Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1319 Long Face

After Anjing heard this, she did not immediately ask the soldier Liu Feifei pointed out to come over. Instead, she asked Liu Feifei: "Are you sure?" After a pause, "You only have one chance." She hoped that she would be cautious.

Liu Feifei said very firmly: "It's him! I'm sure!"

Jing Jing nodded, and then asked the soldier who was fingered by Liu Feifei to come over.

Liu Feifei also hurriedly walked to An Jing.

Jing Jing was not in a hurry to let the soldier clean his face. She just asked Liu Feifei: "Tell me, how did you recognize him?"

There is a table beside the school yard, with pens, ink, paper and inkstones on it.

Liu Feifei walked to the table, picked up the brush on the table, dipped ink on the paper to draw the soldier in her memory, and said slowly: "The soldier I saw just now didn't have a very straight nose. The cheekbones are quite distinct, the forehead is not wide, the brow bones are not very protruding, the eyelids are very shallow, the eyes are neither small nor big, but the corners of the eyes are slightly upward. "

"She is about a head taller than me, her ears are a little wavy, her neck is slightly protruding forward, her shoulders are not that broad, but her lower jaw is a bit fat." At this point, Liu Feifei has already finished the drawing. "That's it."

Liu Feifei showed the painting to Jing Jing.

"And this soldier," Liu Feifei pointed at the soldier she identified, "is like this."

To be honest, the portraits of Liu Feifei's characters are really similar, and the lines are drawn very accurately. They are exactly the same as the facial features of the soldier in An Jing's and their impressions.

Jing Jing then asked the identified soldier to wash the dirt off his face in front of them.

And once it was washed away, it was indeed the person An Jing asked Liu Feifei to find, who looked exactly like the person in the portrait.

"This" Qi Tengfei exclaimed, "I didn't expect that Miss Liu has such an ability, she is really a genius."

Others were also amazed.

Jing Jing was also amazed that Liu Feifei's ability to recognize people was really very powerful.

She specifically asked her husband-in-law to ask Qi Tengfei to find a very ordinary soldier for Liu Feifei.

The more common they are, the more likely they are to be caught in the crowd. Finding them out in this way is really the best thing.

And Liu Feifei is so capable in this regard.

Moreover, Jing Jing also discovered that this Liu Feifei seemed to recognize a person not by his appearance, but by the person's bones. She knew the person's bones. No matter how he dressed up, she could recognize him. .

The formation was so large that five thousand soldiers were used. Soon, Liu Feifei's special ability to recognize people spread among the army.

Soon, the news reached Su Chengyu’s ears.

The next morning, in the main hall, Su Chengyu talked about this matter and said it was a strange thing.

Boyang Hou stood under the jade steps and listened to the emperor Su Chengyu talking about his daughter Liu Feifei in front of all the civil and military officials. He felt that his face was particularly bright.

Originally, he didn't want his daughter to become a soldier at all, but now that she has become a soldier, even if he is not happy, he can only accept it.

Now that his daughter has given him face, he naturally doesn't mind so much about his daughter becoming a soldier and making him unhappy.

Jing Jing and Ye Zhi had already tested Liu Feifei, and knowing that Liu Feifei was really good at recognizing people, they were completely confident, so they stopped thinking about it and continued training.

Instead of letting the new recruits practice physical fitness all day long, Jing Jing and Ye Zhi are going to teach the new recruits some skills.

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