Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1181 Change

Ye Zhi saw that someone was kicked down by her, which meant she had won. She was very happy, but suppressed her joy, walked to the sidelines of the competition, and said to Qi Tengfei in the audience: "General Qi, Cheng Rang!" Already!"

Qi Tengfei did not let Ye Zhi.

When competing with others, of course it is to find someone's weakness to attack, and Qi Tengfei didn't feel that Ye Zhi's attack on his armpit weakness was invincible.

And he, a majestic man, actually competed with a weak woman. At first, he felt quite ashamed, but after the competition, he didn't feel that way.

Few people can touch his armpit, but Ye Zhi can touch it because of Ye Zhi's ability.

Under the stage, Qi Tengfei clasped his fists, and said to Ye Zhi on the stage in a rough and frank voice: "The general didn't let you, if you lose, you lose. Since the general is in the audience, the general will lose. "

Upon hearing Qi Tengfei's words, Ye Zhi, An Jing and the others admired Qi Tengfei very much.

The bloodiness and magnanimity of the men in the military camp are truly incomparable to some men outside the military camp.

The eunuch sang again: "The third round, Ye Zhisheng."

"Good!" In the stands, Su Chengyu praised. "It's really a woman who doesn't give way to a man."

After a pause, Su Chengyu said again in a loud voice: "You and others have also seen that Princess Yi, Gong Juese, and Ye Zhi all won, and the three generals all lost."

Turning his head, Su Chengyu looked at Xu Shangong, Qi Tengfei, and Liu Buli, "Three lovers, are you convinced? Or not?"

The three generals Xu, Qi, and Liu had already been convinced after the competition, and now that Su Chengyu asked this question, although they felt a little strange in their hearts, they still said truthfully: "Your Majesty, the last general will wait for his heart to be convinced. Let the eyebrows also."

If one woman wins, it can be said to be a special case, but all three have won, and everyone can see that no one is letting the water go, it is really convinced.

You know, they have always thought that women are weak, otherwise, how can they call women weak women?

But now, they have changed.

Some women are stronger than men.

"Okay, since that's the case, from today onwards, women can join the army." Su Chengyu acted according to the trend.

Except for Jing Jing and the others, all the people listening were shocked and there was an uproar.

You know, in history, there is no precedent for women to serve in the army. And Su Chengyu, the new emperor, actually wanted to make this an example.

Now, they understood why Su Chengyu wanted to have these three competitions, and it turned out that this was the idea.

All the generals at the scene objected, and said: "Let's not say that there have never been women in the army in history. Just because the army is all men, and women are in it, it will be very inconvenient. It will also damage the reputation of women."

Su Chengyu said: "Once they enter the barracks, they are soldiers, men and women are the first to be soldiers, and although they are women, they serve the country wholeheartedly, no one feels any inconvenience, but your elders actually find it inconvenient."

After a pause, Su Chengyu sneered: "Why, do you think etiquette is more important than serving the country loyally?"

When the generals heard this, they immediately knelt down together: "The last general dare not! The emperor calm down!"

The civil servants originally wanted to object, but after hearing this, they understood that Su Chengyu had to do this matter, so even if they wanted to object very much, they didn't say anything to offend Su Chengyu, a newcomer. Emperor unhappy.

Su Chengyu said loudly again: "Xiyun, no matter men or women, if everyone has a heart to serve the country loyally, why worry about foreign enemies coming."

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