Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1186 What is the plan

Jing Jing stared at him: "So, you always talk nonsense like this?"

"Yes." Gong Juechen really answered happily. That expression, that tone of voice, really deserves a beating.

Quiet's hands were itchy for a moment.

Afraid that he would really beat someone up, he quietly turned around and left, not wanting to deal with Gong Juechen anymore.

Ye Zhi slept until midnight before waking up.

There were already lights in the room, but only one oil lamp was on, and it was the one far away from her.

The oil lamp was not that bright, making the room look extremely dark.

However, even though he couldn't see clearly, he could still get a rough idea of ​​what was in the room.

Then, she saw that Gong Juechen was sleeping on the table in her room.

Seeing Gong Juechen, Ye Zhi was slightly stunned, a little unresponsive, and when she did, she got up, put on a piece of clothing casually, then, walked over, and slapped Gong Juechen on the head.

While waking up Gong Juechen, she asked angrily, "Why are you still in my room?"

Gong Juechen rubbed his painful head, and said aggrievedly: "Aren't you worried about you? You have been asleep and didn't wake up. I'm afraid that something will happen. I'll just stay here and watch over."

"What can I do?" Ye Zhi sat down on the stool next to her, picked up the teapot on the table and poured herself a cup of tea. "I'm just too tired and sleepy, it's okay, you can go." She ordered to evict the guest not at all politely.

Gong Juechen didn't leave, but asked with a playful smile: "How do you feel now?"

Ye Zhi's body was still very sore, but it was much better than during the day, and Ye Zhi didn't know whether it was because she slept or she was stuck with a needle, so she said honestly: "It's still pretty good. Sore, but much better than during the day."

"When it's dawn, I'll prick you up again. If you keep it for another two or three days, you'll probably be fine."

Ye Zhi thought that the needle injection wouldn't be very painful, so she agreed, "Yes."

"You haven't eaten for so long, you must be hungry now, I'll go to the kitchen to get you something to eat." Saying that, Gong Juechen wanted to get up and go to the kitchen.

But Ye Zhi pulled him back, and looked at him suspiciously and vigilantly, "Why are you so enthusiastic? What are your plans?" She made it seem like he really cared about her.

Gong Juechen first glanced at her hand holding his arm, and then quickly took it with a playful smile, "Of course I have an intention, and the intention is you."

Seeing that Gong Juechen was so unprincipled, Ye Zhi really wanted to slap Gong Juechen: "If you talk nonsense again, I'll really slap you."

Gong Juechen stopped talking, but looked at Ye Zhi with a particularly aggrieved look. Of course, the two hands holding Ye Zhi became tighter and tighter, and he couldn't help rubbing Ye Zhi's hand.

I sigh in my heart that his wife's hands are really small. Much smaller than his.

Ye Zhi watched Gong Juechen play with her hand coldly, and seeing that Gong Juechen continued to play without understanding, she pulled her hand back violently, and said angrily, "I'm not talking about making fun of it." Give me something to eat, hurry up!"

"Oh, then you wait for me." After saying that, Gong Juechen ran out, looking very anxious.

Ye Zhi sat sideways, watched Gong Juechen disappear from sight, then withdrew her gaze, lowered her eyes, looked at her hand that was held by Gong Juechen and was on the table at the moment, she couldn't help feeling a little hot .

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