Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1278 This is their ability

As soon as he grabbed the ball, Tuoba Yao kicked Ju hard into the air. Ju was really kicked very high and was almost invisible to the naked eye, but Shi Shi reached the landing point of Ju quickly and accurately.

"Assistant instructor!" Shi Shi called Ye Zhi and kicked Ju towards Ye Zhi at the same time.

Ye Zhi immediately bypassed Li Wuyu who was blocking her, raised her foot and kicked Ju, just in time to send Ju into Feng Liuyan.

"Ah ah ah ah" Now, it was the turn of Ye Zhi's team to cheer.

Du Aya was a little dissatisfied and said to Jingjing: "Instructor, how can anyone kick this ball so high that no one can see it? How can you kick it if you can't even see it?"

Jing Jing said: "There is no rule saying it's not allowed. We can also kick Ju so high, but our team must have someone who can accurately catch Ju and kick it to the team members."

In other words, this is their skill.

Du Aya stopped talking and accepted the fact that Ye Zhi's team also scored a goal.

As soon as Ye Zhi kicked Ju past Feng Liuyan, he came to Jing Jing to show off: "Boss, I scored a goal. What about you? When can you score?"

The quiet moment was both angry and funny.

But Li Wuyu said domineeringly: "You kick Ju like this, right? Then I won't be polite to you anymore. I think Ju is controlled by me, so why are you still kicking like this!"

What people didn't expect was that Li Wuyu really dominated Ju throughout the whole process and didn't let Ju return to the feet of Ye Zhi's team.

"Lie Qi!" Seeing a good opportunity, Li Wuyu kicked Ju towards Lie Qi.

But the bow was too high. According to Lieqi's position, Lieqi's feet couldn't kick it. Lieqi was about to use his head to see if he could push the bow into Fengliu's eyes, but before she could jump up, someone was there. Faster than her.

Duaya jumped up high and used her head to push the ball into Feng Liuyan.

Du Aya was already tall, and the height of her leap was simply beyond what Lie Qi could achieve.

Lie Qi could see that even if she jumped up, she would not be able to push the ball into Feng Liuyan.

As soon as Du Aya pushed Ju into Feng Liuyan, before An Jing and the others could cheer, Du Aya went crazy and ran around the court laughing, shouting happily: "I'm in." The ball! Haha, I scored!"

When Du Aya came back, Jingjing and the others wanted to throw Du Aya up to celebrate, but Du Aya was too strong and heavy. It was a bit difficult for them to run her, so they forgot about it and instead surrounded her. He took Dua Ya and jumped up and down with him as a celebration.

It wasn't until Jing Jing and the others finished celebrating that Ye Zhi asked An Jing Jing, "What's going on with your team? People who don't know how to play Ju are all scoring goals."

Jing Jing smiled and said: "This means that all members of our team cannot be underestimated, and every member is indispensable."

"Yes!" Du Aya and the others immediately agreed.

There is still some time before the game is over. Since there is only one more goal than Ye Zhi's team, Ye Zhi's team may catch up at any time. Therefore, no one in An Jing's team dares to take it lightly.

However, because their team scored one more goal than others, their morale was boosted.

Duaya didn't know if it was because she scored a goal, which gave her a lot of confidence. Anyway, at this moment, Duaya's feet and body were much more flexible than when she started playing Ju.

I saw her, An Jing, and Li Wuyu together. The three of them were either passing the Ju to you, to me, or to her.

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