Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1322 They can’t accept it even if they want to!

Baoqin said generously: "Before we came to the military camp, we agreed that if possible, we would learn bow and arrow together. We have seen people hunting before, and we are really interested in bow and arrow."

The four of them only knew a little bit about boxing and kicking, and were not very familiar with any weapons, but the only thing that interested them was bows and arrows.

Jing Jing nodded, and immediately asked someone to get a bow and arrow.

After Lie Qi and the others had bows and arrows, Jing Jing said again: "The purpose of learning bows and arrows is to hit the target. Since you have chosen bows and arrows, you must practice diligently every day and strive to hit the target with perfect accuracy."

When Lie Qi and the others received the bow and arrow, they treated it like a treasure. They cherished it very much and hugged it. As soon as An Jing finished speaking, they immediately said: "Don't worry, instructor, we will practice diligently every day!"

Baoqin, Lieqi, Tingshu, and Shihua have always been down-to-earth and serious. Jingjing still believes that they will practice diligently.

The four people who played piano, chess, calligraphy and painting chose bows and arrows, Tuoba Yao, Shi Shi, Li Wuyu, and Liu Feifei chose swords, Du Aya chose double axes, and Su Chengyuan chose whips.

If they wanted to learn modern pistols, guns, etc., Ye Zhi might still be able to help, but now Ye Zhi can't use bows, arrows, swords, axes, or whips, so naturally he can't teach ten recruits.

Therefore, Ye Zhi and An Jing agreed that Ye Zhi would be responsible for teaching ten female soldiers close combat, and An Jing would be responsible for the rest.

The Quiet Sword is quite good. It might be okay to teach Li Wuyu and Liu Feifei, but it would be a bit difficult for her to teach Tuobayao and Shi Shi who are already good with swords.

And bows and arrows are not weapons. She is not familiar with whips and axes at all. She is even less familiar with them.

So, naturally, she had to ask her husband-in-law for everything!

But this is good, her husband no longer just comes to visit from time to time, but trains with her and can be with her all day long.

Xiao Changyi had no objection to helping An Jing train these new recruits, and was quite happy.

Xiao Changyi thought the same as Jing Jing, thinking that this way he could spend more time with his wife. Even if there were a lot of light bulbs stuck between him and his wife, it was still better than before when his wife was training soldiers and he always listened to Liu Buli's reports in the Wolf Camp.

Back then, in the military camp, Xiao Changyi learned a lot because of Su Haoyu's appreciation and preference.

And Xiao Changyi has always learned things quickly, especially in martial arts. When some generals gave Xiao Changyi instructions, they were shocked by Xiao Changyi. It was really that Xiao Changyi learned too fast and he learned too well. .

This is why people in the military camp are particularly impressed by Xiao Changyi.

It doesn’t matter that you are good at fighting, or that you are a decent person, but you are still that good at it? They have never met an opponent in the army and they can't even think of dissatisfaction!

The generals who gave Xiao Changyi guidance at the beginning all used different weapons, so in the end, Xiao Changyi was proficient in almost all kinds of weapons.

It is precisely because he is proficient in various weapons that Xiao Changyi knows the advantages and disadvantages of various weapons. Therefore, every time he fights with an enemy general, Xiao Changyi can always quickly find out the enemy general's shortcomings and defeat the enemy. general.

Now it's just a matter of teaching female soldiers, which is not difficult for Xiao Changyi.

The difficult thing is to see if he has the patience to teach.

Thinking of Xiao Changyi's patience, Jing Jing couldn't help but speak: "Ms. sir, I am really serious about training these female soldiers. If they learn slowly, they will not be able to learn well in a while, so you can't be impatient. "

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