Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1247 I saw you go in before leaving

Jing Jing was talking to Su Haoyu while getting along with the children, and during that time, Su Chengyuan was also mentioned.

Hearing that Su Chengyuan became a soldier by his own ability, Su Haoyu was also very happy.

Time passed little by little, and the sun was setting little by little. When the sun was setting, it was also the time when Jing Jing planned to go back to the barracks with the four little guys.

But when the four little guys heard that An Jing was going to leave, they hugged An Jing's legs with great reluctance and refused to let An Jing go.

Jing Jing is also reluctant to bear the child in her heart, but she has a responsibility on her shoulders now, and she has to go back to the barracks.

"You don't let mother go back. When it's really dark, the road at night is not easy to walk, and it's not safe. What if something happens to mother?"

As soon as Jing Jing said this, the four little guys immediately let go of Jing Jing's legs, and said anxiously in a childish voice: "Mother, hurry up, don't walk at night, don't let your mother have an accident, don't let your mother have an accident. "

An Jing's heart softened even more, and she bent down to hug the four little guys before turning around and leaving.

Xiao Changyi rode a horse to send An Jing back to the camp.

By the time Xiao Changyi delivered An Jing to the gate of the women's barracks, it was already completely dark.

Finally it was An Jing's turn to worry about Xiao Changyi.

"Be careful when you go back." Quiet urged.


"Go back quickly, the children are still waiting for you in the palace."

"Yeah." After a pause, "You go in first, I'll see you go in before leaving."

"Okay." An Jing first tightened the intertwined fingers with Xiao Changyi, and then let go with a smile.

There was a handle at the gate of the barracks. This is a barracks, not a place for two people to flirt, so the two held hands without hugging or anything.

"Be careful on the road." Jing Jing reminded again.


An Jing turned around and entered the camp.

As soon as she entered the gate of the women's barracks, she raised her right hand, waved at Xiao Changyi broadly, and said with a smile, "Sir, go back quickly, anyway, you will come over tomorrow."

"Yeah." Xiao Changyi got on his horse, turned his head to look at An Jing, and then rode away.

Quiet watched Xiao Changyi's figure disappear from sight, then turned around, planning to go to the barracks canteen for dinner, now is the time for dinner in the barracks, but what she didn't expect was that as soon as she turned around, she saw Ye Zhi, and Ye Zhizheng was very playful. look at her.

"What are you doing? Shock me!"

Ye Zhi chuckled twice before saying, "Boss, you watched brother-in-law so intently that you didn't notice when I walked up behind you so loudly. But boss, every time you are with brother-in-law, I will I think you are like being soaked in a honey pot. I am so envious, jealous and hateful, so I came to scare you to see if I can scare you. In the end, you were really scared by me. Haha, I I feel a little more at ease."

Jing Jing squinted: "I knew you were unbalanced as a single dog. Why, you are so idle, Gong Juechen didn't pester you?"

"Don't mention him to me!" Ye Zhi was annoyed, "I managed to avoid him, just in time to see my brother-in-law escorting you back. By the way, you haven't eaten yet, go and eat, I left it for you A little roast lamb at noon."

"Thank you!" An Jing patted Ye Zhi on the shoulder, and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

After dinner, he went back to the tent quietly for a while, and then went to check the ward with Ye Zhi.

Now, all ten recruits have been arranged by Ye Zhi to sleep in a tent.

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