Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1303 Are you serious about Ye Zhi...?

"Kill?" Gong Juechen smiled, "A good death! It's because of them that Zhizhi became what she is now! They deserve to die! deserve to die!"

Xiao Changyi didn't care what Gong Juechen said, but just asked directly: "Did you do it?"


"Did you let someone do it?"


"In the future, if I find out that you lied to me today, I will definitely beat you up."

"I didn't lie to you." Although Gong Juechen said this, he was also saying in his heart: I'm not afraid of being beaten anyway. If you beat me, beat me. I don't care.

Xiao Changyi didn't say whether he believed Gong Juechen's words or not. He just asked again: "Are you serious about Ye Zhi?"

Gong Juechen gave a rare wry smile and said in a self-deprecating tone: "Do you need me to dig out my heart to show you whether I really like her?"

"No need, you just need to answer yes or no."


Once he heard Gong Juechen say yes, Xiao Changyi said nothing more, turned around and left.

Gong Juechen suddenly smiled playfully, turned his head and shouted excitedly at Xiao Changyi's back: "Hey, Changyi, are you just leaving like this? Don't you want to sit down?"

Xiao Changyi ignored him at all and left without looking back.

When Gong Juechen saw Xiao Changyi walking out of the tent, he lowered his eyelids, and the smile on the monster's face instantly faded.

Her peach-blossom eyes fell on the person on the bed again, and after looking at her deeply for a while, Gong Juechen said in her heart: "Zhizhi, I have avenged you."

"Would you please wake up?" Gong Juechen said this with a pleading tone.

That night, seeing that Ye Zhi's lips were dry again, Gong Juechen quickly got some water to moisturize Ye Zhi's lips.

Ye Zhi's face was still extremely pale.

However, compared with Ye Zhi, whose breathing was weak at the beginning, Ye Zhi's breathing is much stronger now.

But despite this, Gong Juechen was still not at ease at all. Only when his Zhizhi wakes up can he feel relieved.

Taking water to moisten Ye Zhi's lips, Gong Juechen lowered his head and observed Ye Zhi's lips at a close distance to see how moist Ye Zhi's lips were.

At this time, Ye Zhi opened his eyes.

Gong Juechen was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Ye Zhi at close range.

As soon as Ye Zhi saw Gong Juechen, who was so close to her, she asked, "What do you want to do?"

Gong Juechen still looked at her blankly, but he said with a smile, "I want to kiss you."

Ye Zhi raised her hand and slapped Gong Juechen, "I told you to talk nonsense!"

"It hurts!" After being slapped and having five fingerprints on his face, Gong Juechen was very happy, "It turns out it was not a dream! Zhizhi, are you really awake? Thank God! Thank God!"

If it weren't for the fact that Ye Zhi was injured on her back and couldn't be hugged, Gong Juechen would have really wanted to hug Ye Zhi and jump around to express how happy he was that she woke up.

Seeing the dark circles under Gong Juechen's eyes, the five finger prints on Gong Juechen's face, and the way Gong Juechen looked particularly happy for her to wake up, Ye Zhi felt really mixed emotions in her heart.

Ignoring Gong Juechen's happiness, Ye Zhi just asked lightly: "How long have I been sleeping?"

"It's been twenty-three hours." Gong Juechen still looked extremely happy, "Zhizhi, does your wound hurt? I've given you the best medicine and it will heal soon. Don't worry. "

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