Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1305 You are the only one!

In fact, she also found that the clothes she was wearing were wrong, but she was too lazy to worry about it. At most, Gong Juechen would see it all, no big deal.

However, as soon as she endured the pain in her back and stood up a little, Gong Juechen pushed her back down again.

"Zhizhi, what are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to move? Do you still want your wound to heal soon? Your movement may affect the wound on your back and cause it to bleed again!"

Ye Zhi said: "I want to go back to my own tent."

"When you can get out of bed and move around, go back to your tent. You'll stay here with me now."

"how about you?"

"I live here too."

"You've been sharing a tent with me for the past two days?"


""Well, she's not from here anyway, she can ignore these details.

"I have to guard you." Gong Juechen said again. "You haven't woken up all this time. How can I trust you alone?"

Hearing this, Ye Zhi was silent for a moment before saying, "There are many girls who are prettier than me. Don't waste your time on me. I won't like you, and I won't marry you."

Gong Juechen said: "There are many good-looking girls, but none of them are Ye Zhi. I just want Ye Zhi to get married to Ye Zhi."

Ye Zhi immediately laughed: "How many girls have you said this to?"

"You're the only one!"

Ye Zhi just smiled and said nothing, making it clear that she didn't believe Gong Juechen's words.

"Zhizhi" Gong Juechen looked a little sad. He was really sad.

The woman he loved didn't believe him no matter how much he expressed his feelings, and he couldn't bear to hit her or scold her. He really didn't know what to do.

Ye Zhi stopped paying attention to him, lying there and closing her eyes, as if she was about to sleep.

Gong Juechen looked at Ye Zhi with a complicated look for a while, then said: "Zhi Zhi, all the bandits from Bulao Mountain were killed last night."

When Ye Zhi heard this, he opened his eyes instantly, "Who killed him?"

"have no idea."

No one knew anymore, so Ye Zhi stopped asking and closed her eyes again.

But after she closed her eyes, she opened them again, her face smaller than a palm full of weirdness and coyness.

"What's wrong Zhizhi?" Gong Juechen noticed something was wrong and asked worriedly, "Is the wound too painful?"

"No." Ye Zhi looked a little embarrassed. Immediately, he tried to struggle to get up, but was pushed back to the bed by Gong Juechen.

"Zhizhi, please let me beg you, please don't move, your wound will bleed again."

Ye Zhi was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice: "I have something to do, I have to get up and go out for a while."

"What's the matter? Just tell me and I'll do it for you."

"" Ye Zhi remained silent again, then spoke: "You can't do it for me."

"You didn't say anything, how did you know I couldn't do it?"

Ye Zhi closed her eyes and risked her life: "I want to pee!"

Gong Juechen looked at Ye Zhi's face and ears, which were as red as if they were dripping blood. He felt that Ye Zhi was so cute like this. He smiled in his heart, but he said seriously: "Isn't it just to pee? My chamber pot is all wet." It’s ready for you, wait, I’ll get it for you.”

With that said, without waiting for Ye Zhi to stop him, Gong Juechen quickly went to get the chamber pot.

Ye Zhi looked at the chamber pot in Gong Juechen's hand. To be honest, she was very moved. A man brings you a chamber pot, which is really touching, but more importantly, he just wants to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

It's really embarrassing.

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