Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1235 Greed for life and fear of death

Li Wuyu, Du Yaya, Liu Feifei, Baoqin, Lieqi, Picking Up Paintings, and Listening to Books were all a little scared. You know, the knife is on their necks, as long as the knife is wiped, they can die.

Even, they didn't dare to breathe, for fear that the sharp knife against the flesh would cut their throats because of breathing.

As soon as Ye Zhi entered the tent where she lived, she pretended to be a man, telling Li Wuyu and the others to be honest, and if they dared to be dishonest, she would kill them.

And quiet here.

As soon as An Jing entered the tent, she saw Ma Guihua urinating in fear, and Ma Guihua was shaking her body in fear and begging for mercy: "I still have my parents-in-law who need me to take care of them, I can't die, please, let me go, you Just let me be a cow and a horse for you, please, let me go"

It was also because Ma Guihua was so scared that she peed in the urine that the tent suddenly became very angry.

Jing Jing is really not satisfied with Ma Guihua's fear of death behavior, how can this be like a soldier?

Quiet ignored Ma Guihua's begging for mercy, put on a masculine voice, and said in a rough voice: "Which of you is the princess? What we want to arrest is your Emperor Xiyun's most beloved sister. We will use your Emperor Xiyun's most beloved sister to catch her." threaten him."

Jing Jing pretended that she was not from Xiyun, and wanted to arrest Su Chengyuan.

Su Chengyuan was immediately frightened. I didn't expect that these people were here to catch me.

Although Liu Feifei was a little scared, but looking at Jing Jing's figure and hearing Jing Jing's rough voice, her willow-leaf eyebrows slowly frowned. Afraid of admitting mistakes, she carefully looked at An Jing who was wearing night clothes and covering her face.

Yan Xiaohong and Zhou Piaopiao were terrified by the knife on their necks and were speechless.

Ma Guihua was still begging for mercy, crying and begging for mercy.

Although Du Yaya was a little scared, when the masked man said that Su Chengyuan was threatening their emperor, she immediately said: "I am! I am the princess! If you want to arrest me, arrest me and let them go!"

Hearing what Du Yaya said, An Jing was very satisfied.

Su Chengyuan didn't expect Du Yaya to be like this, and her mood was very complicated. She used to look at Du Yaya as mud, and she looked down on Du Yaya the most, but now, Du Yaya is the only one protecting her, the princess.

"You" quietly pretended not to believe it, and looked Du Yaya up and down for a while, "You are so strong, will you be the princess whom Emperor Xiyun loves and loves in the palm of your hand?"

Du Yaya opened her eyes and said nonsense: "It is precisely because I have been pampered so much and lived so comfortably that I have grown up and grown up. I am a princess. If you want to arrest me, arrest me!"

Jing Jing said: "My companions have already gone to catch other recruits, and they will ask the same questions as me. If they are not talking about you, I don't know, I will kill you, and I will kill you now. of these people."

When Ma Guihua heard the masked man said that she would kill her, she immediately pointed to Su Chengyuan and said, "She is the princess! She is the princess! For the sake of telling you who the princess is, I beg you, let me go." I let me go"

Jing Jing's eyes narrowed instantly, which was very dangerous. This Osmanthus fragrans is simply

"You..." Suddenly, Liu Feifei hesitated and whispered, "Is it Instructor An?"

Jing Jing was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, pulled off the black scarf and said, "How did you recognize it?"

Liu Feifei said: "I'm not good at anything else, but I'm good at recognizing people."

Immediately, Liu Feifei pointed to the young general who was driving Du Yaya's neck and said, "He should be Vice General Yuan under General Liu."

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