Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1239 Boss, you have provoked her anger

Immediately, Ye Zhicai looked at An Jing and said, "Boss, if Liu Feifei perseveres and succeeds in training, her future is absolutely limitless. It's because her recognition skills are so superb, just like scanning machines. There is no such talent."

After a pause, Ye Zhi said again: "I asked her, she can draw anyone or anything she has seen."

"Really?" An Jing was very pleasantly surprised, "We will give her a separate test some other day to see how good her talent is in this area."

Ye Zhi smiled and said, "Another day? Why, are you sure she can be a soldier?"

Jing Jing's eyes were full of meaning: "Look, she will definitely be able to persevere. As long as her body allows, she will persevere."

Seeing An Jing like this, Ye Zhi didn't say anything.

At five o'clock, Su Chengyuan finally completed her ten laps. As soon as she finished, she took off the sandbags on her hands and feet, and then angrily shouted at Jing Jing: "Quiet, this princess will definitely be a soldier!" of!"

After shouting, she turned and walked back to the tent where she lived. But because she was too tired and her hands and feet were too sore, she didn't walk fast, but rather slowly. She used to have a lot of momentum, but when she turned around and walked, she lost her momentum.

An Jing and Ye Zhi watched Su Chengyuan leave.

When Su Chengyuan walked away slowly, she should not be able to hear their words, Ye Zhi laughed and said: "Boss, you have provoked her anger, it seems that she is going to fight you to the end."

Jing Jing also smiled: "She really impresses me, but her aptitude is also good, if she can really practice it, it will be a good thing."

Ye Zhi said: "It really impressed me. I thought she would go back to the palace yesterday after she couldn't run fifteen laps, but I didn't expect to persist until now."

Then, the two looked at each other and smiled tacitly, but said nothing more.

At Chen's hour, Zhou Piaopiao completed ten laps and returned to the tent.

Seeing that Yan Xiaohong was crawling slower than Liu Feifei, walking a little bit by one step, Liu Feifei was only one lap away, but Yan Xiaohong was three laps away, An Jing and Ye Zhi walked over.

As soon as Yan Xiaohong saw An Jing and Ye Zhi approaching, she cried and asked An Jing: "Instructor, this is more tiring than me doing farm work at home all day long. I can't walk now, can I just pretend that I have already passed away?" Finished ten laps?"

An Jing was expressionless: "In the military camp, who is not tired of daily drills? What's going on with you now? Do you want to give up?"

Without waiting for Yan Xiaohong to speak, Jing Jing pointed to Liu Feifei who was still crawling not far away, and said, "Look at her, she is the daughter of Boyang Hou, she was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, she has never done any work, isn't she tired? She is so tired that she can only crawl on the ground! She can continue to persevere, but you are physically stronger than her, but you want to give up?"

While crying, Yan Xiaohong choked up and said, "Twenty taels of silver a month, I don't want to give up, but I'm really too tired to walk."

"Then you crawl on the ground too, we will accompany you!" An Jing is the most shameful thing that people say that they can't do it without doing their best. At this moment, she was really on fire.

Yan Xiaohong was stunned.

Jing Jing and Ye Zhi saw Yan Xiaohong like this, and knew that Yan Xiaohong never thought about crawling on the ground like Liu Feifei.

Jing Jing and Ye Zhi didn't speak, they just lay down on both sides of Yan Xiaohong very simply, as if they wanted to climb up with Yan Xiaohong. They want to give Yan Xiaohong a chance, if Yan Xiaohong really can't bear the pain and tiredness, then they can be regarded as the most benevolent.

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