Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1384 Waiting for your triumphant return

"You are Xiyun soldiers. You should be of one mind with me and defeat Chilin to avenge the Supreme Emperor and avenge the country's humiliation."

All the soldiers immediately shouted: "Tread down the Chilin! Tread down the Chilin! Tread down the Chilin! Avenge the Supreme Emperor and avenge the country's shame!"

Su Chengyu then took the wine handed to him by the eunuch and held it up high: "I am here today to bid farewell to all the soldiers. I hope that all the soldiers will step on the red lin and return in triumph."

After all the soldiers had more wine in their hands, Su Chengyu drank the wine in his hands. After drinking, he smashed the wine bowl heavily.

The soldiers also drank the wine from the bowl and smashed the bowl heavily. Everyone looked like they would give up on me.

Seeing that everyone had smashed their wine bowls, Su Chengyu turned around and said to Xiao Changyi: "I am here in the imperial city, waiting for your triumphant return."

Xiao Changyi immediately clasped his fists and said, "I am determined to defeat Chi Lin and return in triumph."

The soldiers below the city tower shouted again: "Tread down the Chilin! Flatten the Chilin! Flatten the Chilin!"

The shouts were louder than the waves, resounding throughout the world, majestic and endless.

When everyone's voices stopped, Su Chengyu said even more solemnly and loudly: "Tread down the red lin and return in triumph!"

As soon as Su Chengyu finished speaking, the drums started to sound. The drums were extremely loud and powerful. It was like beating on everyone's hearts. Everyone felt heavy and tragic, and their morale was shaken.

Everyone shouted: "Tamp down the red lin, and return in triumph! Tread down the red lin, and return in triumph!"

The crowd's voices were mixed with the sound of huge drums, as if they were going to shatter the mountains and rivers.

Xiao Changyi just shouted, and gave the emperor Su Chengyu another heavy fist. Then he turned around and walked quickly down the tower, riding Zhuri, and out of the city gate.

Jing Jing rode on Ta Xue and followed Xiao Changyi.

As soon as Xiao Changyi rode Zhuri to the city gate, he raised his hand, and the voices of the soldiers suddenly stopped and they all looked at Xiao Changyi.

I could only hear Xiao Changyi saying in a loud and upright voice: "I am Su Changyi, the general who killed Lin. I have been ordered to lead all the soldiers to conquer Chilin. All the soldiers obey the order."

When asking the soldiers to obey the order, Xiao Changyi held up the tiger talisman with one hand.

"Yes!" The soldiers immediately responded loudly, and their voices were as powerful as the Tianhe Waterfall.

Xiao Changyi then continued: "Immediately go with this general to conquer Xilin. If we don't conquer Xilin, we will not return!"

"We will not return until the Western Lin is conquered! We will not return until the Western Lin is conquered! We will not return unless the Western Lin is conquered." The soldiers screamed and roared angrily.

Xiao Changyi rode majestically and tragically to the front of the 150,000 soldiers amidst the shouts and roars of the soldiers, and then led the 150,000 soldiers to march towards Chilin step by step.

After leaving, no matter how many years it takes to come back, everyone has only one belief, to defeat Chilin! Flatten Chilin!

Su Chengyu stood on top of the city tower, and the civil and military officials stood below the city tower. They watched Xiao Changyi slowly disappear from sight with an army of 150,000 people. Everyone was extremely shocked.

Until now, only Xiao Changyi, Prince Yi, could raise the morale of the soldiers to the highest level.

The eyes of the people in the Imperial Capital were red. I hope that with Xiao Changyi's departure, he can really defeat Chilin, wash away Xiyun's national humiliation, and shake up Xiyun's national prestige.

Su Chengyu's eyes were also a little red. Not only were the 400,000 soldiers gone, but also his relatives Xiao Changyi, Jing Jing, Su Chengyuan, Gong Juechen, and Gong Juese.

He didn't want to lose a single soldier, nor did he want to lose another relative.


You can really make a triumphant return.

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