Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1164 Are You Stupid...

At this moment, Ye Zhi, while hating Gong Juechen's mouth, began to hate Gong Juechen for being rich.

"Zhizhi, wait for me!" Gong Juechen was not angry at being smashed in the face by the one thousand taels of silver, he quickly picked up the one thousand taels of silver that fell on the ground, and chased after Ye Zhi.

There was a particularly big smile on the monster's face.

"Hey, you..." It's fine for Ye Zhi to leave without washing the clothes. Gong Juechen left with a thousand taels of silver. Chen turned his head and glanced casually with peach blossom eyes, but it was as frightening as if it was stained with blood. When the owner of Xiulou saw it, he immediately silenced, not daring to call anyone back.

As soon as Ye Zhi came out of the Xiulou, she walked quickly on the street angrily, scolding Gong Juechen in a low voice with plausibility. Regardless of the fact that Gong Juechen was chasing after her.

Seeing a steamed bun shop next to it, with a lot of steaming meat buns, thinking that she hadn't had breakfast yet, Ye Zhi immediately turned around and sat down on an empty table in the bun shop.

As soon as she sat down, Ye Zhi opened her mouth and shouted, "Boss, here are two meat buns!"

Gong Juechen caught up and sat across from Ye Zhi with a playful smile. He didn't say anything to Ye Zhi immediately, but said to the boss who delivered the meat buns to Ye Zhi: "Boss, here are four more meat buns at this table."


When the owner of the bun shop brought him four meat buns, he said to Ye Zhi with a playful smile, "Zhizhi, you won't be so tired in the future."

"Get out." It was the one who made her lose her job, and she also hated this one very much, it would be abnormal if Ye Zhi gave Gong Juechen a good face.

While eating the meat buns, Gong Juechen looked at Ye Zhi with aggrieved eyes, "Zhi Zhi, I'm doing it for your own good"

"No need!" Ye Zhi took a bite of the meat bun, as if biting Gong Juechen.

"Zhi Zhi, I really do care for you. Seeing you doing such rough work makes me feel uncomfortable." As he spoke, Gong Juechen's tone was still a little crying.

Ye Zhi's mouth twitched. It's true that a big old man looks like he's about to cry at every turn.

"I can only find that kind of rough work to do, you know?" Ye Zhi almost said this through gritted teeth. It is really difficult for women to find a job here.

The problem is that she doesn't know how to be a female celebrity yet, which makes it even more difficult for her to find a job.

And she managed to find a job doing odd jobs in Xiulou, but it turned out to be good now, and she didn't have to do it in the future.

She doesn't even know where her next job is now

Ye Zhi was really angry.

"So," Gong Juechen answered the words very smoothly, "You don't need to look for work, you are in the palace every day, we play together every day, how nice it is."

"Get the hell out of here!" Ye Zhi opened her mouth to scold, furious in her heart, "Who wants to play with you! I still have to earn money to support myself!"

Gong Juechen asked if you were stupid, and he really said it out: "Zhi Zhi, are you stupid, I will give you all the money, you don't want to, you just want to do this kind of tiring and dirty Rough work?"

Ye Zhi pointed the back of her head directly at him: "It doesn't make sense to you, don't talk to me!"

Gong Juechen looked at the back of Ye Zhi's head, and felt that Ye Zhi's angry look was really too cute, which made him want to tease her more and more.

"Zhizhi, don't be angry." Gong Juechen smiled at the back of Ye Zhi's head while eating the meat bun.

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