Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1377 He, okay

Quietly said: "Not many people know about this, not even the sex."

Then, An Jing briefly talked about why Gong Juechen and Gong Juese were members of the royal family but they were living outside.

Including the fact that Gong Juese didn't know her life experience, Jing Jing also told Ye Zhi.

"I used to think it was unnecessary to tell you about this matter. Now that you have asked, I will tell you. And you are so tight-lipped, I believe you will not leak this matter. Especially Se Se Na, you Pay special attention. Gong Juechen hides all this because of his younger sister, Se Se, and wants Se Se to live so innocently and happily all this time."

Although An Jing just said it briefly, Ye Zhi felt very complicated when she heard it.

She has always known that Gong Juechen and Gong Juese have a good relationship with brother and sister, and that Gong Juechen especially dotes on Gong Juese's younger sister, but she never thought that what she knew was only the tip of the iceberg.

It is impossible for ordinary people to imagine what Gong Juechen has done behind the scenes to protect this younger sister, Gong Juese, so purely and innocently.

"He is a good brother." Ye Zhi said sincerely.

Quietly sighed: "Didn't I tell you before that he is not bad, but he owes a little. However, he is used to his mouth. He used to use his mouth to cover up the sadness in his heart. Then At that time, he thought that his biological father wanted to kill him, and he didn't want to let the color know, so he endured all this in silence. He was really suffering. But after a long time, he really got used to it. , To be honest, I think, he probably won't be able to change it in his life."

Ye Zhi nodded in agreement. She also felt that he could never change in his life.

"He was supposed to wear sackcloth and mourning for his father," An Jing said again, "but now he is Gong Juechen, not Su Chenglin, so there's no way he can do that. It's not that he doesn't want to recognize his father, but there are too many things involved He didn't admit it for the good of everyone. But now that his father is dead, he can't even attend his father's funeral. Do you think he feels uncomfortable?"

Ye Zhi felt even more uncomfortable. It's okay not to know these things, the more she knows, the more she really sympathizes with Gong Juechen.

I feel so pitiful for Gong Juechen.

His sister didn't know anything and was happy every day, and he was the only one who endured all this silently.

"You've known him for so long, and you should be able to tell what kind of person he is, so I won't say much. Well, I'm going to the barracks next door to find my husband. I'll go see him How is the order of the soldiers?" An Jing went to the wolf camp after speaking.

Ye Zhi was left alone and stood there for a long time.

At noon, Ye Zhi took the food and went to the military doctor's tent to feed Gong Juechen.

During this time, she has been doing this.

You can't let Gong Juechen starve to death. She thought so before, but now, she has a lot more sympathy in her heart.

But when Ye Zhi entered Gong Juechen's tent, he found that Gong Juechen had already eaten in the tent, and when he saw her, Gong Juechen came over with a playful smile: "Zhizhi, you are here!"

Ye Zhi was in a daze, a little unresponsive, Gong Juechen suddenly recovered, and he was the same as before.

"I knew you would come, you care about me so much." Gong Juechen said with a playful smile, while pulling Ye Zhi to sit down at the table, and took the food from Ye Zhi's hand and put it on the table "You probably haven't eaten yet, let's eat together."

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