Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1329 I’m not polite to you

Gong Juechen quickly grabbed her, "Zhizhi, it doesn't matter if you are angry with me. You can hit me and scold me, but can you use this ointment? This ointment can really make your scars lighter."

As he spoke, Gong Juechen looked pitiful and his voice was particularly pitiful: "I've been thinking about this scar removal issue ever since you were injured. It's been more than three months. Even if you hate me, you still can't. You can’t make fun of yourself.”

Ye Zhi was speechless. Why was she making fun of her body if she didn't remove the scar? Whether the scar is removed or not has no impact on her body!

But Ye Zhi still collected the ointment and put it in her arms.

Immediately, Ye Zhi continued walking forward without speaking to Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen stopped pulling her or chasing her. He just stood there and shouted happily to Ye Zhi: "Zhizhi, you must apply it. You have to apply it every day. Don't forget it. You can't forget it either." It doesn’t matter, I will remind you every day and let you apply it.”

Ye Zhi paused when she heard that she would be reminded every day, but it was only a pause, and then she continued walking forward.

She was really annoyed by Gong Juechen.

But she had to admit that Gong Juechen's concern for her would make her heart warm.

At this moment, she felt a little warm in her heart.

Gong Juechen watched Ye Zhi disappear from his sight before returning to his military doctor's tent and picking up another bottle of ointment on the table. Gong Juechen went to find Meng Zhuqing.

"This is it." Meng Zhuqing looked at the medicine that Gong Juechen forced into his hand, and his mood was a little complicated.

"It's the medicine I asked you to try before, but you didn't want to try it, so I asked someone to try it. The effect was okay, and those people were fine. You can apply it on your face with confidence now."

Hearing this, Meng Zhuqing felt even more complicated.

"Since there is medicine that can make the scar on your face lighter, you can't be stupid and refuse to wipe it off now. I won't be polite to you. Give me 600 taels and I'll give you the medicine." It cost him six hundred taels to find someone to test the medicine.

Meng Zhuqing didn't think there was anything wrong with Gong Juechen asking for money, and quickly gave Gong Juechen 600 taels of silver notes.

Gong Juechen accepted the money with a smile on his face and left with a smile on his face.

Meng Zhuqing was left in a daze looking at the medicine in her hand.

During the month when Gong Juechen found someone to test the medicine, Anjing not only arranged for ten female soldiers to learn from Xiao Changyi how to better use the weapons in their hands, but also arranged for Ye Zhi to teach ten female soldiers how to fight in close combat, and even , Anjing herself went into battle herself, fought with female soldiers, and taught female soldiers who couldn't ride horses how to ride horses.

What Jing Jing didn't expect was that Liu Feifei looked so weak, but she was actually a horseback rider.

There are only five people who can't ride a horse: Du Aya, Bao Qin, Lie Qi, Ting Shu and Pick Up Paintings.

It was mid-May when the five learned to ride.

Thanks to Gong Juechen's scar removal cream, the color of the scars on Meng Zhuqing's face faded a lot in mid-May. Also because the color has faded a lot, the scars on his face no longer look as ferocious and terrifying as before.

However, Meng Zhuqing still wears a mask when he goes out, and he will only take it off when he is alone with Tuoba Yao. Tuoba Yao didn't like him facing her with a mask on.

In mid-May, the ten female soldiers all mastered the close combat skills very well.

As for the weapons they hold, the ten female soldiers have made great progress.

Especially Li Wuyu, Du Aya, and Su Chengyuan have made particularly obvious progress.

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