Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1207 See if we don't torture you to death, haha

At this moment, Ye Zhi and An Jing were riding the same horse. Ye Zhi was sitting behind An Jing. To be precise, An Jing was riding a horse with Ye Zhi, while Xiao Changyi was riding a horse alone.

After Jing Jing heard Ye Zhi's words, she immediately turned her head and asked Xiao Changyi with a smile: "Sir, will you be angry?"


"Will you be jealous?"


Hearing this, Ye Zhi raised her head to the sky and sang: "The cold dog food was slapped on the face indiscriminately."

"Hahaha," An Jing laughed loudly, "Who told you to tease us, let's see if we don't torture you to death. You single dog."

The corners of Xiao Changyi's cold mouth curled up almost invisibly.

Ye Zhi stopped singing, and complained: "I want to find someone so that I am no longer single, but I haven't met the right one."

"You go to Gong Juechen, Gong Juechen is absolutely willing to let you out of the ranks of single dogs."

"Don't mention him to me, that bastard has a sick head!" Ye Zhi immediately became angry. "You don't know, didn't I ask Qin Er to teach me how to ride a horse the day before yesterday, but that guy didn't know where he knew about it, so he blocked me yesterday, saying that if I don't let him teach me, he will teach me how to ride a horse. Under the poison of not being able to see the wind, let's see how Qin Er will teach me, do you think you are angry?!"

"What about the final result?"

"Of course it's changed to him! What else should we do? Let him poison Qin Er?"

Jing Jing felt that Ye Zhi's words were duplicity, but she didn't expose it, but asked, "Then when will you learn to ride a horse?"

"I don't know. But I try to learn it before the Chinese New Year."

"Then let Gong Juechen teach you well."

"If he dares not to teach him well, I'll beat him to death!" No one told him to call her!

An Xin said that you always clamored to beat him to death, but when did you really beat him to death?

His mouth was quiet but he didn't say anything, just laughed.

As soon as they entered the imperial capital, An Jing and the others didn't go anywhere else, but went straight back to Prince Yi's mansion.

But once back to the palace, An Jing and the others found that someone came to the palace, and it was the father-in-law who was serving Su Chengyu.

As soon as the father-in-law saw Xiao Changyi, he rushed forward, "My lord, the emperor declares that you will enter the palace immediately."

"What's the matter?"

The father-in-law hesitated and refused to speak.

As soon as Jing Jing saw it, she immediately asked the maids and guards to retreat.

Then the father-in-law said: "The emperor and the empress have quarreled."

After a pause, the father-in-law said in more detail: "Recently, all the officials have been working together to play together, hoping that the emperor will recruit beautiful women to fill the harem, saying that the harem cannot only be the queen. The emperor ignored this matter. But Prime Minister Li and the others went to ask for an audience For the empress, I want the empress to persuade the emperor, and let the empress be broad-minded and be able to tolerate servants."

"The emperor was very angry when he heard about it. He said that he wanted the empress alone in the harem and had nothing to do with the empress. But after hearing this, the empress was not moved. She kept persuading the emperor to accept a new concubine, and the emperor became angry. , had a big quarrel with the empress, and at this moment, the emperor is drinking in the palace of the emperor without seeing anyone, I hope the prince will go there quickly, the servant is really worried about what will happen to the emperor's dragon body."

An emperor who can have thousands of beauties in the three palaces and six courtyards doesn't want these, but guards only one person. To be honest, at this moment, An Jing is a little moved by Su Chengyu's approach.

But at this moment, Jing Jing knows better that Su Chengyu's affection for Ning Wenxian is no less than Ning Wenxian's affection for him.

If not, how could Su Chengyu do such a thing for Ning Wenxian.

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