Juechen glanced at Xiao Changyi who had not shown any emotion from the beginning to the end, and was about to turn around and go to the yard to play with the four little guys and wait for lunch by the way, but just as he turned around, he heard Ye Zhi talking. The sound of talking to four little guys in the yard.

As soon as he heard Ye Zhi's hearty voice, the corners of Gong Juechen's mouth curled up involuntarily, and he quickly hid at the door of the kitchen, intending to scare Ye Zhi.

Even, Gong Juechen made a booing gesture towards Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, telling Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi not to reveal that he was behind the door.

Quiet: "" You will be beaten to death!

Xiao Changyi had no idea at all, and continued to cook soup there.

As soon as Ye Zhi finished speaking with the four little guys, she ran into the kitchen, shouting happily: "Boss, I heard that you are going to cook something delicious for Jing'er and the others, so you can make some for me too." Come on, I haven't eaten your pickled pepper chicken feet for a long time, but I'm so hungry!"

As soon as Gong Juechen saw Ye Zhi rushing into the kitchen, he jumped out from the door, making faces and scaring Ye Zhi loudly.

Ye Zhi ran into the kitchen without any precautions, and was really taken aback by Gong Juechen who suddenly appeared. Ye Zhi was frightened and clutched her pounding heart, then, Gong Juechen, who was frightening her, punched and kicked her.

She also said angrily: "Let you scare me! Let you scare me! Let you scare me!"

Gong Juechen held his head and squatted there cowardly, letting Ye Zhi beat him. He is really used to people hitting him. Of course, if he didn't want someone to beat him, that person wouldn't be able to beat him. But at this moment, he enjoyed Ye Zhi beating him.

But it hurts

Ye Zhi's strikes were really heavy. She was annoyed by Gong Juechen at first, and wanted to make Gong Juechen whole, but now, she hit him hard, and the guy he hit turned into a bear again.

It's useless!

Seeing that Gong Juechen couldn't even return his hand and could only let her beat him, Ye Zhi really felt that Gong Juechen was useless and not afraid of being beaten. She has been here for almost a month, and she has beaten this guy several times, but this guy still always bothers her.

It's really annoying that he's like this.

Originally, she hated him when he said she was smelly and ugly without any consideration, but after these days, she hated him more and more, and she really didn't like him at all.

And the longer she knew each other, the more she felt that this guy deserved a beating.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi also felt that the way Gong Juechen was being beaten was really useless. It had to be said that Gong Juechen's skill in pretending was really special. Well, like Ye Zhi, they would also think that Gong Juechen is really as weak and incompetent as he is now.

Ye Zhi only hit Gong Juechen for a while and then stopped. Sometimes she is really angry, so angry that she wants to beat Gong Juechen to death, but she also knows that Gong Juechen has a bad mouth and does things inappropriately, but she is not guilty of serious crimes. If he dies, she will definitely feel uneasy.

So, every time, although she struck hard, she didn't really want to beat Gong Juechen to death.

"Gong, if you scare me like that next time, I won't just hit you like that, I'll hit you in the face, and you'll be able to hide in your room for many days without being able to see anyone!" He also gave a stern warning.

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